von BK-Christian | 07.01.2015 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Soda Pop: Takoashi University

Soda Pop weiten ihr Sortoiment für die Takoashi University aus.

Zum einen gibt es ein neues Kartenspiel:

Karate Fight

Welcome young one to Takoashi University.

Within these glorious halls you and your fellow students are provided with the highest education in all of Japan. But Takoashi does not just educate your mind. No. You are also taught to become mighty warriors, for the world is a dangerous place of aliens, spirits, and foul demons.

Here you will be taught the ancient ways of Karate. You will learn how to defend yourself, how to strike, and how to move with the speed of thought. You will learn to become: Karate Masters.

Karate Fight is a speed matching card game in the tradition of classic games such as Slapjack, Egyptian Ratscrew, and Snip Snap Snorem. Easy to learn and quick to play, Karate Fight is the perfect game when you and your friends need a fast and furious challenge.

  • Contents: 54 Fully Illustrated Cards
  • Recommended Players: 2 – 4
  • Game Time: 20 minutes

Außerdem gibt es vier Modelle aus Metall:

Takoashi Dodge Ball Takoashi School Band Takoashi Study Hall Takoashi Tough Cookie Club

Die Modelle kosten jeweils 12,95 Dollar.

Außerdem gibt es ein Bundle mit Allen modellen, Karate Fight, Tentacle Bento und Zubehör.

Soda Pop Takoashi Miniaturen Banner 1

Takoashi University is Back in Session

Introducing the Takoashi University, Back to School bundle! From now until January 20th, Soda Pop Miniatures and Ninja Division Publishing are offering this special Takoashi University fan bundle to celebrate the launch of Karate Fight!

Karate Fight: This fast playing, fist-flying game puts you in the middle of the epic martial arts battles between the students of Takoashi university. Karate Fight is a speed matching card game in the tradition of classic games such as Slapjack, Egyptian Ratscrew, and Snip Snap Snorem. Easy to learn and quick to play, Karate Fight is the perfect game when you and your friends need a fast and furious challenge. Download the Rules!

Tentacle Bento: Having sold out of our original print run, this newly printed edition is ready to take the tabletop and introduce you to the students of Takoashi University. Tentacle Bento is a tongue-in-cheek game that pits you against your fellow players in a contest to see which conniving alien can catch the most students before the school year ends. Download the Rules!

Tentacle Bento Holofoil Cards: 19 Holofoil cards featuring new characters and events for you games of Tentacle Bento.

Tentacle Bento Box: Perfect for packing a delicious lunch or for storing your cards.

Takoashi University Miniature Set 1: Bringing Takoashi University back to our roots, Soda Pop introduces the first in a series of wonderful new sculpts celebrating our favorite characters from the Takoashi University games. Sculpted with amazing detail to capture the personality and fun of Takoashi University, these miniatures are a must for any fan. Includes: Tough Cookie Club, Dodge Ball, Study Hall, and School Band miniatures. Each miniature also includes a unique Tentacle Bento, Extra Credit game card!

While Supplies Last: Every purchase of the Back to School bundle will receive two Ninja Division Headbands and a Takoashi University 8×10 poster!

The Back to School Bundle is only available until January 20th so don’t miss out on your chance to enroll!

Das Set kostet 95,95 Dollar und ist nur im Januar erhältlich.

Quelle: Soda Pop Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Bisschen ungünstiger Zeitpunkt nach dem ehrlichen Relic Knights Review durch euch. 😉
    Aber immerhin: Metalminis.

    Ich kann nur hoffen, das Soda Pop sich vom Restic verabschiedet hat.

    • Die Metallminis sind nur weil’s ne Kleinserie für Sammler ist die sie im eigenen Haus produzieren, die Massenware wird weiterhin in China produziert 🙁

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