von BK-Christian | 01.12.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Dropfleet Commander

Dropfleet Commander: Kickstarter endet

Der Kickstarter zu Dropfleet Commander läuft noch 3 Tage.

Den Anfang macht der bemalte Ajax-Kreuzer der PHR:

Hawk_Dropfleet_Kickstarter_1 Hawk_Dropfleet_Kickstarter_2

Und dann gab es noch die vier exklusiven Battlecruisers, die in dieser Optik nur über den Kickstarter erhältlich sein werden:


As we have hinted and many backers have guessed, there are in fact four Battlecruisers to choose from – one for each race, including one for the UCM. They are all Kickstarter exclusive, and while we originally thought of only having three (Shaltari, PHR and Scourge) we have listened to the community and are offering a new UCM ship as well, so that backers who are unable to get the UCMF Atlantis can still get a kickstarter exclusive ship in this class.

How will pledge levels relate to the Battlecruisers? Well, backers can add them in the same way as previous bolt ons for £14 per ship. This allows any backer of any pledge level to add more if they would like (which is understandable given that these models will only ever be available via kickstarter!), however Admiral and Commodore backers are slightly different:

As previously stated (but for clarity):

Commodore backers receive:
1x UCMF Atlantis + 3x any combination of the other four battlecruiser (e.g. 3 UCM OR 2 Scourge and 1 Shaltari OR 2 PHR and 1 UCM etc).

Because of the now added extra UCM battlecruiser, backers who would like the Atlantis AND all four other Battlecruiser will have to bolt on the fourth Battlecruiser.

Admiral backers receive: 1x UCMF Atlantis AND 1x each of the other Battlecruisers.

Again, if they would like even more of any of the Battlecruisers (apart from the Atlantis, which is only ever 1 per backer at high pledge levels) they need to bolt this on.

Now the technical information’s out the way, here’s a little more about the ships and the class itself.

Battlecruisers are – and have been since their inception – top heavy. They we designed to be able to maximise the speed and manoeuvrability while able to carry guns and payload a step above their weight class. In this respect they offer almost as much firepower as a battleship, on a much faster ship.

However this is where the top-heavy element comes in; they can dish out punishment, but need to be wary of sustaining it. A Battlecruisers‘ superstructure is only slightly more durable than a standard cruiser, which makes them almost as susceptible to enemy fire. While they are close to matching Battleships in firepower – and can certainly out-manoeuvre them – the odds are stacked against them in a protracted exchange of fire.

As with all elements of Dropfleet commander, this is where a player’s tactical acumen and planning come into play. To be used best, Battlecruisers have to apply their speed and force in more strategic ways – picking your battles for the best outcome, rather than slamming head on into the enemy’s larger ships and formations. However in the right hands the sheer firepower on tap from a fast hull will favour the aggressive, bold player when pouncing on lesser foes.

Battlecruisers also make excellent choices for flagships, especially in smaller games. They cost fewer points than full battleships and can keep up with the rest of the fleet, allowing a more varied and flexible fleet when the need arises.

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Weitere PHR-Bilder gab es auch:

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Und dann ist da noch der Civil Liner, ein ziviles Passagierschiff:

Hawk_Dropfleet_Kickstarter_14 Hawk_Dropfleet_Kickstarter_15

We also have some more images of the Cruise liner! This is free to high rank backers, and a bolt on available to others, but is Kickstarter exclusive!

Beasts of War haben noch ein weiteres Video zum Spiel veröffentlicht:

Quelle: Dropfleet Commander


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich warte ruhig, bis es im Laden ist und es Berichte gibt wie es sich spielt und deutsche Regeln. Dann vllt. Aber eher nicht. Zu viele Spiele. Bin satt. PHR und UCM Schiffe sind aber schon schick.

  • Also ich bin mit dem Commodore Pledge dabei und freue mich schon riesig auf das Spiel. Leider wird es eben noch fast ein Jahr dauern, bis wir es in den Händen halten.

    Ich bin außerdem mal gespannt, ob die die 500k Pfund noch schaffen auf der Zielgeraden. Ist ja das letzte große Stretch Goal und bedeutet noch einmal 16 zusätzliche Fregatten für alle Backer.

  • Same here! 😉

    die letzten Infos haben mich tatsächlich dazu bewegt den Comodore-Pledge-Level aus zu wählen!

    • 324 Pfund? Respekt!

      Ich bin immer noch am überlegen ob ich das wirklich brauche. Die Modelle sind sehr schick und auch die Tatsache dass es im Orbit von Planeten spielt finde ich interessant (ebenso wie die Bodenivasionen). Aber andererseits habe ich noch BFG, Star Wars Armada und X-Wing …

  • So nett ich ja die sachen für DzC von Hawk finde (mal abgesehn von den Preisen). Die Dropfleet Sachen sehen irgendwie alle grauenvoll aus.

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