von BK-Mark | 22.10.2015 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Crowdfunding

Meiko Miniatures: Kaos Team bei Indiegogo

Fantasy Football Fans aufgepasst: Meiko Miniatures  hat eine neue Indiegogo-Kampagne für das Kaos Team gestartet:


The Meiko Miniatures new project is the Ultimate Kaos Team. The Kaos Team will include the following Players: 4 Kaos Warriors, 8 Beastmen with no Mutation, 4 Mutated Beastmen (Two Heads, Extra Arm, Claws and Big Hand), 3 Minotaurs (standard, mutated and Star Player) and 4 Kaos Demons (War, Mutation, Rotten and Pleasure), that you may use if you wish as alternative Beastmen. The campaign will also include 3 new Star Players (Leader, Chainsaw and Tentacle) that can play with the Kaos Team, three Mutation Sprues (one for miniatures of standard size, a second one for miniatures with “Strength 4” size and a third one for Big Guys) and several more items: two Kaos Pitches (Puzzle-like Hard Pitch and Rollable Plastic Gaming Pitch), Kaos and Mutated Football, racial Range Ruler, a Kaos Cheerleader, a Kaos Flipping Coin, a Demon Apotehcary, a Set of 2 Kaos Dice, 1d6 Injury Dice and a Jumbo 1d8 Serious Injury Dice.

The sculpting of most of these miniatures has already been made. But we need your help to speed up the casting process. That way, we will be able to release the Meiko Kaos Team much sooner than what was initially planned. Using Indiegogo as a platform to rise funds helps us a lot since we can finance new miniatures and other interesting items, obtain feedback from our customers and it gives us confidence to keep working on. In exchange you will get some cool rewards.

All the miniatures will be casted in metal. The master moulds will be made by Miniaturas Alemany, the mouldmaker of other successful Fantasy Football Indiegogo campaigns like the Willy Goblin Team and the Willy Amazon Team.

Das Team erinnert dabei stark an Chaos Sculpts der 80er:

The sculptor of all the miniatures of this team is Franarcilla, the skilled sculptor of many other Meiko teams like the Kaos Dwarf, Undead, Necromantic, Ogre, Goblin, Rotter, Orc and Wood Elf Teams, just to mention some of them. Franarcilla is one of Meiko Miniatures flagship sculptors. His dark sculpting style specially fits with all the chaotic races, and his Kaos minis will fit with the image we all have in mind when we think about this team. Currently, Franarcilla is considered by many Fantasy Football fans as one of the best and most talented Fantasy Football sculptors worldwide.


Was bekommt Ihr für Euer Geld?

LEVEL 1: Set of 2d6 Kaos Dice


If you are already a contributor to this campaign, you can claim this perk to get a Set of 2d6 Kaos Dice. It will be shipped together with your other perks of Level 5 or higher.

LEVEL 2: Tentacle Star Player 


If you are already a contributor to this campaign, you can claim this perk to get this Star Player. It will be shipped together with your other perks of Level 5 or higher.

LEVEL 3: Leader Star Player   


If you are already a contributor to this campaign, you can claim this perk to get this Star Player. It will be shipped together with your other perks of Level 5 or higher.

LEVEL 4: Chainsaw Star Player   


If you are already a contributor to this campaign, you can claim this perk to get this Star Player. It will be shipped together with your other perks of Level 5 or higher.

LEVEL 5: Mutated Minotaur with Claws 

14 EUR

You will receive a Mutated Minotaur. In addition you will receive one random football between these two Kaos Footballs: Standard Football or Mutated Football. Free shipping included.

LEVEL 6: Standard Minotaur

15 EUR

You will receive a Standard Minotaur. In addition you will receive one random football between these two Kaos Footballs: Standard Football or Mutated Football. Free shipping included.

LEVEL 7: Star Player Minotaur

16 EUR

You will receive a Star Player Minotaur. In addition you will receive one random football between these two Kaos Footballs: Standard Football or Mutated Football. Free shipping included.

LEVEL 8: Set of 4 Mutated Beastmen

27 EUR

You will receive a Set of 4 Mutated Beastmen (Two Heads, Extra Arm, Claws and Big Hand). In addition you will receive one random football between these two Kaos Footballs: Standard Football or Mutated Football. Free shipping included.

LEVEL 9: Set of 4 Kaos Demons

27 EUR

You will receive a Set of 4 Kaos Demons (War Demon, Mutation Demon, Rotten Demon and Pleasure Demon) that you may use if you wish as alternative Beastmen. In addition you will receive one random football between these two Kaos Footballs: Standard Football or Mutated Football. Free shipping included.

LEVEL 10: Rollable Gaming Mat and Range Ruler

29 EUR

You will receive a Kaos Rollable Plastic Gaming Mat and one Kaos Range Ruler. In addition you will receive one random football between these two Kaos Footballs: Standard Football or Mutated Football. Free shipping included.

This Range Ruler is made of flexible plastic and is 1 mm thick. That is the same thickness than a plastic Credit Card.

The Plastic Gaming Mat is printed in oilcloth, so it’s waterproof and you will be able to easily roll it for a comfortable transportation.

The Gaming Mat includes 2 Dugouts with their 3 sections: Bench, Unconscious and Dead-Injured. Also includes Re-roll, Turn and Score Counters, two Throw-in templates and two Quick Reference Lists with all the possible results of the Kickoff, 2 marks where players usually throw the kickoff, a colored Table to establish Ranges when throwing the ball, a Weather Table and a Scatter template.

LEVEL 11: Set of 4 Kaos Warriors

30 EUR

You will receive a Set of 4 Kaos Warriors. In addition you will receive one random football between these two Kaos Footballs: Standard Football or Mutated Football. Free shipping included.

LEVEL 12: Puzzle-like Hard Pitch and Range Ruler 

39 EUR

You will receive a Puzzle-like Hard Pitch and one Kaos Range Ruler. In addition you will receive one random football between these two Kaos Footballs: Standard Football or Mutated Football. Free shipping included.

This Range Ruler is made of flexible plastic and is 1 mm thick. That is the same thickness than a plastic Credit Card.

The Puzzle-like Hard Pitch is divided in six pieces. These puzzle-style pieces allow you to quickly do and undo the field, so you will be able to easily fit it in your travel bag.

When mounted  the pitch size is 60 cm wide x 90 cm long, while the size of each single piece is of 30 cm x 30 cm. Due to the small size of the single pieces they are really handy to transport. The pitch is made with a light and water-proof resistant plastic material.

The pitch includes 2 Dugouts with their 3 sections: Bench, Unconscious and Dead-Injured. Also includes Re-roll, Turn and Score Counters, two Throw-in templates and two Quick Reference Lists with all the possible results of the Kickoff, 2 marks where players usually throw the kickoff, a colored Table to establish Ranges when throwing the ball, a Weather Table and a Scatter template.

LEVEL 13: Set of 8 Beastmen with no Mutation

48 EUR

You will receive a Set of 8 Beastmen with no mutation. In addition you will receive one random football between these two Kaos Footballs: Standard Football or Mutated Football. Free shipping included.

LEVEL 14: Team of 12 Players (only 30 available)

60 EUR

(EARLY BID) You will receive one Kaos Team of 12 Players. Each Team includes 4 Kaos Warriors and 8 Beastmen with no mutation. All the miniatures are different from each other. In addition you will receive one random football between these two Kaos Footballs: Standard Football or Mutated Football. Free shipping included.

LEVEL 15: Team of 12 Players

65 EUR

You will receive one Kaos Team of 12 Players. Each Team includes 4 Kaos Warriors and 8 Beastmen with no mutation. All the miniatures are different from each other. In addition you will receive one random football between these two Kaos Footballs: Standard Football or Mutated Football. Free shipping included.

LEVEL 16: Team of 13 Players with Minotaur (only 30 available)

70 EUR

(EARLY BID) You will receive one Kaos Team of 13 Players. Each Team includes one Standard Minotaur, 4 Kaos Warriors and 8 Beastmen with no mutation. All the miniatures are different from each other. In addition you will receive one random football between these two Kaos Footballs: Standard Football or Mutated Football. Free shipping included.

LEVEL 17: Team of 13 Players with Minotaur

75 EUR

You will receive one Kaos Team of 13 Players. Each Team includes one Standard Minotaur, 4 Kaos Warriors and 8 Beastmen with no mutation. All the miniatures are different from each other. In addition you will receive one random football between these two Kaos Footballs: Standard Football or Mutated Football. Free shipping included.


Und was wäre Crowdfunding ohne einige Stretch Goals?


If we reach 2.500 EUR  All contributors will get 1d6 Injury Dice for just 3 EUR, adding the Stretch Level for it. Just roll a dice to find out the result of the injury!!! These are the 6 sides of the Injury Dice: 3 „Badly Hurt“ (BH) Sides, 1 „Misses Next Game“ (MNG) Side, 1 „Serious Injury“ (SI) Side, 1 „Dead“ (Grim Reaper) Side. This Stretch Level will be created once the campaign reaches the amount stated above.

If we reach 3.500 EUR, all contributors of Level 14 or higher will get for free a standard size Mutation Sprue for Beastmen. This sprue will be sculpted by Franarcilla.


If we reach 4.500 EUR  All contributors will get a Kaos Flipping Coin for just 3 EUR, adding the Stretch Level for it. Perfect for flipping / tossing to decide who kicks the ball at the beginning of the game. The coin has been digitally sculpted by Franarcilla and will be made with metal. This Stretch Level will be created once the campaign reaches the amount stated above.

If we reach 5.500 EUR, all contributors of Level 14 or higher will get for free a “Strength 4” size Mutation Sprue for Kaos Warriors. This sprue will be sculpted by Franarcilla.


If we reach 6.500 EUR  All contributors will get a Jumbo 1d8 Serious Injury Dice for just 9 EUR, adding the Stretch Level for it. This is a big dice that your opponents will fear, measuring 40 mm from tip to tip. Just roll a dice to find out the result of the serious injury!!! These are the 8 sides of the Serious Injury Dice: Niggling Injury, Niggling Injury, – 1 MA, – 1 MA, – 1 AV, – 1 AV, – 1 AG and -1 ST. This Stretch Level will be created once the campaign reaches the amount stated above.

If we reach 7.500 EUR, all contributors of Level 14 or higher will get for free a “Big Guy” size Mutation Sprue for Minotaurs. This sprue will be sculpted by Franarcilla.

If we reach 8.500 EUR  All contributors will get a Kaos Cheerlader for just 7 EUR, adding the Stretch Level for it. The miniature will be sculpted by Franarcilla and made with metal. This Stretch Level will be created once the campaign reaches the amount stated above.


If we reach 9.500 EUR, all contributors of Level 14 or higher will get for free a Demon Apothecary. This miniature has been sculpted by Jose Daniel.


Die Kampagne steht derzeit bei 1.046 €, also etaws über 50 Prozent des Ziels von 2.000 € bei einer Restzeit von 25 Tagen.

Link: Kaos Team bei Indiegogo



Passionierter Maler und Hobby-Veteran aus den bunten 90ern. Neben 40K, der ersten großen Liebe, heutzutage Infinity-begeistert und Teilzeit X-Wing-Pilot, der die Hobby-Aspekte oftmals dem Spielen vorzieht.

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  • Das Chaosteam spricht mich mit seinem Oldschoolcharakter jetzt nicht so an, aber die Verletzungswürfel und die Münze fänd ich irgendwie geil – Hoffe, die kriegt man später auch so !

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