von BK-Christian | 09.09.2015 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Sword & Sorcery: Neue Previews

Es gibt mal wieder Vorschaubilder zu Sword & Sorcery.

Sword_Sorcery_Preview_Undead_Lord_1 Sword_Sorcery_Preview_Undead_Lord_2

The pure Evil has no name, but you recognize it because when it comes, the air is filled with the chilled void of the Death!
The Undead Lord Master Enemy…

This is the third KS content (not included in the retail version of S&S Immortal Souls) offered to all S&S Backers since the first day of the campaign!


Hail stranger, now you know all basic aspects about the heroes and their legendary past… it’s time to cast the recall spell and begin the most epic adventure!
Here is an example of Thorgar the Cleric at SoulRank III, heroes customisation is one of the most important feature of Sword & Sorcery!
Sharp your weapons and cast your spells because tomorrow we will unveil the most ancient and evil creature even seen…



Powers are the quintessential hero abilities. There are 3 types of powers in Sword & Sorcery:

• Innate Powers. One or more special abilities, printed on each hero card
• Standard Powers. A deck of cards representing physical and magical abilities dedicated to each hero. Some cards may be related to a specific soul nature.
• Talent Powers. A deck of cards representing generic abilities any hero can acquire when the soul gem shows the “*” symbol near the number related to the powers.

Each hero begins his adventure with at least one innate power and a number of powers indicated by the soul gem, based on Soulrank. During quests, heroes will gain additional power cards by increasing their Soulrank or by acquiring mystical items.

Another innovative feature of the game system is the COOLDOWN mechanic. Most powers have a variable intensity, and the player can choose whether to activate the power at a low intensity, recovering it sooner, or with full strength, recovering it later. Normally, the higher levels of a power become available when the hero increases his Soulrank, expanding the arsenal of experienced characters with little added complexity.

Depending on the power level you decide to use, you may need one to four rounds to refresh your power. This is nicely handled by the power cards themselves, as you flip them face down when they are used, and rotate them during the cooldown step at the end of each round, using the hourglasses on the back to mark the passage the time.

With more than 50 different powers (most of them with different strength levels), Sword & Sorcery grants an incredible flexibility for the heroes customization!

*PROTOTYPE material, does not represent the final quality of the product.

Quelle: Sword & Sorcery bei Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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      • In Resin oder Zinn ja, aber nicht in PVC.
        Gilt leider für die ganze Serie dieses Herstellers, die Render sind mal super-top, aber die Umsetzung in PVC-Figuren wird leider viel der Render-Details verschlucken….wenn es einen Resin-Pledge gibt, würde dieser KS aber schmerzhaft teuer werden 😉

  • Es ist hält ein Brettspiel. Das selbe wie zombicide. Leider in der Qualität der Master nicht realistisch umzusetzen.

  • Skeletor, mein guter, alter Freund. wir haben uns ja ewig nicht gesehen.. *schnief* 😉
    also DEN würde ich später glatt noch einzeln kaufen, auch wenn mich die wurzelauswüchse jetzt schon was stören.. aber dafür gibts ja messer/feilen.. 😉

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