von BK-Carsten | 10.01.2015 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Laser Cut Card: Quad Cannon


Laser Cut Card hat die Quad Cannon überarbeitet und in den Shop geschossen.

LaserCutCard Quad Cannon Size LaserCutCard Quad Cannon Pieces LaserCutCard Quad Cannon

This kit has several improvements on the old one.

By eliminating the MDF parts and standardizing some of the plastic components , we have been able to substantially reduce the cost from $12.95 to $8.50.

The circular ammo hoppers (which we took from the chaos ikon cannon) make the model more visually interesting and nicer to paint.

Finally, the model can be assembled instead just as two twin-linked autocannon, which can be used to kitbash.

Die Vierlings-Kanone kostet 7,16 €. Ausgeliefert wird das Modell ab dem 13. Januar.

Link: Laser Cut Card


Carsten, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Im Hobby seit Adam und Eva. Erstes Tabletop: Warhammer 6. Ed. Aktuelle Projekte: Blood Bowl, Pulp, Fantasy Skirmisher..., Malen und Modellieren

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