von BK-Christian | 30.06.2015 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

Guild Ball: Season 2 Preview

Der Kickstarter zu Guild Ball wurde vollständig versandt und bei Facebook gibt es einen Ausblick auf Season 2.


Hi everyone,

Firstly, lets start with the most important news! The Kickstarter is now COMPLETE! All pledges are either in the post or being shipped from our painters (Hot Drop Studio) very soon. Which means we have reached the final milestone today – its still unbelievable the support and community this game is generating.

If there are any remaining issues please make sure you contact support@steamforged.com and the guys will sort it for you.

Kickstarter allowed a pair of gamers the chance to create a game and follow their dream of starting a design studio…you guys have done that for us. Now our job is to support this game throughout its life-cycle and provide our players the best possible gaming experiences we can…with Guild Ball and any other products we produce in the future…

To celebrate all of this great news… The Locker Room is now OPEN!

The Locker Room is Open!

Since hitting retail we have had a huge amount of people be pretty upset they missed this Kickstarter – one reason being the captain sculpts. The last time the Locker Room opened, the Alt Boiler went on sale in metal and hasn’t been seen since. This time, we have some remnants of the Kickstarter left for people to purchase.

Art Card Bundles, KS Exclusive Sculpts Resin/Metal, Patches…quite a few things for people to have a browse at to wave goodbye to the Kickstarter…remember – the Locker Room rarely opens and no product is guaranteed to be available again – so its a nice time to grab some goodies.

Resins – Available NOW

A question we have been asked numerous times over the last few months is when will resin models be available at retail? The answer is…NOW! In limited quantities and available only via guildball.com

…restocks are planned in the future but expect a waiting period. If you want resin get in quick!

Restock + Guild Dice

Our entire range has had its second restock since SALUTE, meaning you can now pickup Guild Ball products from your LGS or via www.guildball.com. Demand currently for the game is beyond anything we had expected – we are predicting to be out of stock by the end of the week…if your LGS wants to stock Guild Ball get them to contact us via distribution@steamforged.com – we distribute globally.

We are working furiously behind the scenes to get more product in your hands and after speaking to our manufacturers we have worked in a 2 week cycle for product delivery which should help meet this insane demand. Please bare with us 🙂

The guild dice have suffered the most in the crushing demand we are experiencing – with the first lot literally selling out within a day. We have had our restock which is available direct only now via http://store.guildball.com – so if you want them grab em!

Finally, we have had several people ask for us to put single models (out of the starter sets) for sale…so we did. You can now purchase any model from our range individually.


A season 2 spoiler to finish off? Hell, its a great day for Guild Ball so why not. Lets introduce you to Smoke, the Alchemist Captain for Season 2.

What an amazing journey…that feels like its just beginning again.

See ya on the fields of glory,

Mat & Rich.

Quelle: Guild Ball bei Facebook

Link: Guild Ball


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Sehr cool von den Jungs! Habe auch gleich mal in deren Shop/Locker Room zugeschlagen, da ich damals den Ks verpasst hatte.

    Ich bin begeisterter GB Spieler seit dem offiziellen Release und kann das System jedem schwer ans Herz legen und weiter empfehlen, es macht einfach tierisch Spaß und die Miniaturen sind durch die Bank weg grandios (sehr hoher und scharfer Detailgrad, sehr schönes Design)!

    @ Brückenkopf Redaktion … wann folgt eigentlch euer Review zu GuildBall, ihr hattet da mal vor Ewigkeiten sowas in Aussicht gestellt? 🙂


  • p.s. … Gibt es eigentlich schon deutsche Einzel-/Online Händler welche GuildBall anbieten? Es wäre großartig, wenn sich das System auch in Dtl. verbreiten würde :)!

    • Also ich habe 2 große Händler angehauen, einmal einen in Berlin und den Fantasyladen von den BK-Partnern…die haben beide Nein gesagt….das war vor ca 4 Wochen….
      Ein kleiner Laden in Mainz ist am überlegen das System aufzunehmen…

  • Muss mir auch unbedingt das System nochmal genauer anschauen. Die Minis sehen echt klasse aus.

    • Das Regelsystem dazu ist auch wirklich gut gemacht :-)….da sind die Figuren keine Blender für ein unausgegorenes Regelbuch

  • Super, ich freue mich! Habe das Spiel selbst zwar noch nicht ausprobieren können, kann die positiven Äußerungen zu den Minis aber nur bestätigen. Habe zwei Teams (Butcher’s und Fisherman’s Guild) und bin mehr als zufrieden was die Gussqualität, die Posen und auch die Anatomie der Figuren betrifft.
    Ach so … mein Wunsch für die Season 2: Librarians (oder andere schräge Nerds)

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