von BK-Nils | 26.10.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Sally 4th: Normandy Terrain Kickstarter

Der Geländehersteller Sally 4th hat eine Kickstarter-Kampagne gestartet, um fotorealistisches Gelände zur Normandie herauszubringen.

The Plan

Our plan is to design and manufacture a range of twelve 28mm model building kits for WW2 Normandy gaming using our new photo – realistic model making techniques. These kits will contain simple, robust parts, laser cut from 3mm Medite and 2mm MDF combined with detailed parts cut from coloured mounting board, perspex glazing and downloadable high quality cover sheets to print out to easily complete your models to the same standard as the ones in these photographs.The following buildings are available now:

  • Normandy Mid-Terrace
  • Normandy Left Hand End-Terrace
  • Normandy Right Hand End-Terrace
  • Normandy Stone Built Detached Town House
  • Norman Church
  • Normandy Corner Shops

The following buildings are included in the project as Stretch Goals.

  • The House at Dead Man’s Corner
  • Normandy Cafe
  • Ruined Normandy Town House
  • Terrace Shop
  • Factory Buildings
  • Factory Admin Building

Details of these and other stretch goals including free removable first floors, alternative textures, ruined roofs and cobblestone sections can be found at the bottom of the page, past the pledge and add-on sections.

We have many more photos of the different layout / pledge levels and the terrain being tested at gaming conventions in our photo-realistic terrain gallery. Click here to visit it.

The Concept

Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 1

Photo-realistic Normandy Terrain

What do we mean by photo-realistic buildings? This is a model making technique that Sally 4th have been developing over the last year that combines the advantages of laser cut MDF kits with high quality, digitally printed photographic cover sheets. This combination has significant benefits. Our MDF building shells are robust, accurate, easy to assemble, light and will not warp. Walls are cut from 3mm Medite, floors and roofs from 2mm MDF. Each building also contains glazing, laser cut from Perspex and fine detail such as shutters and glazing bars which are laser cut from quality mounting board.

Buildings are finished by covering them with cover sheets that are based on photographs of real plaster, stone etc. These are emailed to you as a PDF file which can be printed on any inkjet or laser printer. The tiles for roofs are printed and then laid in overlapping strips to quickly and easily build up a realistic looking roof structure. All pieces are the exact shape and size needed, so once the shell is completed all that you need to do is print and cut out the cover shapes and glue them into position using PVA glue. This technique hides all MDF joints, so there is no way that you can tell that it as an MDF kit underneath and provides consistent results, so any model maker can complete a kit that looks exactly the same as the manufacturers photographs.

We finish off our buildings by coating them with hard wearing decoupage varnish that gives a very hard wearing surface. Once varnished buildings can be distressed by applying weathering powders.

Pledge Levels


The building pledge level gets you a choice of either a mid-terrace, left end-terrace, right end-terrace or detached house kit. All kits contain physical components (MDF, Perspex, Mounting Board pieces) and a PDF file of realistic cover sheets for you to print out at home to finish models to the same standard as the buildings shown here. All roofs are removable to allow buildings to be occupied during gaming and all windows are glazed. Terraced buildings include a dividing wall at ground floor level. An optional removable 1st Floor is available (add £3 to pledge per building if you require these). These will be provided free of charge to all backers at Hamlet, Village & Town level as a stretch goal at £5000.

Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 2

Sally 4th Normandy Building with roof removed

Normandy Mid-Terrace Kit Kit

Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 3 Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 4

Kit makes a pair of Normandy terrace houses with back yard and outbuildings and removable roofs.

Normandy Left Terrace Kit

Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 5 Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 6

Kit makes a pair of Normandy terrace houses with back yard and outbuildings and removable roofs.

Normandy Right Terrace Kit

Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 7 Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 8

Kit makes a pair of Normandy terrace houses with back yard and outbuildings and removable roofs.
Normandy Detached Stone House

Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 9 Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 10

This kit makes a model of a substancial stone built house, ideal to represent a chateau, town hall or other civic building, possibly pressed into service as a Headquarters.

Pledge Level 2: The Settlement £102

Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 11 Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 12

The Settlement pledge contains two mid-terrace, one left end-terrace and one right end-terrace kit as shown above. When on general release, RRP will be £120. This provides sufficient buildings for a 2′ x 2′ built up area.

Pledge Level 3: The Hamlet £209

Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 13 Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 14

The Hamlet contains three mid-terrace, two left end-terrace, two right end-terrace a detached stone house and courtyard with railings. When on general release RRP will be £247. This provides sufficient buildings for a 3′ x 3′ built up area.

Pledge Level Four: The Village £248

Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 15 Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 16

The village contains three mid-terrace, two left end-terrace, two right end-terrace a detached stone house and courtyard with railings and a set of corner shops. When on general release RRP will be £292. This provides sufficient buildings for a 4′ x 4′ built up area.

Pledge Level Five: The Town £300

Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 17 Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 18

TheTown contains three mid-terrace, two left end-terrace, two right end-terrace a detached stone house and courtyard with railing, a set of corner shops and a Norman church. When on general release RRP will be £357. This provides sufficient buildings for a 4′ x 6′ built up area.

Add On’s

Summary of available add-ons

Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 19

Add on any additional

  • Mid Terrace Kit
  • Left End-Terrace Kit
  • Right End-Terrace Kit
  • Detached House

For each kit add £27 to your pledge.

Add on additional Corner Shop

Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 20 Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 21

To include additional corner shop kits add £40 to pledge – RRP when released £45.

Add on Norman Church

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To include an add on Norman Church add £58 to pledge, RRP on release £65.

Add on building removable first floors

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Add £3 to your pledge for each add on removable first floor you require. Note: Free removable first floors will be included for each building for those pledging at Hamlet, Village & Town level as a stretch goal at £6000

Add on Church Yard Base / Walls

6 sections 300mm x 200mm to make a total churchyard area of 600mm x 600mm.

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To include set of six churchyard sections add £18 to your pledge.

Add on Courtyard

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To add Courtyard with railings add £6 to your pledge.

Add on Photo-Realistic British Buildings and road sections from Sally 4th’s existing range.

Ideal terrain for fighting Operation Sealion or ‚The Eage has Landed‘ style games. These 28mm scale buildings are supplied as kits with emailed PDF files for you to print off cover sheets to finish models as shown in photographs.

Click here for further details of photo-realistic British buildings on Sally 4th Website.

Kickstarter offer is for building kit with optional removable 1st floor,style 1 window kit (includes perspex glazing and detailed glazing bars). RRP £31.50. To include in your pledge add £28.

Add on UK Style Road & Pavement Sections

The Sally 4th UK style roads range has been designed to be compatible with our range of photo realistic buildings.

The British buildings all come with a 200mm x 300mm base. This base area can be extended to 200mm x 400mm with an optional additional garden or yard area.

Our road sections have been designed to match these base sizes, so you a 200mm is the right size to go in front of a building, a 300mm road section goes along side a building, or 2 x 200mm sections if the buildings base is extended with a garden or additional yard area.

All road sections have been designed using Sally 4th’s jigsaw road alignment method. This means that each piece has a jigsaw like tab and socket that joins with adjoining pieces to stop your terrain drifting apart mid-game. These joints are hidden away underneath the pavement sections.

UK Style Roads 300mm Straight

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RRP £6. Add £5.40 to pledge for each 300mm road section you want.

UK Style Roads 200mm Straight

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RRP £4. Add £3.60 to pledge for each 300mm road section you want.

UK Style Roads T Junction

Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 29

RRP £4. Add £3.60 to pledge for each 300mm road section you want.

UK Style Roads Cross Roads

Sally 4th_Normandy Kickstarter Launch 30

RRP £4. Add £3.60 to pledge for each 300mm road section you want.

Stretch Goals


Pledges of £5000 will unlock ‚The House at Dead Mans Corner‘. Once unlocked any backer will be able to add it to their existing pledge for £27.

Removable first floors will be included for free with all building from Hamlet, Village & Town pledges.


Pledges of £6000 will unlock Normandy Cafe. Once unlocked any backer will be able to add it to their existing pledge for £27.

An alternative cover sheet will be supplied for free for all terrace houses.


Pledges of £7000 will unlock Ruined Normandy Town House. Once unlocked any backer will be able to add it to their existing pledge for £27.


Pledges of £8000 will unlock Normandy Terrace Shops. Once unlocked any backer will be able to add it to their existing pledge for £27.

A ruined roof section will be provided with all terrace houses and the detached stone house. This will be swapable with the standard roof to allow buildings to become damaged during game.


Pledges of £9000 will unlock Factory Production Building. Once unlocked any backer will be able to add it to their existing pledge for £40.


Pledges of £10000 will unlock Factory Admin Building. Once unlocked any backer will be able to add it to their existing pledge for £27.

Free cobble road sections (as shown in photographs) will be included.

  • Settlement – 6 pieces
  • Hamlet – 8 pieces
  • Village – 10 pieces
  • Town – 12 pieces

We have factored in what we believe to be the appropriate time after the campaign finishes to allow us to design any unlocked buildings.

Sally 4th has 3 years experiance of designing and manufacturing laser cut buildings, including an existing range of photo-realistic buildings and the first six buildings in this range are already designed and ready for production.
So short of us all being run over by a bus we do not believe there are many risks involved in our campaign, after all if our funding is unsuccessful no funds will be taken from our backers and we will just go into a corner somewhere and cry 🙂

Die Kampagne steht aktuell bei 1.904,00 GBP von einem Ziel von 4.000,00 GBP und läuft noch 57 Tage.

Quelle: Normandy photo-realistic 28mm terrain Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Schöne Gebäude für einen 28mm WWII Tisch mit Thema Normandie / Westfront 1944. Ein Design allein könnte auf Dauer etwas langweilig aussehen, aber viele historische Städte wurden ja mit ähnlichen Gebäude-Stilen im Stadtzentrum gebaut.

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