von BK-Christian | 27.08.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Icarus: Praesidian Republic

Icarus Miniatures zeigen ein weiteres Preview zu ihrem kommenden Kickstarter.


In today’s blog we’re looking at the Praesidian Republic, one of the factions we hope to unlock as stretch goals in our upcoming kickstarter.

The Praesidian Republic

Considered to be the oldest known race, the Praesidians have spent millennia guiding the other members of the galaxy, forming the Council, and discovering new species.
The Praesidians are the ones who built the first Light Gates, the portals through which interstellar travel is conducted.

Birthing Colonies

Praesidians are born on Birthing Colonies where they assigned a class and vocation. For the most part, Praesidians remain at the social level they are assigned at birth. While there are cases where a lower class Praesidian worker has managed to work their way into a position of power, those situations are rare. At a young age, Praesidian children are given a series of tests that determine where they will best fit within society. These tests, administered by a Spirit Warrior, are incredibly accurate, and it is not often that a Praesidian will find a duty they are more suited to than the one assigned to them as a child. Birthing Colonies are vital to the continuation of the Praesidian species.

When a Praesidian lays an egg, it is taken to a Birthing Colony, where it will hatch. It takes almost 3 earth-years for a Praesidian egg to hatch, meaning they need constant monitoring and protection, which is why they are hatched on Birth Colonies.


Birthing Colonies are some of the most heavily guarded worlds in the galaxy. Because they house so much of the Praesidian species, they are constant targets; and many of the Praesidians’ enemies have attempted to invade the Birthing Colonies over the centauries. Luckily, none have ever succeeded.

The colonies are protected from above by large fleets of Praesidian war-ships. And on the group, Praesidian infants are protected by the Birthing Mothers; who hatch the eggs, raise the young, and keep them safe. Birthing Mothers are among the most skilled warriors in the Praesidian Republic.

The Great Spirit

The Praesidian’s are one of the few races that still worship the same deity across the entire species. They believe in the Great Spirit, which they believe is made up of the souls, or spirits, of every creature that has ever lived and died. They believe each and every life that ends improves the Spirit in some way.

Culturally, the Praesidians are led by the Spirit Warriors, individuals they believe to be infused by the Spirit. In battle, Spirit warriors use a more compact version of Light Gate technology to perform close range “teleportation” to gain the advantage.

Icarus Miniatures_Praesidian Honour Guard Preview

Praesidians believe that the Great Spirit has two aspects, or faces. One aspect is a manifestation of all the good and kindness in the universe, and is responsible for all the good fortune creatures experience. The other aspect of the Great Spirit is a manifestation of all the evil in the universe, and is responsible for all the misfortune experienced.

Most Praesidians do not believe that the “good” face of the Great Spirit has a physical manifestation. Almost all Praesidians, however, believe that the “evil” aspect of the Great Spirit has a physical body and resides somewhere outside of known space. Scholars disagree with what form the Evil One takes; some say it is a great beast, twisted and rotten, with the power to re-animate the dead. Others say that it is a kind faced being that uses tricks and deceit to rally creatures to its cause. The remaining scholars suggest that the Evil One is a monstrous creature that resembles the demonic creatures that were feared on Old Earth.No one knows what form the Evil One takes, and no one has even proved that such a being even exists. But the belief in that aspect of the Great Spirit has driven the Praesidian race for millennia.


Following the end of the second Nexus war, and in a move that shocked the galaxy, the Praesidian government announced that they were leaving the Council. There were no reasons given as to why the Praesidians, who had founded the Council, were separating themselves. Within weeks, the Nexus announced they too would split from the rule of the Council. Over the following months, the Ji’tar, Alliance and countless smaller governments announced that they would leave the Council and rule themselves.

Less than six months after leaving the Council; the Praesidians left known space. Almost 70% of their ships and citizens gathered together into a vast fleet and left known space through one of the previously inactive Light Gates on the fringes of the galaxy.

Those who stayed behind mainly consisted on the Birthing Colonies, their defence forces, and a handful of fleets tasked with defending the Praesidian Republic. No reason was given for the departure of the Praesidian fleet; and those who remain either do not know where their kin have gone, or they do not know.

Quelle: Icarus Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Also die Konzeptbilder sehen schon klasse aus. Hoffentlich werden die Miniaturen dann nicht eine allzu große Enttäuschung, denn ich stelle es mir schwer vor, die entsprechend umzusetzen.

    Der Stil ist auf jeden Fall interessant. Die Kopfform der Aliens erinnert stark an die Tau aus Warhammer 40k, während das übrige Design von den Protoss aus Starcarft entlehnt zu sein scheint.

  • Hm nicht schlecht, da krieg ich doch direkt Lust ein paar davon in ein „Alienbotschafter sammt Leibgarde geraten beim Erstkontakt mit den Tohaa in einen Hinterhalt der Combined Army“ zu verwursten 😀

  • Der 1. sieht genau aus wie der Tau Himmlische mit Himmelsklinge den ich immer bauen wollte. 😀 Sehr hübsch.

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