von BK - André | 02.01.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Raging Heroes: Neue Previews

Es gibt ein neues Update aus dem „The Toughest Girls Of The Galaxy“ Kickstarter.


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We could not let this year end without wishing you all a Happy New Year!

As we are about to begin this new year, we’ve been taking time to review all the lessons learned from this Kickstarter, so that we can build on them and become stronger. We have great projects planned for 2015. And our goals are to continue giving you the high quality and great customer service that Raging Heroes stands for, while at the same time constraining the heavy design/sculpting delays we experienced on this first Kickstarter. Thanks to all of you, we have grown wiser in all of this (OK, we also got a few more grey hair, that is, those of us who still do have hair…). And we are now well set for an awesome year!

Das komplette Update findet ihr hier.

Link: The Toughest Girls Of The Galaxy Kickstarter

BK - André

Aquen/André, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Seit 2003 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop: Herr der Ringe Aktuelle Projekte: Infinity (Tohaa)

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  • Die Sense is ein bisschen zu warcraft, zu wenig grimdark, aber eine nette adeptus mechanicus e-axt oder ein schicker dicker Hammer und eine base mit 239756,5 Schädeln drauf wird das modell perfekt abrunden. sau schön.

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