von BK-Nils | 27.10.2015 | eingestellt unter: Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Pike&Shotte: Neue Osmanen

Warlord Games verstärken die Reihen der Osmanen, mit zwei Janissary Kommandoabteilungen und Verlusten.

Ottoman Janissary Command A – 6,00 GBP

Warlord Games_Pike&Schotte Ottoman Janissary Command A

The Ottoman Empire was a serious threat to Christian Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The expansionist policies of Suleiman the Magnificent in the 1500’s had seen a huge Empire carved from Eastern Europe, North Africa and east into Asia. The driving forces behind this army were the expanding Janissary Corps of infantry and the feared Sipahi cavalry. These ‘household troops’ were backed up by a wide array of feudal troops from across the Empire.

  • 4 Infantry
  • Metal
  • Made to Order

While we hold as much stock as possible, on occasion this product may need to be cast especially for you by our expert staff. If your order includes this item, it may take a few more days before we ship it.

  • Requires Assembly

This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included.

Ottoman Janissary Command B – 6,00 GBP

Warlord Games_Pike&Schotte Ottoman Janissary Command B

The Ottoman Empire was a serious threat to Christian Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The expansionist policies of Suleiman the Magnificent in the 1500’s had seen a huge Empire carved from Eastern Europe, North Africa and east into Asia. The driving forces behind this army were the expanding Janissary Corps of infantry and the feared Sipahi cavalry. These ‘household troops’ were backed up by a wide array of feudal troops from across the Empire.

  • 4 Infantry
  • Metal
  • Made to Order

While we hold as much stock as possible, on occasion this product may need to be cast especially for you by our expert staff. If your order includes this item, it may take a few more days before we ship it.

  • Requires Assembly

This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included.

Ottoman Janissary Casualties – 10,00 GBP

Warlord Games_Pike&Schotte Ottoman Janissary Casualties

The Ottoman Empire was a serious threat to Christian Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The expansionist policies of Suleiman the Magnificent in the 1500’s had seen a huge Empire carved from Eastern Europe, North Africa and east into Asia. The driving forces behind this army were the expanding Janissary Corps of infantry and the feared Sipahi cavalry. These ‘household troops’ were backed up by a wide array of feudal troops from across the Empire.

Now you can mark your heroic sacrifices with the new Casualties markers, ideal for adding extra interest to your rank and file units

  • Metal
  • Made to Order

While we hold as much stock as possible, on occasion this product may need to be cast especially for you by our expert staff. If your order includes this item, it may take a few more days before we ship it.

  • Requires Assembly

This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Schön, dass Warlord Games die Osmanen-Reihe ausbaut. Zwar alles aus Metall, aber wenn es sich gut verkauft kommt vielleicht irgendwann ja auch noch ein Plastik-Gußrahmen. Mittlerweile gibt es ja Janitscharen mit Bögen, Feuerwaffen, Handwaffen und Hellebarden sowie jetzt Kommandoeinheiten, fehlen nur noch die Sipahis und vielleicht ein paar regionale Sondertruppen und man kann schöne „Türkenheere“ aufstellen.

    Hoffentlich kommen dann nach den Osmanen auch noch ein paar weitere westliche Truppentypen, die Landsknechte von Pro Gloria und die Spanier aka „Wars of Religion Infantry“ sind ja schon ein guter Anfang.

  • Bei The Assault Group gibt es jetzt schon alles, was Warlord Games an Osmanen macht, ihn ähnlicher und besserer Qualität. Eigentlich Schade, da auch diese Reihe Lücken hat.
    Ein Plastikgußrahmen und ein Kooperation mit TAG hätte mir deutlich besser gefallen.
    Was jetzt mal langsam kommen muss sind die ganzen jahrelang zurück gehaltenen Malteser von Hicks. Da freu ich mich riesig drauf.

  • Hmm. TAG ist hier tatsächlich hübscher und bei den Kopfbedeckungen meine ich, wenn ich auf den Osprey gucke auch etwas näher an der Historie.

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