von BK-Christian | 30.03.2015 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

4ground: Mehr 10mm Sci-Fi

Es gibt weitere Gebäude von 4ground.

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The hab blocks of District I. vary a great deal from the more archaic and historic designs of District XXII., they use the latest construction methods and technologies to allow the quick and easy construction of buildings that are extremely resistant to damage while being cost effective and utilitarian. These are typical hab-blocks built by the Nargyle Corporation, a construction company subsidiary of Roberts & Klien. A common style of a District I. Hab Block for senior staff and secondary shareholders of an average subsidiary corporation.

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The expense of such construction normally comes at too high a cost to be considered for buildings in the low status outer districts like District XXII. and are beyond the imaginings of the communities of corporate-less kindred who dwell in the outland deserts. District I. on the other hand, and a fair few of the buildings in the districts close to Central are fully funded by the Mega-Corps or their subsidiaries and as such most of the housing is corporately owned.

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In the last corporate war such buildings quickly became the focal point for individual corporate affiliates to gather. Quickly forming ad-hoc militias to protect their own interests or being manipulated by their corporation from on high, huge amounts of damage and destruction quickly ensued and even when the local authorities tried to take control with Peacekeepers this was often not enough and eventually in many Wards lead to unavoidable deployment of Peacemaker Legionaries to eradicate the problem.

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The first stage of construction is to create a Plascreate frame which is erected in the shape of the building. This frame is constructed with channels running through its entire structure these channels will be pumped full of pathfinder protein particles over a period of hours. Once the pathfinder proteins start to fill the channels within the frame and completely cover the base of the building, Loramid culture cells are activated at the base starting the process of mitosis, resulting in Loramid Fibron Threads growing rapidly as they consume the pathfinder proteins being pumped in ahead of their growth. This creates a dense fibrous interior to the plascreate framework that is many times better at resisting damage and strain than if the plascreate had simply been cast directly onto steel girders. What is more it is the Loramid Fribron that holds up the increased weight of the structure as it continues to consume its way to the finished height of the building. The heat generated from this process is considerable and construction of such a building is often known as ‘cookin’. Those who are not enamoured with this style of construction tend to refer to such structures as ‘shake n’bakes’. The areas where no pathfinder was present in the frame remained as voids, such voids could be small and linear such as service pipe ducting other voids are considerable, such as those required for doorways and windows. Before instillation, window panels are layered with a substance such as Phototropix to keep light glare down and help with ambient temperature.

Preislich liegen die Gebäude zwischen 15,00 Pfund und 51,00 Pfund für ein ganzes Set.

4Ground ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy Warehouse erhältlich.

Facebookseite: 4Ground auf Facebook

Link: 4Ground


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Auf den ersten Blick hatten die mir nicht so zugesagt, aber jetzt gefallen sie mir doch ganz gut.

    • Bevorzuge noch immer die anderen.
      Aber wie die Geschmäcker sind so wenigstens auch die Städte verschieden 😉

  • Sind halt mal ein paar modernere Gebäude und nicht der von Hawk Wargames fürs DzC Universum verwendete Art Deco Stil. Gefallen mir gut die Gebäude. Allerdings ist 4ground ja nicht gerade billig – dafür kommen die Gebäude aber auch schon Pre-Painted.

  • Ist halt ein anderer District, früher erinnerten sie mich stark an Parkhäuser, nun geht es, hab ja noch zeit bis meine kickstarter Platte kommt, bis dahin kann ich mich ja dann entscheiden welchen District oder so ich nehme, der Bahnhof ist auf jedenfall gekauft.

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