Hasslefree: Neue Resinminis
Von Hasslefree kommen neue Minis.
After a fair few years gap, Kev used a stress break (from finding out that airport security had messed up some Grymn greens) to add to our Fantasy Villagers line.
We don’t name our villagers so this is just ‚Young Maiden‘
‚Foxtrot‘ is a post-apocalyptic wanderer of the badlands. She comes complete with choice of weapons (an automatic or a rifle), choice of heads (buzzcut or gasmask and crazy hair/wig) and choice of left arm (regular or mechanised).
(Kev was quick to mock me for putting her together waving her gun around instead of having the stock in the crook of her arm so I’ll have to amend the photo tomorrow, for now though, pretend she just likes waving it about 🙂 )
A young female ‚paladin‘ from a peasant background, Jeanne is a follower of the One God. This has made her a number of enemies amongst the noble followers of the Old Gods but she continues to defy her age and has been the lynchpin in a number of important battles.
Seen here in full plate armour, with underlying chain, and armed with a bastard sword.
These are the core members of a small group of hardened Zombocalypse survivors whose base of operations is in the Quaker state.
Also available separately this group consists of Taylor, Levon, Vince, Earl and Jim. The group pack includes a healthy discount on the individual purchases.
Quelle: Hasslefree bei Facebook
Link: Hasslefree
Yay L4D Überlebende 😺
Yay! Imperator Furiosa! 😀
Genau das dachte ich auch sofort! Paßt prima in meine Sammlung.
Wie immer sind das sehr schöne Minis von Hasslefree, die erneut überwiegend Charaktere aus Filmen und Spieleserien zitieren und mich als Kenner der jeweiligen Materie daher schon sehr ansprechen…
Wie immer coole Sachen!
Wird Zeit mal wieder was dort zu bestellen.
: D
Das sind wieder einmal sehr schöne Sachen, die Hasslefree da veröffentlicht.