von BK-Christian | 23.08.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Icarus: Die Nexus

Icarus Miniatures stellen die Fraktion der Nexus genauer vor.

The Nexus

The Nexus are one of the most brutal races in the galaxy. The ancient Nexus were among the first species discovered by the Praesidians. By the time the two races met, the Nexus had already achieved space travel, moving from planet to planet in vast ships that housed millions of Nexus. These journeys would take generations, but were fuelled by the belief that the Nexus were the dominant species in the galaxy and deserved to conquer.


The Nexus would enter the orbit of an inhabited planet and send wave after wave of solders down to the surface to conquer.

When they first encountered the Praesidians they immediately went to war. They were not prepared for the technological superiority of the Praesidians however, and were quickly quelled.

The only reason the Nexus weren’t returned to their home world and blockaded was because of the actions of their leader at the time, Arkos. He surrendered to the Praesidians and was able to reach an agreement to allow his people to be accepted by the Council.

Arkos has been branded a coward by the majority of the Nexus since, but it is because of him the Nexus still travel the stars.

The Nexus Separatist Movement

When most people refer to the Nexus now, what they are actually referring to is the Nexus Separatist Movement.

Started by the Nexus General, Varakos, the Separatist Movement was responsible for the second Nexus war, and countless minor conflicts since. Since he was young, Varakos held a deep resentment of other races, and the way the treated Nexus. During his education on Apollo, the Council’s foremost world of learning, Varakos began the Nexus Separatist Movement as a way for himself and his Nexus peers to find solidarity. What began as social gatherings to avoid discrimination, soon took a more radical turn.

Varakos was elected leader of a group whose discussions were more and more becoming about revenge against the other races that had “oppressed” the Nexus.Varakos used his new position to convince the group’s members to go out into the galaxy and recruit more bodies for the cause.

When he left Apollo, Varakos quickly found a place within the Nexus military, and rose through the ranks; all the while gathering more supporters in secret for his movement.


During this time he was also able to manipulate galactic stocks to make himself extremely wealthy. He used this wealth to pay off hundreds of Nexus mercenaries with no allegiances to join him. Eight years after finishing university he was named general of the Nexus armed forces, the youngest in history. It’s thought that he bribed, threatened and bullied his way into the position, but once there he had the connections to spread the word of his movement throughout Nexus space.

He quickly established who in the Nexus military could be trusted to follow him, and who were loyal to the Alliance. Those who he decided would not be loyal, he re-located to remote parts of the galaxy, active war zones or simple discharged.

Eighteen months after being named general, almost the entire military was made up of Nexus loyal to him.

The Second Nexus War

Ten years after leaving Apollo University, the stage was set, and Varakos was ready to put his plans into motion.

Councilman Pritchard, one of the Alliance leaders, was visiting a Nexus fringe world on an aid mission. Varakos paid a soldier, disguised as a local to assassinate the councilman, and planted dozens of armed soldiers in the crowd. Once the councilman was dead, these soldiers opened fire. The resulting fire fight ended with almost all other Nexus civilians present dead.

Varakos perverted the events and convinced the Nexus government that humanity had fired first. By the time the truth came out, the galaxy was at war.

The Fall of Aros

Aros is an Alliance system located at the edge of Alliance space. It is an agricultural world with very little significance. However, it became a turning point during the second Nexus war.

Varakos’ bombardment, and subsequent invasion of Aros left the planet ruined, and its population almost entirely dead.

This campaign earned him the title of the Butcher of Aros.

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 The Nexus will be one of the starter sets available in our Kickstarter next month, along with the Alliance.

The sculpts are looking fantastic so far, and capture the savagery of this race perfectly. And as you can see below, they tower over their human opponents.

Quelle: Icarus Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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