von BK-Christian | 29.11.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Human Interface: Neues Update

Es gibt mal wieder Bilder zu Human Interface.

Hello Everybody,

it’s really hard to believe that it’s Friday. Again. So according to our tradition we have an update for you. Today we have bunch of news and some important information.

We start with the presentation of, favorite for some of you, Black Stone Commandos team. All operators are on board together with sniper Snake Queen and operator Akira. So we may consider the subject of commando closed. All we are waiting for is heavy tactical support in the form of operator Flash in the Exos armor. The 3D model is being designed now.

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In the download section you can get over 60 cyberwarfare cards for übermensch, Nakamura and AI faction. Enjoy your hacking session.


We also want to let you know about progress in the production process. The target of our business schedule is to produce around 42 000 models. For today we have almost 34 000 of them done and it means that the majority of faction is completed and ready to be packed. The production of the remaining part is on full speed. Collecting the rest of the materials in progress (bases and overlays).

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The graphic materials are now being prepared for print. For the sake of quality we are using one of the biggest printing houses specializing in games‘ production, so we have to adapt to their conditions. They set the date of printing our materials for the end of December, and that means that we will be able to start sending your games in mid January. We are really sorry for the delay.

The good news is that our backers will get more elements of the game, especially cards and tokens, than we formerly communicated. We’ve also improve some of the elements of the game according to testers‘ suggestions.

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As you may remember, during the ks campaign we’ve presented some concepts of characters from SAR Angels faction, which our backers will get as freebe. Taking care of the quality and listening to your opinions we decided to change the concepts of the characters. We’ve started with Eva Morales, presented already Doctor Monica and today we want to show you something new, a model, which is already in the production. Please take a look at Shirley ‚Crazy‘ Stone.


All three remaining models, that is: Exos, Janet Elroy (redesign) and Bassetti (redesign) are now in the designing phase. As we mentioned the rest of models are now ready or are in production.

Last but not least very important information on the BackerKit. Due to the logistics of the project especially for shipping we have to close the BackerKit in next week at the latest.

Please update your shipping addresses.

That’s it for today.
In case of any questions do not hesitate to get in touch.
The HINT team.

Quelle: Human Interface – Nakamura Tower


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Vor allem die Truppenmodelle finde ich sehr ansprechend. Mit den Individualisten werd ich nicht immer warm, aber Mrs. Stone beispielsweise gefällt mir wieder ganz gut.

  • Ich hab mich beim KS immer geärgert das meine 9 Pfund für den Typ mit Hund einfach weg waren (da ich keins von den höheren Pledges genommen habe gab es keine Pledge Manager Einladung), was mich sehr geärgert hat.

    Mich hatte der Rest damals gar nicht interessiert, aber wenn die Minis in den Regulären Handel kommen (mal sehen wann) dann laden sicher die eine oder andere für Shadowrun in der Sammelung.

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