Icarus: Neuer Alliance Trooper Print
Icarus Miniatures haben den 3D-Drucker warm laufen lassen und zeigen einen neuen Alliance Trooper.
Alliance Trooper 3
The 3rd of 3 Alliance trooper sculpts that will eventually be included in the Alliance starter set, this sculpt shows an Alliance Trooper firing his Light Machine Gun (LMG) into the enemy.
As you can see, the print has captured all the fantastic details of the sculpt, including the segmented armour plating.
The miniature will be supplied in 3 pieces; the body, right arm, and head. The heads of all three troopers will be interchangeable, so you’ll be able to add some variety to your minis!
Quelle: Icarus Miniatures
Da sieht man ja immer mal wieder ein paar nette Minis.
Mal sehn, wohin das noch führen mag 😉