von BK-Christian | 24.11.2015 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Fey: Moon Man

Es gibt ein neues Green von Fey: den Moon Man.

FEY_Moon_Man_1 FEY_Moon_Man_2 FEY_Moon_Man_3 FEY_Moon_Man_4

Hi all,

I’m very happy to show you the finished sculpt of the Moon Man done by Christoph Eichhorn aka Trovarion! It turned out really well and I’m very pleased with it! Hope you are as well!

Here’s a little introduction to this vile and wretched creature…

The Tale of the Moon Man

At one point in his wretched life, the vile creature we now know as the Moon Man, was just a human child. Or so it seemed. The child was born with such horrendous deformities that his parents couldn’t stand looking at him nor had the power to love him. Even during pregnancy the family had been cursed by mishaps and the delivery was painful to say the least. Finally they decided to abandon him, leaving him in the midst of a dense grown forest, just outside the borders of the Fey domains. They hoped nature would be kind on him and relief him of his misery and that he would get eaten by wolves or other wildlife, so that he didn’t have to live out his miserable and painful life. The wolves however did not come. They stayed well clear of the new born, sensing its unnatural aura and so the child remained alone.

As fate has its quirky way of doing things differently it so happened that a wizard from the Fey realm passed by and noticed the infant unattended for. He instantly recognized the magic that was flowing strongly through its veins and so he decided to take him in to raise him and teach him in the ways of magic. He named him Moon, after the way his head was sort of shaped in due to his deformities. Whilst the Moon Man adored his new father, his life still remained miserable. His body was constantly wracked with pain and the other students continuously mocked him. Teasing him with his crescent shaped head and other bodily discomforts. However as the years passed by his magical powers grew stronger and stronger until he was the most powerful of them all. The mocking subsided and gave way to fear of their fellow student – and rightly so.

On one dark fated day the wizard was murdered by a group of other Fey beings over a longstanding feud, its origins lost over the course of time, and this drove the Moon Man insane and bitter with hatred. With the caring Father gone his already tormented soul lost whatever humanity it still had left and in a fit of rage he slew the remaining students. Acting out his revenge of all those years of torment and abuse until he found himself once more all alone.

These days he can be seen stalking the lands of Fey in search of his beloved father’s killers. He is adorned by skulls, bones and trinkets from his fellow students. Keepsakes from an earlier life to remind him that all other living beings are his potential enemy and that there are no friends in life….

Quelle: Fey bei Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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