von BK-Christian | 06.08.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Raging Heroes: Toughest Girls Update

Von Raging Heroes gibt es allerlei neue Bilder.

Dear TGG backer, with this 109th Update, the shore is in sight and we are nearing the conclusion of this first adventure together… Next month’s Update should bring you the news that the last few remaining minis have been manufactured and shipped, but with this Update, already, the bulk of Rewards Selection have been shipped out to backers.

If you got everything but are still waiting for the Digital Artbook, please scroll down below to the Artbook section.

Don’t forget that you can always keep an eye on the status of the production on this page. We update it whenever we get new stuff in, and note the date it was last modified as well. Scroll down to Wave 3: everything that’s in green is in stock and shipping.

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Here are the models that became available this month and are currently being shipped.

  • The Jailbirds Bikes became available earlier this month and shippable
  • The KST Bikes
  • The IE Bikes
    → So all the Bikes are now in stock.
  • The Jailbirds Trike (became available earlier this month)
  • The IE Trike
  • The KST Trike (will arrive this Friday)
    → So by August 7, all the Trikes will be in stock and shippable.
  • The Mecha KST became available earlier this month
  • The Mecha JB became available earlier this month
  • The Mecha IE came in this past Monday.
    → So all the Mechas are in stock and shippable.

You will see that the Bikes, the Trikes and the Mechas are quite massive miniatures.

Regarding the Mechas, we strongly suggest that you really take your time and plan their assembly. The great thing about the joint system we created for the Mechas is that it gives you a lot of latitude for posing. But the downside is that, with so many parts, you won’t be able to assemble everything to preview the pose without some elements together first… So make sure you work carefully and patiently, and possibly enlist a second pair of hands before getting out the glue…

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When we received the 3D prints of the 54mm versions of the 3 Freedom Fighters and of Nepharya, we realised that, for some obscure reason, they had come out a bit larger than what we had originally measured. They were closer to the 64mm mark than the 54mm mark…

So we had a quick debate on whether to reprint them smaller, but we could not bring ourselves to do that. They looked way too cool at this larger size and, truth be said, we would probably have enjoyed having them even bigger. So we kept them as is. They are definitely EPIC!

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We are currently hard at work on the Artbook. It will be quite a unique book as it will be composed mainly of colour double-spreads. It will provide a unique way not only to see the TGG in full fighting action, but also to get a peak into a more intimate side of their lives and culture.

Nearly every time we work on a double spread, we say to ourselves that it would make a cool T-shirt or a cool poster, so we’ll be waiting for you to tell us if it is something we should do. We’ll get back to this conversation as soon as we have more to show you.

Meanwhile, here’s a sample of what we’re currently working on.

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Here is the latest set of minis to come out of the nimble brushes of our painters. As you can see, there are fewer new models than in previous updates, as part of the painting team is currently on summer holidays.

Quelle: Raging Heroes


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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    • Das wäre grandios!
      Das war auch mein erster Gedanke als ich die gesehen habe 😀
      Khazim Beg und seine Ladies 😀

  • Autsch!!!!! Grober Schnitzer der Versatz bei dem linken Arm des Iron Empire mecha!!!! Und sowas auf nem Werbe Bild……

    Aber die Modelle als solches …. Hammer kann’s kaum erwarten mein Zeug zu bekommen

    • Stimmt!
      Erst hab ich es gar nicht bemerkt, aber nun wo ich es weis, wandert mein Auge immer wieder dahin… 😉

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