von BK-Christian | 17.12.2015 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Macrocosm: Neue Shortwars Miniaturen

Von Macrocosm gibt es jetzt auch Metallminiaturen für Fantasy-Armeen.

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And the miniatures are live on the website to pre order now at a discounted rate before shipping. After the 18th they will go to full RRP. Orders will start to be shipped on the 18th of December. Orders of Just Dark Dwarves will be shipped Monday 14th.

Thank you all for your support.

Wir haben einige Beispiele für euch aus dem Shop zsuammengesucht:

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Dark Dwarves Company Bundle 11 miniatures – £22,50

This is 11 of our recently acquired Dark Dwarves miniatures. One of each type. 11 Metal miniature with  30mm lipped bases.

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Goblin Army Deal 500pts Kings of War – £65,00

This set is for a 500pts faction of Goblins for a massed battle game system.

By popular demand we have consulted with some players of the best mass battle game (in our opinion) on the market and come up with this 1 click bundle.

2 x Swordsmen at ease (12) Rabble
2 x Crossbows (12) Spitters
2 x Spearmen at ease (12) Sharpsticks
3 x Trolls (Digger corps Burrower beasts) (3)
Goblin Mage pack 2 (2)

470 points, so take some magic items…….
All supplied without bases.
RRP £70

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Halfling Army Deal 500pts Kings of War – £65,00

This set is for a 500pts faction of Haflings for Kings of War.

By popular demand we have consulted with some players of the best mass battle game (in our opinion) on the market and come up with this 1 click bundle.

1 x Hafling Swordsmen at ease (6)
1 x Haflings Advancing (6)
2 x Haflings Spearmen Advancing (12)
2 x Hafling Spearmen at ease (12)
1 x Hafling Crossbows (6)
1 x Hafling Artillery Crew (5) (note pipe is not included…)
1 x Haffling command with standard, musician and captain. (3)

50 metal miniatures.

Metal miniatures supplied Without bases.

Pre Order now to get it at £65 before the 18th. £70 thereafter.

Quelle: Macrocosm Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Die Preise für die beiden großen Bundles sind im Artikel falsch glaube ich.
    Ansonsten nice dass die hier multipart Minis anbieten. Ist ja sonst immer etwas problematisch mit den Metallminis, wenn man mehr als ein kleines Slirnish spieleb möchte.

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