von BK-Nils | 01.05.2015 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

B-Sieged: Kickstarter läuft

Auf Kickstarter läuft eine Kampagne für B-Sieged, einem kooperativen Brettspiel um eine Stadt, die von den endlosen Hordes des Abyss belagert wird.

A cooperative castle defense board game with 70 miniatures, where mighty Heroes have to withstand the siege of an Abyssal horde!

B-Sieged: Sons of the Abyss is a fully cooperative castle defense board game that combines exciting combat action with classic resource management. In this thrilling defensive battle, 1 to 6 players control the mighty Heroes of Modhelm, who must fight back the encroaching Abyssal hordes, and endure until salvation arrives!

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B-Sieged comes with 70 highly detailed, pre-assembled miniatures including 6 Heroes and the unstoppable hordes of the Abyss. Each player takes control of a number of Heroes while the encroaching Abyssal forces are controlled by the game itself.

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The mighty Heroes of Modhelm: Orobox, Lugh & Eileen

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The mighty Heroes of Modhelm: Myrinia, Osvith & Kador

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The relentless Krohn & the Elite Krohn

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The overwhelming Gargoh, the gigantic Mölen and Elite Gargoh

In B-Sieged, players must cooperate to defend the Citadel of Modhelm. Dark forces have surrounded the city and the entire realm will drown in flames if the Abyssal Hordes aren’t stopped! The Council has tasked the Messenger with escaping the siege to retrieve an ancient magic artifact that will break the enemy forces. The Citadel must endure the onslaught until the Messenger returns, and it’s the Heroes’ task to keep the Messenger safe and defend the Citadel.

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The Citadel of Modhelm and the adjoining Enemy Fields

During their turn, Heroes may take 3 actions. They can spend these actions to visit the various buildings inside the Citadel to get resources (such as Food, Gold, Special Abilities, and Cards), repair damaged buildings, trade cards, fight Enemies from the walls, or try to use the powerful catapult at the center of the Citadel. The Heroes must coordinate their actions well to share resources, gather vital supplies, and survive the siege.

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After the Heroes have acted, it’s the Monsters‘ turn. Each monster figure on the board will activate and perform their actions according to its rank. Mölens, the Heavy Units, will attack directly from Zone 3 and damage all Heroes and buildings in the Quarter they face. Gargohs, the Support Units, will advance towards Zone 2 and, once there, they’ll hit all Heroes in the Quarter they face. The Assault Units, the Krohns, will advance towards Zone 1, and once there, they’ll attack the Heroes on the wall and try to break into the Citadel.

Experience the thrilling siege of Modhelm in this fantastic, action-packed board game from Cool Mini or Not and Second Gate Games!

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Game Components

  • 24 Standard Krohn miniatures
  • 8 Elite Krohn miniatures
  • 16 Standard Gargoh miniatures
  • 8 Elite Gargoh miniatures
  • 8 Mölen miniatures
  • 6 Hero miniatures
  • 202 cards
  • 115 tokens
  • 8 dice
  • 6 Hero dashboards
  • 6 colored Hero bases
  • 4 double-sided enemy boards
  • 1 citadel board with rotating catapult tile
  • 1 Seasons Sheet
  • 1 Cards Sheet
  • 1 Avatar of the Abyss token with plastic stand

Pledge Level

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Your Defender-level pledge gets you the B-Sieged: Sons of the Abyss core game as well as the Kickstarter exclusive hero Thorlak, the Barbarian, and any stretch goals we manage to unlock! Thorlak comes with his figure and Hero dashboard.

Note that anything marked with this

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is an exclusive item for Kickstarter backers, with remaining stock available at conventions only.

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Stretch Goals

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Shipping information – Please take note

Based on past experience, we will be charging shipping after the Kickstarter concludes based on the actual costs incurred to ship. We will collect this via our pledge manager after the campaign ends. This is so we can be fair to all our backers as shipping is rarely one size fits all, and also give you more stretch goodies and possibly a choice of carrier options.

We will ship your rewards at our cost to our international hubs. Depending on where in the world you are, we will either ship you from our hub in Germany (EU backers), China (Asia Pacific backers), Canada (Canadian backers), Australia (Australia and New Zealand backers) or Atlanta (USA and the rest of the world). Following is a list of rough estimate for shipping a standard game package (4kg volumetric weight). Keep in mind these are just estimates, and costs may increase or decrease based on the quantity of stretch goals we might unlock and your carrier choices.

  • USA: $10-$15 to most states. $30 to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
  • CANADA: $10-$20 to most cities.
  • LATIN AMERICA: $50-$60 to most countries.
  • ASIA: $10 to China and Hong Kong. $30 to most other countries.
  • OCEANIA: $13-$25 to Australia. $30 to New Zealand.
  • EUROPE: $10 to Germany. $15-$30 to most other countries.
    * $35 to Norway, Finland, Estland, Lettland, and Latvia.
    * $40 to Bosnia/Herzegowina, Croatia, and Serbia.
    * $55 to Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Romania.
    * $60 to Greece and Iceland.

Please note that while we do our best to get you your rewards in a timely manner, you may not necessarily receive your rewards before the product makes it into distribution in your own country or before it’s made available in conventions and special promotion opportunities. We hope that the special price and exclusive items you will get during the Kickstarter will make up for any such possible lag. However, if this is something that is not acceptable to you, please do not back this project, and instead wait for the retail release. Thank you for your understanding.

Gameplay Video

Steve Avery (co-designer of Nothing Personal) joined a team of friends to play a session of B-Sieged! Check out how their valiant defense went in the video below:

Die Kampagne steht aktuell bei 176.194,00 USD und läuft noch 17 Tage.

Link: B-Sieged: Sons of the Abyss Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Cmon übertreibts momentan etwas mit Brettspielen. Da es aber, wie man an der schnellen Finanzierung sieht, immer noch geht, warum auch nicht.

    Ich bin da spätestens seit Kaosball draussen. Das ist mir alles zu viel Bling Bling und zu wenig Spieltiefe. Ein Haufen Minis und ein bubtel Brett und das Ding läuft wie gesmchnitten Brot.

  • Ich war bei Blood Rage dabei, da mich das Setting die Minis und vor allen Dingen das Gameplay angesprochen hat.

    Dieses Spiel interessiert mich nicht so. Die Minis sind nicht mein Stil und das Gameplay eines Tower Defend Spieles ist auch nicht meins.

  • Nur eine Option zum Unterstützen, 90$ für das Spiel.
    Ganz im ernst, das ist kein Kickstarter, das ist schon ziemlich dreist eine einfache Vorbestellung.

    • das schon, wem das Spiel aber zusagt, der bekommt hier natürlich viel mehr als er später beim Ladem- Kauf hätte

  • Wenn ich noch 16 wäre, sicher cool. Besonders mit dieser coolen Stimme und den Special Effects.
    Heute sowas von out.

  • Nett gemachter Trailer. Da bekommt man doch schon mal ganz gut das generelle Spielprinzip und die Spielmöglichkeiten erklärt, was der Pledge so alles beinhaltet und nebenbei auch noch ein bisschen Atmosphäre. Meiner Meinung nach gut.

    Ich habe mir auch das etwas längere Gameplay-Video angeschaut und muss sagen, dass mir das durchaus zusagen würde. Ich sehe da auch nicht unbedingt nur Bling Bling und wenig Spieltiefe. Sieht für mich nach einer Menge Herausforderungen und unterschiedlichen Spielstilen aus. Und das ganze auch noch kooperativ. Ganz genau wüsste man es dann wohl aber tatsächlich erst nach einem Probespiel.

    Insgesamt gesehen würde ich da wohl einsteigen, hätte ich das Geld über und nicht noch genug andere Brettspiele zu spielen ;).

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