von BK-Nils | 07.03.2015 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Onslaught: Sisterhood Render und Neuheiten

Von Onslaught Miniatures gibt es neue Render für die Sisterhood und einige Neuheiten zum vorbestellen.

Sisterhood Render (WIP)

Onslaught Miniatures_Sisterhood Render 1

Preview Shot of each model included in the Sisterhood Command Pack:
Avocati Themis, Banner Bearer, Imperator, Supreme Legate, Sister of Mercy, Avocati Nemesis, Avocati Angelos, Avocati Virtus, Avocati Athena, & Athena Banner Bearer

Onslaught Miniatures_Sisterhood Render 2 Onslaught Miniatures_Sisterhood Render 3 Onslaught Miniatures_Sisterhood Render 4 Onslaught Miniatures_Sisterhood Render 5

Sisterhood Imperator, Sister of Mercy, Sisterhood Supreme Legate and Sisterhood Command Models

New Products

Sisterhood Hera Battle Tanks (Pre-Order) – 14,00 USD

Onslaught Miniatures_Sisterhood Hera Battle Tank 1 Onslaught Miniatures_Sisterhood Hera Battle Tank 2

The Hera Battle Tank is utilized in large numbers by the Sisterhood and serves as their standard armored assault vehicle. Armed with a twin heavy laser cannons in its main turret, two standard sponson mounted laser cannons, and a flak cannon turret, the Hera can deal with enemy heavy and light armor as well as infantry with equal ease.
A Sisterhood Hera Battle Tank unit consists of 3 11x28x15mm Hera Battle Tank Miniatures. Each tank consists of 1 Hull, 1 Main Turret, 1 Flak Turret, 2 sponson cannons, 4 Tread units, and an optional bull dozer blade attachment.

Sisterhood Hestia Flame Tanks (Pre-Order) – 14,00 USD

Onslaught Miniatures_Sisterhood Hestia Flame Tank 1 Onslaught Miniatures_Sisterhood Hestia Flame Tank 2

Operating as an infamous support unit to advancing Themis and Athena battle lines, the Hestia Flame Tank uses it twin Flame Cannons to flush entrenched enemies out of cover and into deadly crossfires. The ultimate in stale-mate breaking – the Hestia accomplishes its purpose with horrific efficiency.
A Sisterhood Hestia Flame Tank unit consists of 3 18x28x13mm Hestia Flame Tank Miniatures. Each tank consists of 1 Hull, 1 Main Turret, 1 Flak Turret, 4 Tread units, and an optional bull dozer blade attachment.

Sisterhood Vesta Support Tanks (Pre-Order) – 14,00 USD

Onslaught Miniatures_Sisterhood Vesta Support Tank 1 Onslaught Miniatures_Sisterhood Vesta Support Tank 2

The Vesta Support Tank is a hybrid APC/light support tank often utilized by the Sisterhood for their smaller, more specialised units. The Vesta features a turret mounted laser cannon and linked additional flak cannons, which allow it to offer superior support to its occupants. Though passenger capacity is sacrificed, it’s added firepower makes the Vesta a worthy addition to the Sisterhood armory.
A Sisterhood Vesta Support Tank unit consists of 3 18x28x13mm Vesta Support Tank Miniatures. Each tank consists of 1 Hull, 1 Main Turret, 1 Flak Turret, 4 Tread units, and an optional bull dozer blade attachment.

Kaiju Mega Rigs (Pre-Order) – 20,00 USD

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The Kaiju Mega Rigs represent the very pinnacle of Okami Rig design and innovation. Each Mega Rig is operated by a single extensively skilled and trained pilot, utilizing a highly advanced incarnation of the neural interface used by other Okami Rigs. Standing over 30 feet high, and armed with a pair of tank-class weaponry or shield generators, multiple rocket packs and microwave cannon – a single unit of Kaiju can bring to bear the firepower of multiple OTC tank formations. In addition to their fearsome armament, Kaiju Mega Rigs are also equipped with powerful jump jets, allowing them to swiftly bring their weapons to bear where they are needed most, or even deploy from orbiting space craft to where the fighting is the thickest.
A Kaiju Mega Rig unit consists of 3 32mm Kaiju Mega Rig Miniatures. Each Rig unit consists of 3 Kaiju Torsos, 3 connector rings, 3 unique sets of legs, 3 pairs of unique arms, 3 kenetic shield generators, 3 sonic cannons, 3 rail cannons, and 3 twin gatling cannons.

Facebookseite: Onslaught auf Facebook

Link: Onslaught Miniatures


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ahh, sehr cool. Sororitas im 7 mm Maßstab für Epic 40k oder andere Systeme (die ich mal wieder nicht kenne).

    Ist leider nicht meine Baustelle. Würden die die Sisterhood in 28 mm in ähnlich guter Qualität anbieten, würde ich die ihnen im Hundertermaßstab abkaufen…

  • Ich finde die Sororitas richtig cool, bin bisher aber immer wieder davor zurückgeschreckt, bei Onslaught zu bestellen, weil ich sehr undurchsichtig finde, was denn nun tatsächlich verfügbar ist oder aber erst irgendwann mal verfügbar sein wird.
    Beim gegenwärtigen Dollarkurs sind sämtliche Überlegungen in die Richtung leider ohnehin bis auf Weiteres auf Eis gelegt.

  • Leider, dafür ist es aber auch gut für Europa Unternehmen, wenn sie dadurch mehr Umsatz erzeugen.

  • Bei denen MUSS ich noch was bestellen, wird zwar dann wieder eine nie bespielte Baustelle, aber die Modelle von den Sororitas und Dark Eldar sind einfach so viel zu gut.

    Und wenn die Epic Armee nur in der Vitrine steht, ist sie das auch wert.

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