von BK - André | 22.05.2015 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Puppets War: Orc Walker

Auf der Facebook Seite von Puppets War gibt es Previewbilder des kommenden Orc Walkers.


PW_OrcWalker1 PW_OrcWalker2

It seems that our fans do have really wild imagination when it comes to naming orc machines. So, I guess that this little contest will be quite popular.
Below you will find three pictures of our upcoming orc walker standing next to Enforcer Battlewalker (to see relative size). Your task is very simple. Name this upcoming product of orc-tek-genius. We will choose three names we like most. Authors of chosen names will receive this walker in chosen configuration for FREE. Please bear in mind, that this competition runs simultanously on other social sites and forums, and winning names will probably be NOT used as official name for this model. Write your chosen name in the comments here, contest ends tomorrow at 3PM CEST.

So, in short:
1. Invent some great name.
2. Write it down in comments.
3. Hope You’ll win.
4. Contest runs till tomorrow, 3PM CEST.
5, We will choose THREE names we like most, winners will receive ONE walker for free (so, three names, three winners, one walker for each winner).

BK - André

Aquen/André, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Seit 2003 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop: Herr der Ringe Aktuelle Projekte: Infinity (Tohaa)

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