von BK-Christian | 14.09.2015 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Sword & Sorcery: Neues Preview

Es gibt weitere Infos zu Sword & Sorcery.



Sword & Sorcery is played over a variable number of rounds, indicated in each quest. Each round is subdivided into several phases and sub-phases:

Time Phase

During this phase, several small but important things happen: effects cleanup, powers refresh and „cooldown“, and the heroes‘ souls can be enhanced – and dead heroes can resurrect!

Battle Phase

This is the main phase of a round. During this phase, you will activate the heroes, one by one (decided by players). After the turn of each hero, you will activate enemies.

In his turn, each hero will always be able to do one Movement activity, and a variable number of Combat and Action activities, depending on his or her soul rank and class.

During the Enemy turn, if there is at least one enemy in play, you will draw one Encounter card to verify which enemies are activated (based on multiple conditions), and resolve their activation using their A.I. otherwise nothing happens!

Event Phase

After all heroes take their turn, and the activation of the enemies is over, the Event phase begins.

If there is not an active Event card on top of the Event deck, you will draw a new card and resolve its effect. Lots of different things may happen- some of them represent unexpected difficulties, other ones can be beneficial to the heroes.

This is also the phase when you check if the Quest is completed… with victory, or defeat!

Are you ready to become a Legend ?


Body conditions are particular effects that impact the hero in different ways. When a hero suffers a body condition, place the matching token on the hero card and apply the effects.

A hero can suffer more than one body condition at the same time but cannot suffer the same condition twice. If this happens, the second condition is discarded and the hero immediately suffers 1 wound.

The First Body Condition we will encounter is POISONED!

When a hero suffers a poison I or II effect, he becomes poisoned and immediately places a poison I or II token matching his condition on his hero card.
While the poison condition lasts, he must do the following in each time phase:
• Suffer an amount of wounds equal to the poison effect (1 or 2).
• Attempt a SAVE roll. If the SAVE is successful, discard the poison token.

A Save is the roll of a single blue die used to determine whether some magic, poison, traps, or other effects succeeds against the hero.
This represents the hero’s ability to avoid or resist the threat, either by dodging a trap or resisting the effects of poison.

Each time the game requires a save (usually with the words “Unless Save”), roll a blue die for the hero to achieve the result indicated on his hero card to successfully make a save („Hit“ for Shae the rogue).


The Second Body Condition is K.O.!

A KOed hero has limited capabilities. While in this condition, he must follow these rules:
• He cannot perform Combat activities.
• He must ignore the Armor value of his armor card.
• He does not count for controlling/dominating his area.
• To move, he must first remove the K.O. condition by using a dash action or with the first movement point of his movement activity.
• Once the K.O. condition is removed the turn can continue normally.

A KOed hero is represented on the map by laying the relevant figure on its side. Stand the figure up, once the condition is removed.

Exactly like the heroes, a KOed enemy is represented by laying the figure down. It cannot use its Armor value and does not count for controlling/dominating the area.
The enemy remains KOed until it is activated. When this happens, as the first step of its activation, it automatically recovers from K.O.; stand the figure and act as normal.

Quelle: Sword & Sorcery bei Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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