von BK-Christian | 28.07.2015 | eingestellt unter: Dropzone Commander

Dropzone Commander: Neuheiten

Hawk Wargames haben mehrere Neuheiten für Dropzone Commander angekündigt.

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Dropzone Commander Special Edition Rulebook – 55,99 Euro

We are proud to announce the release of our core rulebook, in a special limited edition, 176 page hardback run of just 1500 copies. Only a limited number of these copies will be available from us direct. The book has been reimagined, with new cover artwork, Spot UV front-plate, printed end papers and a marker ribbon, printed on thick paper stock and finished with a high quality silk coating.

20 new pages, and over 50 new pieces of artwork sit alongside lavish photographic images, creating a gorgeous tome for your coffee table, sci-fi library or gaming room. This book comes in a printed box, to ensure the book is protected, and each book is cellophane wrapped.

This special edition still includes all the gaming content of the core rulebook, including:

  • Core Rules: All the rules you need to play.
  • Background: Rich and detailed setting for the DzC game universe, as well as in depth background for all four races and their units. You’ll be in no doubt as to where you’re fighting, why you’re fighting and who you’re fighting with!
  • Army Lists:  The full stats, lists and special rules for all four races.
  • Scenarios:  A wide selection of scenarios to keep your games fresh!
  • Colour Schemes:  A wide selection of colour schemes and camouflage patterns are showcased for each race, giving you plenty of inspiration when painting your armies! Further hobby tips, articles and information will be made available from our downloads section in the coming weeks.
  • Guest Painters Pages: Some inspiring work by keen gamers and painters unaffiliated with Hawk Wargames.
  • Index: Double page index of terms and key phrases.


Legionnaire Flak Teams – 13,49

Time and again combined arms have been a winning formula on the battlefield. UCM strategists embrace such tactics, and as the Reconquest continues, this mixing of squads provides the most flexible and effective way forward. The UCM AA team compliments standard legionnaires, upping the defensive capabilities of the infantry.

When entering structures AA teams are quick to cover any approach vectors that enemy aircraft could use to counter attack, securing the skies while their ground-pounding comrades search for potential intelligence resources, mission objectives, or secure the building.

The man portable UM-17 Anti-Aircraft Weapon fires a terrifying stream of heavy calibre shells at the rate of hundreds of rounds a minute. Micro-computer aided targeting gimbals and a tipped phosphorus tracer rounds fired every 10th allow for accurate targeting, and overlapping fire training ensures that the enemy will be brought down with ease.


Vampires – 15,99 Euro

Officially titled ‘Species SC-23-F’, these flying Scourge creatures have swiftly taken on the moniker of ‘Vampires’ among UCM personnel. In their natural environment they roost in large numbers but are skittish, using their powerful tails, talons and teeth to attack larger avian creatures but avoiding ground dwellers or machinery of any kind. However, when implanted with the Scourge parasite and equipped with Plasma Cutters, they become powerful anti-aircraft units, easily disabling dropships before feasting on their passengers and crew.

Vampires use the bat-like qualities of their hosts to cling on to the outside of Scourge dropships when entering the battlefield. Spying their prey, they unfurl their wings and pounce, latching onto unwary enemy from above and melting their way into the hull of ships, eager to get at the sweater meats inside.


Valkyries – 13,49 Euro

The Siren Corps is an elite group of women, capable of utilising the multiple viewpoints of their weapons and their superior training to deadly effect. The ability to make the grade is rare however, owing as much to genetic makeup as it does to personal ability and mind-set. Hundreds of PHR warrior women do not make the grade, yet are highly trained and implanted with top level military modifications. This enhanced dexterity and athleticism is used by PHR forces in the form of Valkyrie squads.

Valkyries use personal jump-jet booster packs to travel at speed across the battlefield, dodging and weaving through enemy fire before descending to unleash hails of submachine gun bullets on the foe. Retaining the mods and much of the training from Siren testing, they are nimble enough to escape all but the most masterful attacks, and the added manoeuvrability of their jump packs means that they can get to where the fighting is thickest quickly before cutting down the enemy with ruthless efficiency. Much like their mythical namesake, a Valkarie is often the thing the foe sees before they go to their afterlife.


Samurai – 14,99 Euro

Samurai live for the joy of battle, eschewing larger walker or more nimble skimmer vehicles to stride through the warzone in a heavy warsuit. Such units are often made up of secondborn Shaltari, or those who have achieved enough renown with Firstborn squads to merit the use of such a suit. For many they are the stepping stone between infantry fighting and the more aloof tactics of battle and war strider combat.

In armament and tactics they share the style of Firstborns, but writ large over the whole battlefield rather than contained to a close fight. Bio-atomiser weaponry takes the place of wave guns, stripping the flesh from enemy infantry with ease, where an underslung energy glave replaces their energy blades but maintains their close offensive capability; a Samurai pilot’s blood always flows hot with the desire to destroy their enemies eye to eye.


Attack ATVs – 14,99 Euro

Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. Attack ATVs are used by Resistance fighters for fast, nimble assaults, often in tandem with Freeriders and waves of technicals. They support troops in buildings with their grenade launchers, but rarely leave their quad bikes, taking a leaf out of the book of ancient earth native tribes, riding in circles close to or around their targets, firing into the enemy as they do so.

The greatest threat to infantry from attack ATVs is not their explosive grenades but their chemical rounds. All resistance groups have their horror stories from Scourge weaponry, but few compare to the devastating effect of the Acid Streamer on Scourge Tormentors. If the initial attack doesn’t work, the gas that is produced as a secondary weapon finishes the job.

Fighting fire with fire, the Resistance have concocted Chem-grenade rounds. These vary from the an altered mix of the raw jelly from an Acid Streamer to pre-Scourge invasion chemical rounds, scavenged from old military installations. However the result is the same; fired into structures in grenades, the payload infects a building with noxious acidic gases and reactants capable eating into and through the toughest body armour and melting the organic substances beneath.

Dropzone Commander wird in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben

Dropzone Commander ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner TinBitz erhältlich.

Quelle: Dropzone Commander


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich finde es ja sehr cool, wie viele Gedanken sich Hawk Wargames beim Hintergrund von Dropzone Commander immer macht. Als Fluffliebhaber werde ich daher das Special Edition Regelbuch im Auge behalten.

    Die neue Infanterie ist in jedem Fall hübsch, mir gefallen vor allem die Bikes der Resistance – bin mal gespannt, ob die im fertigen Guss noch so gut ausschauen wie auf dem Render. Auch das Scourge Monster hat was.

  • Die Bikes sehen sehr cool aus, wenn die Figuren dann nachher auch so aussehen wäre das schon top.

  • Sehen sehr gut aus und ich Amt die Hawk Modellrange eh sehr gerne.
    Einzig mit den Vampiren muss ich mich noch anfreunden.

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