von BK-Nils | 26.09.2015 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

Forge World: Apocalypse Missile Launchers

Forge World veröffentlichen eine neue Schulterwaffenvariante für den Mars-Alpha Pattern Warlord Titanen.

Mars Pattern Warlord Titan Apocalypse Missile Launcher x 2 – 100,00 GBP

Forge World_Warhammer 40.000 Mars Pattern Warlord Titan Apocalypse Missile Launcher x 2 1

Forge World_Warhammer 40.000 Mars Pattern Warlord Titan Apocalypse Missile Launcher x 2 2 Forge World_Warhammer 40.000 Mars Pattern Warlord Titan Apocalypse Missile Launcher x 2 3 Forge World_Warhammer 40.000 Mars Pattern Warlord Titan Apocalypse Missile Launcher x 2 4

The Apocalypse Missile Launcher is a Titan-class support weapon capable of firing volleys of missiles to saturate a wide target area. The superior elevation and mobility of a Battle Titan as a firing platform makes the Apocalypse launcher a surpassingly flexible weapon. When mounted in pairs on the Mars pattern Warlord Titan, the Apocalypse launcher becomes even more deadly.

The rules for using the Mars Warlord Battle Titan, including its carapace-mounted Apocalypse Missile Launchers, can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Five – Tempest and may be used in both games set during the Horus Heresy and in standard games of Warhammer 40,000, in which case the Mars Warlord Battle Titan is a Lords of War choice for Armies of the Imperium and Chaos Space Marines.

This multi-part resin kit includes components to build two Warlord Apocalypse Missile Launchers.

Mars Pattern Warlord Titan with Apocalypse Missile Launcher – 1.230,00 GBP

Forge World_Warhammer 40.000 Mars Pattern Warlord Titan with Apocalypse Missile Launcher

The colossal Mars pattern Warlord Titan is among the most ancient and feared of the Imperium’s war machines. Forged on the Red Planet itself, it is worshipped and venerated as the Omnissiah’s will incarnate, and each god-engine is encased in layered armour and powerful void shielding, and armed with weapons that are capable of reducing armies to ash.

In addition to its ardex-defensor mauler bolt cannon and lascannon turrets, support weapons that would be considered main armaments on smaller war machines, this Warlord is armed with a pair of carapace-mounted Apocalypse Missile Launchers and two Belicosa pattern Volcano Cannon.

The rules for using the Mars Warlord Battle Titan can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Five – Tempest and may be used in both games set during the Horus Heresy and in standard games of Warhammer 40,000, in which case the Mars Warlord Battle Titan is a Lords of War choice for Armies of the Imperium and Chaos Space Marines.

This bundle contains one Mars pattern Warlord Titan Body, one Mars-Alpha pattern Warlord Titan Head, two Mars pattern Warlord Belicosa Volcano Cannon and one pair of Mars pattern Warlord Apocalypse Missile Launchers. Each is a multi-part resin kits which together build a complete Mars pattern Warlord Titan.

The hanging banners shown in some images are not included.

Link: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Netter Eierwerfer.
    Regeltechnisch nicht das geilste, aber der Warlord ist ja so OP das die blosse Existenz auf dem Tisch schon Sieg bedeutet. 😉

  • Für Apo-Launcher sind doch Reaver da. Ein Warlord brauch doch sich nicht ums Fussvolk kümmern. Der muss die schweren Jungs angehen…… 😉

  • Naja, als Geländeteil sicher recht cool, wenn irgendwer seine eigene Ordensfestung baut (wobei sich mAn Chaos viel besser für Ordensfestung anbietet, da man da in der Draufsicht nen schönen Chaosstern bauen kann, bei dem die einzelnen Zacken Bastionen sind und das Zentrum ein großes Kolosseum…

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