von BK-Nils | 20.04.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Historisch

Tanks in Manchuria: Neuer Kickstarter

Bereits zum zweiten Mal starten Trenchworx eine Kickstarter-Kampagne um historische Panzer zu finanzieren, dieses Mal geht es in die Mandchurai.

Trench Worx_Tanks in Mandchuria Kickstarter Kampagne 1

High quality resin vehicles in 28mm (1/56 scale) for table top war gaming.

About this project

Welcome to the “Tanks in Manchuria (1932-45) in 28mm by Trenchworx” Kickstarter Project!

In 2014, Trenchworx successfully completed our first Kickstarter Project, Tanks of WWI, which raised more than $20,000 and supplied nearly 1,000 highly detailed resin models to 170 backers around the globe. With our new project, Tanks in Manchuria (1932-45), we are looking to expand our existing range of Japanese and Soviet vehicles used prior to and during World War Two in the border conflicts around Manchuria from 1932-1945.

Why the Manchurian Conflict?

A few models from this time period have been available on our website as 3D prints for the past several years. Our Japanese Type 92 Armored Car has been a hot seller since before we had a website. The goal of this Kickstarter project is to convert these existing models, as well as new designs, into resin models for mass production.

What will you get?

If funded, we will begin by offering four tanks used in Manchuria throughout the 1930s, with two tanks from each side of the conflict. As funding progresses and Stretch Goals are met, the scope of models available will increase, allowing even more options for each pledge. Of course, we have some great freebies planned for you as well.

Choose from:


  • T-26 Light Tank
  • BT-7 Fast Tank
  • T-26 Model 1933 [available at $9,500]
  • T-38 Tankette [available at $12,500]
  • OT-26 Flame Tank [available at $15,500]
  • T-34 / 76 [available at $20,000]
  • GAZ AAA Truck [available at $32,000]
  • GAZ AAA Quad Maxim [available at $44,000]

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  • Type 92 Jyu-Sokosha
  • Type 97 Chi Ha
  • Type 79 Ko Gata
  • Type 89 Yi Go
  • Type 94 Tankette [available at $14,000]
  • Type 95 Ha Go [available at $17,000]
  • Isuzu Truck [available at $38,000]
  • Type 97 Shinhoto Chi Ha [available at $50,000]

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Pledge Levels

For this project, we’ve decided to keep pledge levels simple by offering a pledge by quantity system that allows you to pledge for the number of tanks that you want—all at the same price. The individual price per model will decrease as the quantity you order increases, so higher pledge amounts will get you more for your buck. This system alleviates the need for “add on” pledges unless you want 11-19 or 21+ models (in which case we are more than happy to accommodate).

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Stretch Goals & Bonuses

Each Stretch Goal achieved will either make a new vehicle design Available to choose from or unlock a Bonus perk. To make things simple (see a trend here?), we’ve decided that the level at which you pledge will determine the quantity of free Bonus rewards you receive.

  • 1-2 tanks – Coasters Only.
  • 3-9 tanks – 1x of each Stretch Goal Bonus
  • 10-19 tanks – 2x of each Stretch Goal Bonus
  • 20+ tanks – 3x of each Stretch Goal Bonus

Please note that the free rewards apply only to the Stretch Goals marked as a BONUS.

  • Coasters [Bonus]
  • Objective Markers [Bonus at $8,000]
  • Damage Tracker [Bonus at $11,000]
  • Japanese Tank Commander [Bonus at $18,500]
  • Soviet Tank Commander [Bonus at $23,000]
  • Free Tankette (choice of T-38 or Type 94) [Bonus at $26,000]

Japanese – Type 79 Ko-Gata [Available]

During the initial stages of conflict, the Japanese used WWI era tanks that were purchased from France and England. These were successful at the time, since the Chinese forces they were fighting didn’t have tanks of their own.

This FT-17 variant will be equipped with Japanese MG and 37mm infantry gun options.

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If this stretch goal is unlocked, we will have small parts (such as gun barrels) cast in metal.

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Japanese – Type 89 Yi-Go [Available]

Armed with a 57mm cannon for infantry support, the Yi-Go was used in the Japanese Army from 1932-42. Although effective during the invasion of Manchuria, the Yi-Go was outmatched by Soviet armor at Khalkhin Gol.

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Coasters! [BONUS]

Keep your gaming table moisture free with stylish Trenchworx coasters. We offered coasters in our first Kickstarter project and they were very well received, so we’re doing it again!

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Objective Markers! [BONUS at $8,000]

A set of tokens used for marking places of importance on the tabletop. Choose from Soviet or Japanese themes. The designs are being worked on and will be shown in a future update

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Soviet – T-26 Model 1931 [Available at $9,500]

This early production model T-26 has twin turrets armed with DT tank machine guns.

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Damage Tracker! [BONUS at $11,000]

A handy way to track wounds on units or damage on vehicles. The designs are being worked on and will be shown in a future update.

Trench Worx_Tanks in Mandchuria Kickstarter Kampagne 13

Soviet – T-38 Tankette [Available at $12,500]

Ok… so this tank might not have been involved in the conflict around Manchuria, but we already have the model designed and we needed an excuse to convert it to resin. Plus, if we reach $26k, pledges with Bonus rewards can get one for free!

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Japanese – Type 94 Tankette [Available at $14,000]

The Type 94 was the most numerous tankette in the Japanese Army. Built with a reconnaissance role in mind, the Type 94 was often used for infantry support and supply transport. At $26k this becomes a free option for Bonus rewards!

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Soviet – OT-26 [Available at $15,500]

The OT-26 (or KhT-26) was flame thrower tank based on the twin turret design of the T-26 1931.

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Japanese – Type 95 Ha-Go [Available at $17,000]

The Type 95 was a light tank armed with a 37mm gun and two light machine guns.

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Japanese Tank Commander! [BONUS at $18,500]

Each pledge with Bonus rewards will receive a Japanese tank commander figure.

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Soviet – T-34 / 76 [Available at $20,000]

In 1945 the Soviets launched an attack into Manchuria after the expiration of the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact.

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Soviet Tank Commander! [BONUS at $23,000]

Each pledge with Bonus rewards will receive a Soviet tank commander figure.

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Free Tankette! [BONUS at $26,000]

If we reach this goal, pledges with Bonus rewards will be able to chose either a Soviet T-38 or Japanese Type 94 tankette for FREE!

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Soviet – GAZ AAA Truck [Available at $32,000]

Trucks are the workhorse vehicle of every army.

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Japanese – Isuzu Truck [Available at $38,000]

Trucks are the workhorse vehicle of every army.

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Soviet GAZ AAA with Quad Maxim [Available at $44,000]

This truck is armed with a Quad Maxim machine-gun to protect your troops from enemy aircraft. Its not too bad against infantry either.

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Japanese – Type 97 Shinhoto Chi Ha [Available at $50,000]

This improved version of the Chi Ha tank was armed with a high-velocity 47mm gun.

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But that’s not all. Should we go beyond the $50,000 level, we have even more models and bonuses planned to take us even further.

Die Kampagne steht aktuell schon bei 8.293,00 USD, der Zielbetrag lag bei 3.000,00 USD und sie läuft noch 23 Tage.

Link: Tanks in Manchuria Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die Idee ist ja nicht schlecht. Die bekannteren „Standardpanzer“ gibt es zwar schon zum Teil bei Warlord Games, aber gerade die lokalen Spezialpanzer wird man sicher erstmal nur über den kickstarter hier bekommen…

    • Jain. Zumindest bei den Japanern bekommt man fast alle der Sachen von Company B. Ich hoffe jedoch hier mal auf Versionen in vernünftigem Guss.

  • Dürfte soweit ich weiß der erste Typ 92 im Tabletopmaßstab überhaupt sein.
    Jetzt noch ein Chiyoda Armored Car und für die Russen einen T-18 und die Sache wäre perfekt :).

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