von BK-Christian | 04.04.2015 | eingestellt unter: Historisch, Pulp

Congo: Neu von Studio Tomahawk

Studio Tomahawk haben ein neues Spiel angekündigt.


In the Studio Tomahawk planning we have a new game that offers you the opportunity to explore the Congo during the second half of the 19th century. At this time, Congo was the name of the mysterious river that ran into the heart of Africa, and not the name of the modern country.
Our correspondant has been sent to get more informations from the pen of Laurent Pouchain, the author…

The story of the colonisation of the Congo start in the around 1870 when Leopold II, King of Belgium decides to invest his own personnal wealth in a series of expeditions that would establish outposts of his dreamed colonial empire.
In the following years, the great colonial nations of Europe (France, Great-Britain and Germany) all converged toward the heart of Africa, in an attempt to grab their share of the Congo’s wealth. Afraid of the consequences of their competition for this part of Afica, all these European powers agreed to give the Congo to Leopold II during the conference of Berlin in 1885.

Another decade will pass before this country will be fully explored, its frontiers fixed and the Zanzibaris slavers expulsed.

Congo offers you the unique opportunity to take part to the exploration of this country, before the private companies and military forces arrive to plunder and wreak havoc. It’s a time when explorers, adventurers and scientists decided to risk their life and reputation to chart the uncharted, unveil mysteries and myths, and faced the natives and the terrible North African slavers.

Congo is a miniature adventure game that uses the magical, unexplored, savage, and dangerous “Dark Africa” as its playground, as the occidentals dreamt it at this time.

During the game you will lead a scientific expedition, a fierce tribal war party or a group of Zanzibaris slavers, each with their won schedules.

You will need around 30 figures to play the game. In addition to the various troops at your disposal, you will be able to add some larger than life and colourful characters as a newspaper correspondant, a big game hunter, the colonel’s daughter, a withdoctor or a tribal warchief.

In the heart of Congo you will find the adventures. In the game you will face the Great Ape venerated by a cannibal tribe, you will have to discover the fate of Pr. Fergusson expedition and what happened to his aerostat and will get hunt down some explorers in the jungle with your ruga-ruga bandits.

Gather your bearers, the adventure starts…

Quelle: Studio Tomahawk


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Hört sich sehr cool an. Wollte eh mal was Richtung Dark Africa“ machen. Nur habe ich dafür null Gelände. Damit müsste man anfangen.

  • Für Triumph & Tragedy plane ich zur Zeit ohnehin den Bau von Minis / Gelände für Darkest Africa. Da werde ich dann sicher auch mal einen Blick auf „Congo“ werfen.

  • Als alter Darkest Africa Fan bin ich schon überzeugt. Und rund 30 Figuren kriege vielleicht sogar ich bemalt.

  • Geil!!!! Das hört sich großartig an…
    Das einzig schwierige wird sein, sich für einen Maßstab zu entscheiden. 28mm gibts in fantastischer Qualität von Foundry, Copplestone, Bob Murch u.v.m, aber in 15mm wird das Gelände einfacher, und ich krieg mehr Minis fürs Geld…hmmm

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