von BK-Mark | 28.10.2015 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Clear Horizon: Hell Diver Recon Squad

ClearHorizon Miniatures schickt Euch auf den Highway to Hell mit neuen 15mm Sci-Fi Bikern.

Hell_Diver_Recon_Squad_1 Hell_Diver_Recon_Squad_2 Hell_Diver_Recon_Squad_3

Tasked with scouting enemy positions and hit-and-run missions the Hell Diver Recon Squad is equipped with Cyclone-Class Deep Infil motorcycles. The Cyclone-Class is capable of extended operations and has a range of over 1000 km. Its high-capacity batteries can be charged by burning any local fuel and by solar exposure.  They also contain compartments for foodstuffs, supplies, and ammunition.  The tire on the Cyclone are state-of-the-art nano-materials able to adapt to any surface almost instantly and allows for high-performance on and off-road travel.

The entire squad are drop-capable as the Cyclone has been designed to fold while in transit and to be quickly deployed out of the standard HEL/DIV Drop Pod.

The Hell Diver Recon Squad comes with four Cyclone-class motorcycles (three with lower torsos and legs attached and one rider-free motorcycle), three Hell Diver upper bodies and a sprue of Hell Diver rifles.

Preis für das Squad – 8,99 USD.

Quelle: ClearHorizon Miniatures 


Passionierter Maler und Hobby-Veteran aus den bunten 90ern. Neben 40K, der ersten großen Liebe, heutzutage Infinity-begeistert und Teilzeit X-Wing-Pilot, der die Hobby-Aspekte oftmals dem Spielen vorzieht.

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