von BK-Mark | 23.10.2015 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Crooked Dice: 7TV 2nd Edition Dicestarter

Ihr trinkt Eure Martinis gern geschüttelt, nicht gerührt, hindert gern psychotische Katzenliebhaber daran, die Weltherrschaft zu übernehmen und mögt Miniaturenspiele?

Tatsächlich haben wir da was für Euch: Aktuell läuft die Crooked Dice Dicestarter Preorder Kampagne zu den 7TV 2nd Edition Regeln.


The core release is the boxed game. This contains all the rules and cards you need to play 7TV, with dice, counters, tokens and a blast template. The rules have been updated and mercilessly spellchecked from the free beta PDF version, and now come in two full colour rulebooks packed with background and photographs from the world of 7TV. The full components of the boxed set are:

48 page Director’s Guide book • 32 page Producer’s Guide book
74 Hero & 73 Villain profile cards • 27 status & objective tokens
45 Countdown cards • 20 Gadget cards • 20 Plot Point tokens
Blast & Flamethrower template • Pewter Maguffin miniature • Six D6


Pre-order miniature starter casts!

To get your 7TV games off to a flying start, we are offering six exclusive miniature bundles. Each cast contains eight miniatures – enough to play a 30 ratings cast – at a reduced price of £15. Each starter cast is themed and contains at least one new sculpt – sometimes more!

YOU CAN BUY STARTER CASTS WITHOUT BUYING THE BOXED GAME – BUT these deals will only be available during the pre-order campaign. The new sculpts will be available at full price later in 2016, mixed in with our usual monthly release deals.

7TV_Action_Starter_1 7TV_Minion_Starter_1

Sieht aus wie ein Kickstarter, ist aber keiner.

It’s NOT a crowdfunding thing

You’ll definitely be getting your new toys. It’s not dependant on us reaching any funding goal! The campaign is simply a pre-order system that will get you: the 7TV boxed game at a cheaper price; access to mini deals not available at any other time; and bag you some lovely new sculpts in advance of 2016 releases! So tell your friends and wax lyrical about the game and miniatures at your club nights – world domination isn’t easy and we want everyone to play 7TV!

Pre-order dates

The pre-orders for all our 2nd edition products will run from Sunday 18th October to Sunday 29th November. During this time you will be able to order the 7TV 2nd edition boxed game, any or all of the individual components and the starter casts to take advantage of the special offers.

Placing your order

Simply order as you normally would. If you want to add to an existing pre-order then leave us a note about your new purchases at checkout – quoting your original order number. If you want to cancel or amend an order, email us and we will refund you any excess shipping paid.


Any product which states it is a 2nd edition pre-order in the description will only ship once we have the product. You can add ANY already available items to your pre-order, but note that the whole order will be held until we take delivery of the 2nd edition stock.

We will keep you updated on the expected arrival date of the 2nd edition stock. We currently expect this to be around the first week in January, but it might be sooner. After we receive it, our glamorous shipping assistants will start to get the orders out, more or less in the order we received them in the first place.

Future 2nd edition products

7TV is amazingly adaptable and capable of running various settings as well as the core spy-fi stuff in the starter set. We’ve released the Paranormal Exterminators Programme Guide and the Future Freedom Fighters PG is imminent. Each of these allows a whole new range of models to be played, and each is fully compatible with any starter set casts. Next we’ll update the 1st edition Programme Guide casts to 2nd edition, then complete the process by massively expanding the content of each of these six Programme Guides for the 2nd edition.

Die Preorder endet am 29.10.

Quelle: Crooked Dice 


Passionierter Maler und Hobby-Veteran aus den bunten 90ern. Neben 40K, der ersten großen Liebe, heutzutage Infinity-begeistert und Teilzeit X-Wing-Pilot, der die Hobby-Aspekte oftmals dem Spielen vorzieht.

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  • Hot! Eigentlich müsste ich da reflexartig zuschlagen. Allerdings ist gerade meine Strange Aeons KS-Lieferung angekommen und.. ach ihr wisst es doch: Zu viele Regelbücher, zu viele Minis und zu wenig Zeit.

    • Wem sagste das…wenn ich tatsächlich für alles Zeit hätte, was mir gefällt. Aber wir befinden uns derzeit in einem goldenen Zeitalter der Miniaturenspiele – die Auswahl gab es in den 90ern nicht.

  • Puh, der 29. November ist das Ende der Pre-Order.
    Das klingt verlockend und bis dahin sollte ich etwas Geld zur Seite legen können.
    Da ich gerade die Bond-Filme auf Sky der Reihe nach gucke, bin ich doch etwas anfällig 😛

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