von BK-Nils | 24.12.2015 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Shadow Sea: Neue Vorbestellungen

Bei Antimatter Games gibt es einen Schwung neuer Modelle der Draconid Legion zum vorbestellen.

Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Jade Salamander 1 Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Jade Salamander 2 Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Jade Salamander 3 Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Jade Salamander 4

Draconid Legion Jade Salamander – 29,99 USD

Height: 60 mm foot to top of head
Base: 50 mm
Sculpted by: E. Louchard
Painted by:
Casting: Resin

Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Kalath the Reaver 1 Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Kalath the Reaver 2 Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Kalath the Reaver 3 Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Kalath the Reaver 4

Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Kalath the Reaver 5 Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Kalath the Reaver 6 Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Kalath the Reaver 7 Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Kalath the Reaver 8

Draconid Legion Kalath the Reaver – 59,99 USD

Height: Dino 150 mm long, rider 50mm from foot to top of head
Base: 80mm x 55mm custom resin
Sculpted by: E. Louchard
Painted by:
Casting: Resin

Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Albaxus Flametongue 1 Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Albaxus Flametongue 2

Draconid Legion Albaxus Flametongue – 32,99 USD

Height: 60mm from foot to top of head
Base: 50mm round plastic
Sculpted by: Celestino Angiolilli
Painted by:
Casting: Resin

Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Draconid Scout 1 Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Draconid Scout 2

Draconid Legion Draconid Scout – 14,99 USD

Height: 35mm foot to top of head
Base: 30 mm plastic
Sculpted by: Celestino Angiolilli
Painted by:
Casting: white metal

Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Harlequin Lizardman Burglar 1 Antimatter Games_Shadow Sea Draconid Legion Harlequin Lizardman Burglar 2

Draconid Legion Harlequin Lizardman Burglar – 9,99 USD

Height: 28mm foot to eye
Base: 30 mm plastic
Sculpted by: Paolo Fabiani
Painted by:
Casting: white metal

Quelle: Antimatter Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • tolle sculpts grösstenteils!

    aber die namen..? „Draconid Legion Harlequin Lizardman Burglar“ ernsthaft? 😉
    jetzt habe ich ein bild vom „hamburger klau“ (engl. „the hamburglar“ vor augen ;D

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