von BK-Marcel | 09.09.2015 | eingestellt unter: Arcworlde, Fantasy

Arcworlde: Regelbuch und Startersets pre-order

Das Regelwerk von Arcworlde und zwei Startersets können nun vorbestellt werden.

Rules3 Rules2 Rules1

Inside this mighty tome you will find all the rules required to play ArcWorlde – The Fantasy Skirmish Wargame. Play as one or more of six dynamic warbands or as a plethora of fearsome monsters in a 32mm miniatures game that is quick, fun and easy to learn. With a fast paced turn system and characterful rules, each game of ArcWorlde is its own epic story. Coupled with an abundance of art, painted miniatures and lore, with this book you can truly immerse yourself in the curious fantasy realm of ArcWorlde. Pre-Order the ArcWorlde rulebook before the 1st of October 2015 and get a FREE Explorer model, cast in resin!

Das Regelbuch kostet 20,00 Pfund.

Der Explorer kann zudem separat gekauft werden für 6,00 Pfund.


This handy pack contains everything you need to start playing ArcWorlde, as well as saving you a pretty penny! This contains:
1 x ArcWorlde Rulebook
1 x Arcanite Token Pack
1 x ArcWorlde Dice (5)
1 x Warband of your choice
Also, Pre-Order before the 1st of October 2015 and grab your very own Explorer miniature for FREE!

Das Warband Set kostet 40,00 Pfund.


This handy pack contains everything you need to start playing ArcWorlde, as well as saving you a pretty penny! This contains:
1 x ArcWorlde Rulebook
1 x Arcanite Token Pack
1 x ArcWorlde Dice (5)
2 x Warbands of your choice
Also, Pre-Order before the 1st of October 2015 and grab your very own Explorer miniature for FREE!

Das Set kostet 62,00 Pfund.

Link: Warploque Miniatures


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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