Arcworlde: Neues Monster
Bei Warploque wird an einem neuen Monster gearbeitet.
Whilst having Christmas dinner with my housemates last week, I got a set of plastic golf tees in my cracker. „What the bloody hell am I going to use these for?“ I did decry. Then, and without warning, one of my housemates challenged me to use them in my sculptures, and I took them up on it. So here is the fate of the first tee – being part of the armature of one of the big monsters for Troubles in the North. Updates will follow on the fate of the rest!
Quelle: Warploque Miniatures auf Facebook
Link: Warploque Miniatures
Oh ja – untote Mammuts etc. Urzeitliche Säugetiere sind immer gut. Immer.
Ich habe ne Menge Fantasie…aber keine Ahnung wo die Reise da hingehen soll.