von BK-Christian | 05.08.2015 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Clear Horizon: Neue 15mm Modelle

Von Clear Horizon kommen Modelle für die Hura Technocracy.

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ClearHorizon Miniatures release the 15mm – Hura Technocracy Heavy Support Section and Epsilon Squad Heavy support

Hura Technocracy – Heavy Support Section – $8.99

The Hura Technocracy represents an alien species known as the Hura. While possessing traits of both crabs and mantis insects, the Hura are an advanced species that use their technology to give them every advantage. Not only do they have a strong chitin outer skeleton that can deflect blows almost as well as most basic Human body armor, they

utilize a powerful series of miniature, close-contact forcefield generators that provide an extra layer of defense without limiting their strength and speed. Their weaponry, nicknamed “Lightning Rods’, strike out with powerful beams that can fry not only organic material but any unshielded electronics as well.

The Hura will often trade technology (often of a lower quality than their own equipment) for the service of Mercenaries in their border conflicts and have found an occasional “ally” in humanity. But only as long as it serves their needs. The Hura themselves prefer to let “lower” species do most of the fighting when they can, but can be a

formidable fighting force themselves. They can also be exceedingly pragmatic leading to the impression that they are very callous. Despite this they are avid explorers that

have even been known to use human epsilon teams as hired muscle for long term exploration missions.

Each Heavy Support Hura part of the lower-tier of the Hura Species. They are genetically and cybernetically modified to the point of becoming biological computers. The Heavy

Support Hura are lead by a handler who controls them.

The Hura Technocracy Expedition Squad contains five (5) metal miniatures, 1x handler, 4x heavy support Hura. The Handler comes with a selection of three head options and each heavy support Hura comes with two heavy weapon options.

Epsilon Squad – Heavy support – $8.99

Epsilon Squads are a Human combat force outfitted with hard-hitting weaponry and Exo-skeleton armored suits. Epsilon Squads fight on the front line, whether establishing an

Orbital Beachhead or taking a city back from enemy forces.

The individual Epsilon Squad trooper is a force to be reckoned with and whole platoons can be transported via Raven-Class VTOLs to strike at the heart of the enemy force.

Epsilon Squads operate in teams of six that can then be further broken down into fireteams of three or two (depending on the tactical situation).

The Epsilon Squad – Heavy Support Squad contains four (4) metal miniatures, 2x heavy support with arm mounted heavy anti-infantry weapons, 2x heavy support with arm mounted anti-vehicle weapons. Each soldier comes with (3) three head options.

The pack also comes with four additional back-mounted heavy weapon options for each trooper.

Quelle: Clear Horizon Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • All You Need Is Kill minis in 15mm Freude….

    Aber gabs da nicht auch ne Weibliche Figur mit Schwertern?

    • Gab es. Der weibliche Kopf und das Schwert waren Zusatzteile in der Epsilon Basis-Squad Version, die vor zwei Wochen erschienen ist.

  • Wow. Die sind wirklich gut. Und zudem preislich echt reasonable, wenn ich auf GW und XWing schaue.

    • Obacht das ist 15mm die sind viel kleiner als GW oder XWing, da ist der preis von 3USD für ein Modell schon fast als hoch zu bezeichnen.

      Obwohl ich ihn hier für angemessen halte.

      • Jein. Denn 15mm kann ich zumindest in angemessener Zeit auch ordentlich bemalen, und wenn ich sehe, dass ich für gute skirmish modelle mit individuellen Posen häufig 10€ aufwärts hinlegen muss, dann finde ich das hier schon okay.

        Andere hochpreisige 15mm Hersteller haben das wohl auch schon erkannt, und seit einigen Jahren boomt die Szene ja gewaltig!

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