von BK-Mark | 10.11.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Renaissance Miniature: Victorian Roads Kickstarter

Steampunk ist seit einigen Jahren eins der Trendthemen im Fantasy-Bereich. Für passendes viktorianisches Terrain sorgt nun der Kickstarter von Renaissance Miniatures.


Renaissance Miniatures have been sampling gaming genres throughout history and producing top quality, pre-painted buildings, vehicles, ships and accessories for Medieval, East-Asian, Caribbean/Wild West, Pirates and Castles. Our reputation for quality, affordability, ease of construction and stellar customer service is well known in the Kickstarter community.

This time, we’re heading into the Victorian era, with a dash of SteamPunk for good measure.  Sherlock Holmes, Jack the Ripper, Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace and the whole crew from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen would find themselves at home with our latest offerings.

Also included are our versatile road and river tiles.  They can work with just about any genre.  You can even have working lamp posts.  Our roads are timeless.

FInally, we add „Moriarties‘ Lair“ a classic mill building that’s been taken over by a mad scientist who’s built a bunch of crazy machines.

Our researches for the project turned up an extraordinary coincidence that we think has gone unnoticed in the past.

Das Team von Renaissance Miniatures hat für die Kampagne eine reihe historisch recherchierter Gebäude rekonstruiert, inklusive Straßenzügen und Fahrzeugen:

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Einige Pledges für Euch in der Übersicht:

Pledge $60 or more

A replica of Ada Lovelace’s London home. The LOVELACE HOUSE. 4 stories, unpainted. Includes planter with three large shrubs.

Pledge $70 or more

A replica of Charles Babbage’s London home. The BABBAGE HOUSE. 3 stories and comes ready-painted.

Pledge $75 or more

Flying Circus pack – you get the Santos Dumont Airship, the Ornithopter and the Sky Car.

Pledge $100 or more

The East-End street pack: An entire street of slums – one tall tenement building, one short tenement, one East-End workshop and the Ten Bells Pub.

Begleitet wird der Kickstarter von einigen spannenden Stretch Goals:


As the total amount of pledges grows, we’ll be adding free ‚bonus‘ items for our backers – and also unlocking new kits as additional ’stretch goal‘ reward levels:

  • ACHIEVED: $12,500:  BONUS:  Free Outhouse Model at all backers with pledges of $5 and over.
  • ACHIEVED: $15,000:  BONUS: Free Hansom Cab Model for all backers with pledges $30 and over.
  • UNLOCKED EARLY: $20,000: STRETCH GOAL: Moriarties‘ Lair.
  • $20,000: BONUS: Two (2) Free Road Tiles for all backers with pledges $50 and over.
  • $25,000: STRETCH GOAL: Moriarties‘ Lair Expansion set
  • $25,000: BONUS: Two (2) Free River Tiles for all backers with pledges $50 and over.
  • $30,000: STRETCH GOAL: Attack Airship.
  • $30,000: BONUS: Two (2) Free Wrought Iron Fence sections for all backers with pledges $75 and over.
  • $35,000: STRETCH GOAL: Albert Thomkinson’s Ambulatory Train.
  • $35,000:BONUS: Free set of Victorian Road Signs for all backers with pledges of $75 and over.
  • $40,000: BONUS: Four (4) Free Rail sections for all backers with pledges of $100 and over.

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Die Crowdfunding-Kampagne läuft schon seit einiger Zeit. Daher bleiben Euch noch zwei Tage, um mit Pledges einzusteigen.

Aktuell steht das Projekt bei 17.176 US-Dollar, angestrebtes Ziel waren 5.000 US-Dollar.

Quelle: Victorian/SteamPunk Terrain &Road/River Tiles in 28mm Kickstarter-Kampagne

Link: Renaissance Miniatures


Passionierter Maler und Hobby-Veteran aus den bunten 90ern. Neben 40K, der ersten großen Liebe, heutzutage Infinity-begeistert und Teilzeit X-Wing-Pilot, der die Hobby-Aspekte oftmals dem Spielen vorzieht.

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