von BK-Nils | 07.03.2015 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

4ground: Neuheiten für SAGA, Wild West und mehr

Von 4Ground kommt ein großer Schwung an Neuheiten, unter anderem Häuser für SAGA und Wild West, sowie etwas für die Moderne.


SAGA: Arabic Rural Dwelling 1 – 18,00 GBP

4Ground_SAGA Middle-East Terrain Arabic Rural 1 4Ground_SAGA Middle-East Terrain Arabic Rural 2 4Ground_SAGA Middle-East Terrain Arabic Rural 3 4Ground_SAGA Middle-East Terrain Arabic Rural 4

This simple ‘Dar al Tuba’ (home of earthbrick – adobe) was typical of arabic single room rural dwellings built by ‘Sharq Alawsat Arab‘ (Middle Eastern Arabs) and ‘Mugh Arib’ (North African Arabs), it was commonly found throughout the arabic world. Almost nothing has changed about this building since the middle ages and even today in rural areas it is not uncommon to find such a dwelling in North Africa or the Middle East.

The threshold of the ‘bab’ (door) is ‘hajar balaat’ (stone paving) with a ‘Turaab’ (earthen) ground floor within, the ‘Suwr’ (walls) are built from ‘at Tuba’ (adobe bricks), which is a mix of ‘libbin‘ (straw) and ‘teen’ (earth mud). These walls were then rendered with a coat of ‘teen’ – weathering (often more from sand storms than rain) often leaves the tops of such walls with their brickwork exposed. Though wood is often not a common material for such buildings the ‘shubak’ (windows) have an option to be simply framed or lattice woodwork, there is also the option for ‘safaqa‘ (wooden shutters); ‘shandal’ (roof joists) were so valuable they were often left extending beyond the outside of the wall so they could be reused again in the future. The ‘saqf’ (roof) of this building would have had a covering of ‘basjeel’ (woven cane) then three layers of ‘manqrur’ (woven palm matting) over which was coated several layers of ‘teen’ to give a finished surface strong enough to walk on.

SAGA: Arabic Rural Dwelling 2 – 27,00 GBP

4Ground_SAGA Middle-East Terrain Arabic Rural 5 4Ground_SAGA Middle-East Terrain Arabic Rural 6 4Ground_SAGA Middle-East Terrain Arabic Rural 7 4Ground_SAGA Middle-East Terrain Arabic Rural 8

With a purpose built ‘hajar’ (stone) floored ‘daraj’ staircase to an open air ‘ghurfa’ (suspended floor) this ‘Dar al Tuba’ (home of earthbrick – adobe) was typical of arabic single room rural dwellings built by ‘Sharq Alawsat Arab‘ (Middle Eastern Arabs) and ‘Mugh Arib’ (North African Arabs), it was commonly found throughout the arabic world.

Arabic society was and often still is based around the ‘bideda’ (the extended family) which is part of a ‘qabila’ (family group of a common family name), a ‘shaqipa’ (related group of families) was lead by their ‘shaikh’ (tribal/family elder ), this gave their society ’asabiyyah ‘ (kinship loyalty). In ancient times all tribes were ‘badu’ (nomadic) but by the middle ages most had become ‘hadhar’ (settled). Hadhar arabs often had to contend with ghazw a (raiding) from Badu.

Bideda extended families of rural Hadhar usually lived within one or more ‘Kariya‘ (village), often their dwellings in these villages had private walled courtyards which could also double for defence against bedu raiders, but outlying ‘Mazaar’a‘ (farms) within the ‘hawta’ (boundary) of their ‘haram‘ (exclusive lands) were more often than not just simple single roomed dwellings of one, or a few buildings like this, with no walls around them.

SAGA: Arabic Rural Dwelling 3 – 22,50 GBP

4Ground_SAGA Middle-East Terrain Arabic Rural 9 4Ground_SAGA Middle-East Terrain Arabic Rural 10 4Ground_SAGA Middle-East Terrain Arabic Rural 11 4Ground_SAGA Middle-East Terrain Arabic Rural 12

This is a ‘Dar al Tuba’ (home of earthbrick – adobe) was typical of arabic single room rural dwellings built by ‘Sharq Alawsat Arab‘ (Middle Eastern Arabs) and ‘Mugh Arib’ (North African Arabs), it was commonly found throughout the arabic world.

On the outside there is a purpose built ‘hajar’ (stone) floored ‘daraj’ staircase to an open air ‘ghurfa’ (suspended floor). This upper floor was considered as another room of the house (often used for sleeping) as the climate in much of the arab world meant it could be used as an open air room for much of the year. The ‘Suwr’ (walls) are built from ‘at Tuba’ (adobe bricks), which is a mix of ‘libbin‘ (straw) and ‘teen’ (earth mud). These walls were then rendered with a coat of ‘teen’ – weathering (often more from sand storms than rain) often leaves the tops of such walls with their brickwork exposed. Though wood is often not a common material for such buildings the ‘shubak’ (windows) have an option to be simply framed or lattice woodwork, there is also the option for ‘safaqa‘ (wooden shutters); ‘shandal’ (roof joists) were so valuable they were often left extending beyond the outside of the wall so they could be reused again in the future. The ‘saqf’ (roof) of this building would have had a covering of ‘basjeel’ (woven cane) then three layers of ‘manqrur’ (woven palm matting) over which was coated several layers of ‘teen’ to give a finished surface strong enough to walk on.

American Legends

Rev. Johnson’s Church Set – 55,00 GBP

4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 1 4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 2 4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 4 4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 3

This kit includes pre-painted parts with high levels of internal and external detailing. In the Church most walls, external and internal, are double skinned for strength and to enable detailing inside and out of the model. The roof can be removed for easy in-game access, all windows have acetate and all doors are working. The set also comes with over 52” of weathered wood picket fences, 24 grave boards, the church sub-base and a wooden cellar entrance.

Preacher Samuel Johnson was born in Connecticut in 1847, raised by his Methodist parents, filled with the divine spirit he became a preacher in 1865, without being appointed by any church to do so. Again inspired by the lord in 1876 he knew he had to travel west ministering as he went.

Preacher Johnson was inspired to head for the town of Dead Man’s Hand, on May 8th 1876 Rev. Johnson held his first service while walking on foot towards Dead Man’s Hand. That service was held with 30 men and five women in attendance, on May 11th they safely arrived in the town, without once being threatened by road agents or Indians.

Preacher Johnson started his life in the town by working odd jobs during the week, while every Sunday he was on Main Street preaching. As the population of Dead Man’s Hand grew so did Johnson’s flock and thanks to the good Christian folk such as Albert Miller and Christopher Caldwell, in 1879 his congregation had built the first chapel in Dead Man’s Hand.

Now the Preacher Johnson’s chapel is known as ‘the church’ and most folks know of him as Reverend Johnson, he still holds his church services every Sunday where he preaches about the inequity and vileness of some of Dead Man’s Hand prominent residents, the likes of Stuart Wheatley and ‘Slick’ Dan Pottinger to name but two. If he keeps upsetting the wrong people the rumour going round is that some one may find him on the road killed by ‘Indians’ very soon!

Rev. Johnson’s Church – 32,00 GBP

4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 5 4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 6 4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 7 4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 4

This kit includes pre-painted parts with high levels of internal and external detailing. Most walls, external and internal, in 4Ground kits, are double skinned for strength and to enable detailing inside and out of the model. The roof can be removed for easy in-game access, all windows have acetate and all doors are working.

Preacher Samuel Johnson was born in Connecticut in 1847, raised by his Methodist parents, filled with the divine spirit he became a preacher in 1865, without being appointed by any church to do so. Again inspired by the lord in 1876 he knew he had to travel west ministering as he went.

Preacher Johnson was inspired to head for the town of Dead Man’s Hand, on May 8th 1876 Rev. Johnson held his first service while walking on foot towards Dead Man’s Hand. That service was held with 30 men and five women in attendance, on May 11th they safely arrived in the town, without once being threatened by road agents or Indians.

Preacher Johnson started his life in the town by working odd jobs during the week, while every Sunday he was on Main Street preaching. As the population of Dead Man’s Hand grew so did Johnson’s flock and thanks to the good Christian folk such as Albert Miller and Christopher Caldwell, in 1879 his congregation had built the first chapel in Dead Man’s Hand.

Now the Preacher Johnson’s chapel is known as ‘the church’ and most folks know of him as Reverend Johnson, he still holds his church services every Sunday where he preaches about the inequity and vileness of some of Dead Man’s Hand prominent residents, the likes of Stuart Wheatley and ‘Slick’ Dan Pottinger to name but two. If he keeps upsetting the wrong people the rumour going round is that some one may find him on the road killed by ‘Indians’ very soon!

Rev. Johnson’s Church Sub Base – 6,00 GBP

4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 8 4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 9

This kit is a sub base for Rev. Johnson’s Church.

Weathered Wood Picket Fences – 12,00 GBP

4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 10

This kit includes over 52” of picket fences, these fences can be found all over the world and are used primarily as decorative fencing. They were particularly popular in the United States and have been around since there since the first Scandinavian colonists partitioned their home allotments, from there the fashion spread across America.

White Picket Fences – 12,00 GBP

4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 11

This kit includes over 52” of picket fences, these fences can be found all over the world and are used primarily as decorative fencing. They were particularly popular in the United States and have been around since there since the first Scandinavian colonists partitioned their home allotments, from there the fashion spread across America.

Wooden Cellar Entrance – 3,50 GBP

4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 12

Wooden walkout cellar doors are common in North America, originally used for root and produce storage, they were also used as some of the first storm shelters.

Grave Boards – 5,00 GBP

4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 3

These grave boards were widely used from Mid-west America in the 17th century onward to the Balkans and Russia.

Grave Stones – 7,00 GBP

4Ground_Dead Mans Hand Church 13

The grave stone was a 16th Century development of the tombstone placed in the ground on edge at the head end of the grave, rather than as a burial marker slab placed over the grave. Since that time grave stones have become far more common than tomb stones in cemeteries and graveyards.

Jesserai Transport Systems

4 Small Hazard Warning Barriers – 5,00 GBP

4 Grounds_Jesserai Transport Systems Barriers

In the wards of Hellas-Jesserai, even though technology has advanced and grav vehicles are relatively commonplace among the more affluent citizens, for the vast majority of residents of Hellas-Jesserai traditional wheeled vehicles or public transport are the main modes of transportation. One of the main concerns to the city planners of Hellas-Jesserai is the ability to get these citizens to where they need to be as the corporations count every cost, including the impact of traffic on their profitability.

2 Large Hazard Warning Barriers – 5,00 GBP

4 Grounds_Jesserai Transport Systems Barriers Large

In the wards of Hellas-Jesserai, even though technology has advanced and grav vehicles are relatively commonplace among the more affluent citizens, for the vast majority of residents of Hellas-Jesserai traditional wheeled vehicles or public transport are the main modes of transportation. One of the main concerns to the city planners of Hellas-Jesserai is the ability to get these citizens to where they need to be as the corporations count every cost, including the impact of traffic on their profitability.

Street Furniture – 5,00 GBP

4 Grounds_Jesserai Transport Systems Street Furniture

In the wards of Hellas-Jesserai, even though technology has advanced and grav vehicles are relatively commonplace among the more affluent citizens, for the vast majority of residents of Hellas-Jesserai traditional wheeled vehicles or public transport are the main modes of transportation. One of the main concerns to the city planners of Hellas-Jesserai is the ability to get these citizens to where they need to be as the corporations count every cost, including the impact of traffic on their profitability.

Typical of all developed urban zones, streets are cultured along their sidewalks. Everything from hoardings giving you directions and instructions, to benching beside advertising hoardings doing their best to influence the opinions and habits of the populace.

3 Advertising Billboards – 5,00 GBP

4 Grounds_Jesserai Transport Systems 3 Advertising Billboards

In the wards of Hellas-Jesserai, even though technology has advanced and grav vehicles are relatively commonplace among the more affluent citizens, for the vast majority of residents of Hellas-Jesserai traditional wheeled vehicles or public transport are the main modes of transportation. One of the main concerns to the city planners of Hellas-Jesserai is the ability to get these citizens to where they need to be as the corporations count every cost, including the impact of traffic on their profitability.

To increase the profitability of the corporations during times of heavy traffic, often billboards are place on roads and buildings so that by the time you get home from work you’re really thinking about how to ‘build a better you’ with Funai Kojim Cybernetic Engineers.

8 Carbon Capture Trees – 5,00 GBP

4 Grounds_Jesserai Transport Systems 8 Carbon Capture Trees

In the wards of Hellas-Jesserai, even though technology has advanced and grav vehicles are relatively commonplace among the more affluent citizens, for the vast majority of residents of Hellas-Jesserai traditional wheeled vehicles or public transport are the main modes of transportation. One of the main concerns to the city planners of Hellas-Jesserai is the ability to get these citizens to where they need to be as the corporations count every cost, including the impact of traffic on their profitability.

CCTs, these iconic items of modern technology use microscopic tubes (known as Bronchioles) to siphon C02 out of the air, the C02 is then broken down in Alveoli pockets into oxygen and as a byproduct of this effect carbon. The carbon is then taken to the trees ‘trunk’ where it is turned into a graphine nanoribon. The nanoribons are then harvested by the corporation, who can sell them on to manufacturers who use them to make carbon nanotubes, a staple of modern equipment.

Signal and Signage Gantries – 9,00 GBP

4 Grounds_Jesserai Transport Systems 3 Signal and Signage Gantries

In the wards of Hellas-Jesserai, even though technology has advanced and grav vehicles are relatively commonplace among the more affluent citizens, for the vast majority of residents of Hellas-Jesserai traditional wheeled vehicles or public transport are the main modes of transportation. One of the main concerns to the city planners of Hellas-Jesserai is the ability to get these citizens to where they need to be as the corporations count every cost, including the impact of traffic on their profitability.

2 Pedestrian Flyovers – 7,00 GBP

4 Grounds_Jesserai Transport Systems 3 2 Pedestrian Flyovers

In the wards of Hellas-Jesserai, even though technology has advanced and grav vehicles are relatively commonplace among the more affluent citizens, for the vast majority of residents of Hellas-Jesserai traditional wheeled vehicles or public transport are the main modes of transportation. One of the main concerns to the city planners of Hellas-Jesserai is the ability to get these citizens to where they need to be as the corporations count every cost, including the impact of traffic on their profitability.

4Ground ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy Warehouse erhältlich.

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Link: 4Grounds


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die arabischen Hütten sind die ersten Modelle von 4ground die mir nicht gefallen. Die Vorteile von Holz (Bespielbarkeit, Preis und Bastelaufwand) greifen hier in meinen Augen nicht. Vor allem stören mich die Ecken, wobei man die vllt mit green stuff abrunden könnte. Auch die Rissen auf den Wänden finde ich nicht so brilliant.

    • Da gebe ich dir Recht. Die gefallen mir vom Stil auch nicht. Vom Bau werden auch deise wieder super sein, aber das Aussehen trifft hier nicht meinen Geschmack.

    • Stimmt. Ich finde die fuer Lasercut sogar recht gut, nur steckt einfach noch zuviel Arbeit drin um nen „runderes“ realistischeres Ergebnis zu erhalten. Und als BasisArbeitsmodell ist es dann viel zu teuer.

      Die anderen Sachen find ich groeβtenteils auch ganz gut, nur eben nicht gerade guenstig (V.a. beim derzeitigen Umrechnungskurs. Ich hoffe der Euro steigt bald mal wieder… 🙁

      • Oh wie unterschiedlich die Wahrnehmung und das Empfinden so sind.
        Ich wollte gerade schreiben wie toll ich die Hütten finde und wie sehr ich mich über passendes Gelände für dieses Setting freue. Und runder sind die Originale auch nie gewesen. Von daher sind ich die spitze.

      • Also preislich kann man da echt nichts sagen, wer die mal zusammengebaut hat, weiß was da an Arbeit drinsteckt und mit welcher Liebe zum detail die entworfen werden.

      • Ich sehe das wie sx1. Teilweise echte Schmuckstücke darunter und unbemalt zu einem günstigeren Preis könnte man drüber reden. Ich kann dieser Prepainted Bemalung leider nichts abgewinnen und deswegen ist es mir das im Moment einfach nicht wert.

        Es ist nicht von 4 groud geplant eine Rohbausatz Option anzubieten?

  • Wenn die das Street Furniture Set und die Barricades auf 28mm hochbringen würden, wäre das für Infinity eine Überlegung wert. Evtl. sollte man 4Ground mal ne Mail schreiben. 😉

  • Ich habe etliche 4G Gebäude zu Hause und bin immer ganz zufrieden gewesen. Diese Arabischen Gebäude finde ich aber zu comichaft und zu teuer. Renadra bieten was ähnliches an für weniger Geld und es sieht realistischer aus. Die explizite SAGA Ausschreibung finde ich auch etwas albern.

    Die Kirche hingegen finde ich ganz cool.

    • Naja, die Western-Gebäude werden ja auch als Dead Man’s Hand Gebäude beworben. Die Kirche oben heißt nur American Legends, weil sie für die Serie für den Osten der USA gedacht ist.

  • Momentan gibt es in meinen Sigen keinen besseren Gelände Hersteller was Preis Leistung angeht, auch durch das Prepaint.

    • Also, zumindestens für 10mm / Dropzone Commander finde ich die Sachen von http://www.warmage.de besser.
      Die von 4Ground finde ich viel zu klein, die von Warmage sind größenmäßig auf die original-DZC Gebäude abgestimmt. Und viel günstiger sind sie auch noch.

      • Sorry, aber deine Aussage stimmt überhaupt nicht.

        Da die 4Ground-Sachen extra für DZC entworfen und auch von Hawk Wargames unterstützt werden, sind sie genau richtig von der Größe. Stellt man einen Infanteristen daneben, dann passen Türhöhe und Fenster perfekt, vorausgesetzt man nimmt heutige Maße realer Türen und Fenster als Maßstab. Stellt man die Pappgebäude von Hawk daneben, dann passt das auch sauber. Demnach sind eher die Warmage-Gebäude evtl. zu groß nach deiner Aussage.

        Und dass sie günstiger sind ist kein Wunder, denn es fehlt:

        > Bemalung in verschiedenen Farben
        > regelmäßige Unterteilung in abnehmbare Stockwerke
        > Hinterlegung der Fenster, ohne extra zugekaufte schwarze Pappe sehen die Warmage-Gebäude wie Rohbauten aus.
        > deutlich weniger Details

        Das große Warmage-Gebäude ist sogar extrem untransportabel, im Gegensatz dazu kann ich die 4Ground-Gebäude in viele kleine Module zerlegen und so sehr gut verstauen.

        Und das fließt natürlich in den Mehrpreis ein.

  • Ich find den Kleinkram für DZC echt stark.
    So etwas wertet nen Spieltisch enorm auf.

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