von BK-Christian | 03.07.2015 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Antenocitis Workshop: Forward Base Update

Antenocitis Workshop zeigen neue Bilder zu ihrem Forward Base Kickstarter.

Das Design der Container wurde überarbeitet. So sah die alte Version aus:


Und das sind die neuen Designs:

Antenocitis_Forward_Base_Containers_2 Antenocitis_Forward_Base_Containers_3 Antenocitis_Forward_Base_Containers_4 Antenocitis_Forward_Base_Containers_5

Und das sind die Gründe:

Whilst there was „nothing wrong“ with that design it has always nagged at me sub-consciously for a variety of reasons which i won’t go into all of; suffice to say that I was never 100% happy with them…. part of that was that there was no flat upper surface to place figures on, and whilst you can put figures on a sloping surface they do rather tend to slide off them… meaning that they are avoided by gamers…

The other main issue was one of aesthetics and engineering:
the original design was „clunky“  – the way many MDF products can be – in so far as they can have been made up from very clever combinations of MDF, and yet never look like anything other than cleverly arranged bits of MDF.
Ours needed to look more like functional crates with a „sensible“ method of assembling multiplecontainers into a single block… not just a clever arrangement of clunk MDF parts.

… so as they were they just didn’t look quite right to me… and finally: there were a couple of mechanical issues in the design which were inherently weak and liable to breakage.

Obviously (well, I say that now, at the time it wasn’t so obvious to me!)  they needed to be made a bit sexier and have a flat gaming surface, whilst retaining the „you can turn this into a big container or a tower“ featurette… whilst removing the mechanical weaknesses… and I think I have done that…

So the „old style“ Corporate containers are all now replaced with this newer version – we’ve also expanded the number of corporations to 6 (from 3) and changed the names on a couple so that some variation from the standard Habitat names are available.

Finally we are also changing the standard blue (shown) to a new Cyan (not shown), which is a bit brighter and „More sci-fi“ looking, also to differentiate its corporate tags from those of Phoenix which uses the standard blue.

I hope you like the changes, I think they are simpler, sleeker and far more „game friendly“ .. and the new colour and Corporate logos/names gives a bit more variation. The laser-cut edges are specifically targeted to work more into the „look & feel“ of the design… we haven’t tried to hide them, instead made the dark cut-edges a feature.

Structurally the „Ladder“ and end-sections of the individual containers are also far stronger than the previous design.

They go together easier also … so its a bit of a „win all round“ tbth.  🙂

The breakdown for pledges remains the same: so if you were getting 6 containers previously, plus the „combi-set parts“ you will now get 6 individually named crates (1 of each corporation) plus the „cargo clamps“ (the separate ladder-type thing now being integral to the design has gone, and the old-style „Mesh“ top is replaced with the Cargo-Clamp piece, 1 at the top, one at the bottom)) … and if you were getting 3 containers previously you will still get 3 but now of the new design (these will be 3 random corporations).

The Corporations are:

  • Bharat (mining)
  • Industrial Aeronautica (Space Industry)
  • Tangaroa (Construction)
  • Office (Supplies)
  • Marrua (Vehicles)
  • Volgren Troller (trucks and heavy vehicles)


Quelle: Forward Base: Sci-fi Scenery for Infinity Wargamers Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Containers Männers, wir brauchen mehr Containers

    Jetzt sogar auch 5-eckig, halbrund und *trommelwirbel* …als Raute,
    ja ist das denn die Möglichkeit!

    Kauft sie, solange sie heiß und fettig sind =D

  • Warum auch immer man Andere Container als die ISO die es heute gibt nehmen sollte nur weil es SciFi ist…

    Ändert aber nix daran das die neuen Designs viel besser als der erste Entwurf aussehen.

    • Weil eine nicht-rechteckige Grundstruktur in Hyperraum-gebufferten (innen größer als aussen) Lagerhallen und Transportvehikeln platzsparender ist! Die heutigen, viereckigen Container sind im interstellaren Zeitalter nicht mehr effizient. Duh.

      • Die Natur MAG KEINEN 90° Winkel 😛
        Vielleicht wird deshalb in der Zukunft alles Hexo- bzw. Octagene Formen haben ODER weil es Space-iger aussieht … 😀 😀 😀

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