von BK-Marcel | 07.12.2015 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Panzerfäuste: Sonntags Update

Bei Panzerfäuste wird fleißig gearbeitet.


Hello all!
We hope you have had a glorious week. It’s now December and things are getting festive!
We’ve had a busy week here at Hysterical Games; but actual progress pales in comparison to the past two weeks. This may happen now and again, but we expect better progress in the short future.
We have had more artwork done, however, we are keen to keep some of this as a surprise for the rulebooks you have pledged for. Trust us, there will be some lovely scenes, landscapes and portraits.
3D Sculpting
Sadly, we’ve not had the progress we would have liked in this part. We discovered the Deathless Zombi Elves were carrying Dwarf heads that were out of scale from the Dwarf Grenadier models, so we have had to do some jiggery-pokery to fix that. We’ve also not had any progress since last week regarding the Panzerbär, but trust me, I am on the sculptor’s case!

Zombie Elf

Mouldmaking and Casting
This week we were unable to do quite as much as we usually would. Due to a huge mishap with the mould on one of our buildings, we sadly cannot share that just yet. However, next week, we expect we will show this building at the very least.
We did make a mould of the 3D prints for the Dwarf Command Set, sadly, they are not quite up to standard, so the printer is now looking at solving that for us. It’s a step backwards, and a little irksome, but that’s all part of the learning curve. Here’s what they came out like.


We also managed to cast up the missing part from the Orc Commandos, which I can show you here!


We did make some progress here! We have received and packed all of the Dice we need for the Kickstarter and then some. Here is a quick snap-shot of the Printed D6 that many of you will be receiving.


We have also taken shipment of a whole load of bases in a variety of sizes (20mm, 25mm, 40mm, 50mm and 60mm to be precise). Having looked at our figures, we decided to include 50mm (not shown in the photograph) as well, especially for the Gnome Weapon Teams.


So, ultimately, the good news is that we have packed all the dice! That’s one product range entirely sorted and ready to ship already! Not much, but we have to celebrate the little wins!

Link: Panzerfäuste auf Kickstarter


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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  • Puh… soll der Ork wirklich das Endprodukt sein, oder hatten die hier auch Probleme mit dem Giessen wie mit dem Drucken des Zwergischen Command-Sets?

    Bisschen verwaschen – ein wenig arg verwaschen.

    Hätte ich beim Kickstarter mitgemacht, würde ich mich nerven.
    Zum Glück hatte ich kein Geld.

  • Ein Manowar Würfel? Also geil! Aber haben die da nicht auch ein Logo-Recht drauf?

    Lieber kaufen, bevor Klagen das ganze stoppen 😉

    • da könnten Klagen nicht nur von Manowar-Seite kommen … 😛
      Sondern auch von „rechten“ Indie-labels 😀

    • Hehehe, ne, Manowar haben es 1984 versäumt, sich die Rechte an de Symbol sichern zu lassen (man war jung und unerfahren) und der Zug war dann später abgefahren.

      Hatte mich mallang und breit mit joey darüber unterhalten und er bezeichnet es als einen seiner größten Buisnessfehler überhaupt. Ich bin mir allerdings sicher, das einige seiner ehemaligen Geschäftspartner das anders sehen …

  • Ich bin ganz froh, dass ich mir die Fortschritte als Nicht-Baker anschauen kann. wenn das Produkt im Regal liegt und mich immer noch überzeugt, schlage ich dann zu.

  • Well, that teaches me to update with bad photography…

    The reason the orc looks bad is because it is the first cast from the mould. The alcohol from the silicon gets into the resin in the first couple of castings, which results in sticky, shiny, and less detailed castings. These would never reach the hands of end consumers/customers/backers.

    Also, the photograph was taken on my mobile phone, which has low resolution.

    I can promise, the final miniatures are SO much better than this.

    I will show this in the next update for sure. 🙂

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