von BK-Christian | 02.08.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Integrated Wargame Buildings: Kickstarter

Ein neuer Geländekickstarter erblickt das Licht der Welt.

Hello, my name is Thomas Farnell, I am the creator of Wargame-model-mods, I design the buildings and run the company with help from my fiancée Samantha.

The Project

This is my first Kickstarter and I am aim to bring something completely new to the wargaming scene.

I am combining simple electronics with laser cut buildings to bring new eye catching and unique terrain to your tables.

I am re-using some of my most popular designs that are already for sale and updating these. I am also adding an exciting range of completely new buildings. All the buildings feature optional plastic windows, lights and/or motorised parts.

I have been working on this project for a long time now and a handful of my most recent buildings such as the hydro carbon power plant were designed with this electronic integration in mind. The buildings that are already in basic form will continue to be available throughout and after this project. Once the Kickstarter is complete an integrated and original version will be available. The new buildings that are being launched here will be available with the electronic components as standard. The buildings come with all the components needed apart from batteries, two standard AA batteries are needed for most buildings, a couple require four AA batteries. No soldering is required or tools such as wire cutter/ strippers. The light circuits are made up and the parts for the buildings with motion simply need the battery pack attaching which can be done by twisting the wires together.

You can see all the buildings lower down the page, each will be available as a pledge. As a thank you for backing this Kickstarter these buildings are cheaper than they will be once they go up for sale, each building will be 10-20% cheaper than rrp. The deal pledges with multiple buildings can save you up to 25%. You will also receive your buildings before they will be available to anyone else as I will not be launching these on my own website or sites I sell on until all the pledges are filled.

I am hoping for a relatively fast turnaround of 2-3 months. Once the Kickstarter is complete, components will be ordered, this will be the largest factor for turnaround time as I will need to wait for delivery.


Some of the buildings come on sprues, these need to be cut off and have the tiny tabs cleaned up before construction. The parts that are on sprues tend to be the smaller detailed parts, the larger components of the buildings come loose ready to be used in construction right away.

The buildings come bagged in retail packaging in which you will find the buildings separated in to bags or rubber banded together. They are grouped by sections such as doors/windows, wall sections or detail panels etc.

Each building comes with picture and text instructions.

The MDF components can be assembled with PVA glue or similar and I recommend using super glue for gluing the electronics and plastic parts in place. A super glue activator can prove to be very helpful here saving time and ensuring that parts do not move.

The plastic windows are provided with several of the kits and are optional. They need to be cut to size which can be done with a craft knife or scissors. Templates are provided with the instructions so you can cut them quickly and easily. The windows can easily be altered or have damage effects such as bullet holes or smashed / cracked sections added.


These buildings can be painted normally like any other MDF terrain. As with my other buildings I recommend after construction of the buildings you undercoat them to seal the wood and give a nice base to paint onto.

Some buildings require you to add the lights as you construct them. When you come to under coat these buildings, be it with a brush, spray can or an airbrush you should cover the small LEDs with something such as Blue Tac, masking tape or fluid, if you do get paint on them it can be scraped off with a scalpel or similar.

So sehen einige der Gebäude aus:

Integrated_Wargame _Buildings_1 Integrated_Wargame _Buildings_2 Integrated_Wargame _Buildings_3 Integrated_Wargame _Buildings_4

Integrated_Wargame _Buildings_5 Integrated_Wargame _Buildings_6 Integrated_Wargame _Buildings_7 Integrated_Wargame _Buildings_8

Integrated_Wargame _Buildings_9 Integrated_Wargame _Buildings_10 Integrated_Wargame _Buildings_11 Integrated_Wargame _Buildings_12

Die Kampagne läuft noch 28 Tage.

Quelle: Integrated Wargame Buildings bei Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Schönde Grunddesigns, die aber noch einiges an Detailarbeit brauchen um auf dem Markt mithalten zu können.

  • Ich find die Gebäude sehr cool. Die Lichteffekte sind da eigentlich nur dreingabe.
    Gerade das Spire, der Satellite Dish und das Hydrocarbon Power plant haben es mir angetan.

  • Die Gebäude sind sehr undetailliert und um von der Beleuchtung zu profitieren müsste ich im (Halb)Dunkel spielen. Ich weiß nicht, wen genau das Produkt ansprechen soll. Vielleicht Ladenbesitzer, die das als Blickfang im Schaufenster haben, vorausgesetzt die stecken da noch einiges an Arbeit in die Gebäude, denn sonst sieht es nur nach beleuchtetem Schuhkarton aus.

    • An so etwas ähnliches habe ich gedacht…ich wollte mir ein Gebäude in die Vitrine stellen und damit meine Figuren auf/um einem schönen Gebäude platziert präsentieren.
      Es stimmt, man muß noch selbst Details etwas mit einbauen, aber wenn ich mir so meine Bitzbox anschaue, sehe ich damit eigentlich überhaupt keine Probleme….

  • Ist halt alles auch ne Preisfrage. Die Gebaeudde sind okay aber jetzt auch nix umwerfendes. Mich wuerden wohl eher direkt guenstige Beleuchtungssets interessieren um meinen Gelaendeteilen etwas Atmosphaere zu verschaffen. Im Elektronikladen sind das ja eher Centbetraege fuer die Teile- Komplettsets sind dagegen nur immer voellig ueberteuert…

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