von BK-Mark | 12.11.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Stefan Niehues: IPP Tutorial Orc bei Kickstarter

Erinnert sich noch jemand an die Ideenschmiede Paul&Paul? Für Fans und Modellier-Interessierte hat Stefan Niehues nun gerade eine Kickstarter-Kampagne ins Leben gerufen.


Get your orc from the „IPP orc tutorial“ …

In the year 2003 I have sculpted an orc miniature in approx. 90mm scale based on an Illustration drwan by Ralf Paul form Ideenschmiede Paul&Paul. I have done around 500 pictures of this process. I have uploaded this to the internet. Over time the provider changed and the pictured disappeared from my webspace. Some weeks ago I have uploaded some old work of mine to my facebook page. There also was a picture of the orc. So it happens that  12 years after I had sculpted the orc, I was asked if we still have the orc  from the „legandary orc tutorial“. I did not know that it was legendary, but I have uploaded all the pictures back to my facebook page (LINK). I got many reactions, so I decided to give you all a chance to get this miniature. Now it’s on you to make the production possible. If this kickstarter is successful , I will make a video tutorial for free and you will get the miniatuire on top…. Enjoy sculpting, Stefan Niehues Ellermann

Die Anzahl der Pledges ist sehr überschaubar:

Pledge €5 or more

If you like the free, „How to sculpt the IPP orc“ Tutorial – A big THANK YOU for your support…

Pledge €40 or more

You will get a high quality resin cast of the orc and miniature shown in the tutorial.

Pledge €62 or more

Orctwins, You will get two high quality resin cast of the orc and miniature shown in the tutorial.

Die Kampagne steht aktuell bei 182 Euro von insgesamt benötigten 1.540 Euro und läuft noch weitere 27 Tage.

Quelle: IPP Orc Tutorial

Link: BeesPutty


Passionierter Maler und Hobby-Veteran aus den bunten 90ern. Neben 40K, der ersten großen Liebe, heutzutage Infinity-begeistert und Teilzeit X-Wing-Pilot, der die Hobby-Aspekte oftmals dem Spielen vorzieht.

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