von BK-Christian | 03.11.2015 | eingestellt unter: Kings of War

Kings of War: Neuheiten im November

Mantic Games zeigen die Neuheiten für den November mit den entsprechenden Preisen.


Kings of War: Uncharted Empires – €17,99

The heat shimmer that ripples above the parched earth does little to mask the horrors that lie assembled before you. You must focus on the task ahead. No plan survives contact with the enemy and the army you face is a howling, ravening horde of death that will test you to the limit. Today will be recorded in history but only one side will write it. Do you have the skill and courage to ensure it is you? Go. The time for war is now!

Welcome to Uncharted Empires, an Army Supplement book for Kings of War, the massed combat tabletop fantasy game set in the magical realm of Mantica. In this book, you are going to find:

  • Nine brand new Kings of War armies giving budding generals a whole host of new options and dastardly tricks to outfox and out-fight their opponents, including The Brotherhood, Salamander Armies, The Herd, The League of Rhordia, The Trident Realms of Neritica, The Empire of Dust, Night-Stalker Armies, Ratkin Armies and the Varangur
  • New special rules to further enrich your playing experience.
  • Lots of new background information on all the armies and the units within them.

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Kings of War is required to use the contents of this book.

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Elf Dragon Kindred Lord –  €39,99

The pact between the Elves of the Alandar Mountains and the Majestic Dragons is older than many civilisations of the world.  These noble creatures do not suffer themselves to serve lightly, and the relationship between the Dragon Kindred and their steeds is one of mutual respect.  Rising on mighty pinions and able to breathe gouts of deadly fire at their foe, Dragons are rightly feared by all sentient creatures, and an Elf Lord riding one is as terrifying to his enemies as he is inspirational to his allies.

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Abyssal Dwarf Supreme Iron-caster on Great Winged Halfbreed – €39,99

Iron Casters blend the natural skill of the Dwarf with all things mechanical with the unnatural sorcerous power of the Abyss to fuel their unholy creations. The strength of will required to bind these elements to their bidding is phenomenal, and it is no coincidence that the greatest of their kind rise to positions of power among their blighted kin. A supreme Iron Caster is a being of immoveable purpose, and will use that power to subjugate a Great Winged Abyssal. Vicious creatures born of dark magic and malicious hatred, they do not submit to a master easily. On the battlefield, the combination of the dark power of the Iron Caster and the brute force of his mount is a deadly combination.

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Zombie Troll Regiment – €27,49

The peculiar physiology of Trolls makes them incredibly difficult to kill, their flesh re-knitting any wound and their thick, glutinous blood almost reluctant to leave their bodies. Resurrecting them as zombies has the unusual side effect of improving their general level of intelligence, though why this should be so is a matter of some debate. Some scholars suggest that the regenerative abilities of Troll-kind are somehow inhibitive of higher brain function, while others posit that it is simply impossible to make a Troll any stupider merely by virtue of it being dead. Whatever the truth, Zombie trolls are a deadly, if slow opponent to face.

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Ogre Hunters – €27,49

Ogre society is more complex than outsiders often realise, governed by a strict hierarchy based on martial skill and respect, far more sophisticated than the savagery of the Orc. For a nomadic people such as Ogres, skill at the hunt is just as important as skill in battle. Hunting requires not only strength of body and feats of arms, but cunning, intelligence and fieldcraft. Hunters are greatly respected within their tribes, possessing a variety of finely honed skills passed from one generation to the next. These skills also transfer well on to the battlefield, allowing them to set traps, ambush the foe, and target the monstrous mounts and minions of their enemies, or equally drive their own bestial charges before them into the fray.

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Ogre Chariot Regiment –  €49,99

Where most races field chariots crewed by a pair of warriors, one controlling the beasts drawing the chariot while the other fights, Ogres‘ size and bulk means that this would be impractical. A single Ogre rides in each chariot, the reins of the Gores clutched in one meaty paw while a massive spear or axe swings from the other. In truth, Ogres think of Chariots more as a way to get at the enemy quickly than a weapon in and of themselves, though the end result is much the same. A charge from a regiment of these war machines is very often the last sight seen by anyone who receives it.

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Orc Godspeaker – €8,99

Orcs are elemental and instinctive users of magic, with little of the finesse or nuance of the magic users of other races. Perhaps unsurprisingly, their main obsession is with using magic for destruction, with a particular fascination for fire and explosions. Orc Shamans are often unhinged and unbalanced, but most Warlords calculate that it is worth the risk to use them.

Mantic Games ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.

Quelle: Mantic Games

Link: Kings of War Fantasy Battle Game – 2nd Edition


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Also, mit dem „Lammasu“-Kopf finde ich den Drachen sogar ziemlich gut, nur halt als „Drache“ nicht. Wobei der gute Elf mit seinem Gesicht leider auch nicht hilfreich ist… da bin ich froh, bei Dungeon Saga nicht auch noch für den Drachen gepledged zu haben 😀

    Eigentlich ist es schade, Mantic hat mich immer wieder fast soweit, bei den Abyssal Dwarves einzusteigen, aber wenn dann die Hälfte der Armee aus Modellen besteht, die mir eigentlich nicht gefallen, dann ist das auch kein Spaß, leider…

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