von BK-Nils | 25.09.2015 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

4Ground: Diverse Neuheiten

Von 4Ground kommt ein Schwung Neuheiten, eine zerstörte Kirche, Wälder und ein Schwung Ruinen.

Damaged Parish Church – 90,00 GBP

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28S-WAW-140D this is a 28Standard 4Ground model with high detail and pre-painted parts.

This Church is typical of many Parish (Communal) churches found across North Western Europe. Originally it would have been built in the late 11th or early 12th century, but this example has had considerable alterations of its windows in the late medieval and early renaissance periods. It would not look out of place from the mid to late Hundred Years War and the War of the Roses right through to the French Huguenot Wars, the English Civil Wars, the Seven Years War and the Napoleonic Wars. It is of course perfect in its architectural style for North West France and much of the Low Countries during World War I and World War II.

Having taken damage from shell strikes this church is no longer in its original pristine state.

This kit has internal and external details including opening and closing doors and acetate stained glass windows.

Pre-order now to receive £10 off of the SRP of £100, all pre-orders placed by the 30th of September will be dispatched on the 1st of October.

28mm Scale models supplied unassembled.

Miniatures not included and for scale purposes only.

3x Mature Winter Firs – 22,00 GBP

4Ground_3x Mature Winter Firs

TMS-126 these 3x Mature Winter Firs are part of our Trees & Scenic Material range, and are suitable for 10mm, 15mm and 28mm scales.

Firs (Abies) are a genus of 48–56 species of evergreen coniferous trees in the family Pinaceae. They are found through much of North and Central America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa, occurring in mountains over most of the range. Firs are most closely related to the genus Cedrus (cedar). Douglas firs are not true firs, being of the genus Pseudotsuga.

They are large trees, reaching heights of 10–80 m (33–262 ft) tall and trunk diameters of 0.5–4 m (1 ft 8 in–13 ft 1 in) when mature. Firs can be distinguished from other members of the pine family by the unique attachment of their needle-like leaves and by their different cones.

Identification of the different species is based on the size and arrangement of the leaves, the size and shape of the cones, and whether the bract scales of the cones are long and exserted, or short and hidden inside the cone.

All pre-orders placed by the 30th of September will be dispatched on the 1st of October.

5x Young Winter Firs – 22,00 GBP

4Ground_5x Young Winter Firs

TMS-127 these 5x Young Winter Firs are part of our Trees & Scenic Material range, and are suitable for 10mm, 15mm and 28mm scales.

Firs (Abies) are a genus of 48–56 species of evergreen coniferous trees in the family Pinaceae. They are found through much of North and Central America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa, occurring in mountains over most of the range. Firs are most closely related to the genus Cedrus (cedar). Douglas firs are not true firs, being of the genus Pseudotsuga.

They are large trees, reaching heights of 10–80 m (33–262 ft) tall and trunk diameters of 0.5–4 m (1 ft 8 in–13 ft 1 in) when mature. Firs can be distinguished from other members of the pine family by the unique attachment of their needle-like leaves and by their different cones.

Identification of the different species is based on the size and arrangement of the leaves, the size and shape of the cones, and whether the bract scales of the cones are long and exserted, or short and hidden inside the cone.

Pre-orders received by the 30th of September will be dispatched on the 1st of October.

3x Mature Fir Trees – 22,00 GBP

4Ground_3x Mature Fir Trees

TMS-128 these 3x Mature Firs are part of our Trees & Scenic Material range, and are suitable for 10mm, 15mm and 28mm scales.

Firs (Abies) are a genus of 48–56 species of evergreen coniferous trees in the family Pinaceae. They are found through much of North and Central America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa, occurring in mountains over most of the range. Firs are most closely related to the genus Cedrus (cedar). Douglas firs are not true firs, being of the genus Pseudotsuga.

They are large trees, reaching heights of 10–80 m (33–262 ft) tall and trunk diameters of 0.5–4 m (1 ft 8 in–13 ft 1 in) when mature. Firs can be distinguished from other members of the pine family by the unique attachment of their needle-like leaves and by their different cones.

Identification of the different species is based on the size and arrangement of the leaves, the size and shape of the cones, and whether the bract scales of the cones are long and exserted, or short and hidden inside the cone.

Pre-orders placed before the 30th of September will be dispatched on the 1st of October.

5x Young Firs – 22,00 GBP

4Ground_5x Young Firs

TMS-129 these 5x Young Winter Firs are part of our Trees & Scenic Material range, and are suitable for 10mm, 15mm and 28mm scales.

Firs (Abies) are a genus of 48–56 species of evergreen coniferous trees in the family Pinaceae. They are found through much of North and Central America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa, occurring in mountains over most of the range. Firs are most closely related to the genus Cedrus (cedar). Douglas firs are not true firs, being of the genus Pseudotsuga.

They are large trees, reaching heights of 10–80 m (33–262 ft) tall and trunk diameters of 0.5–4 m (1 ft 8 in–13 ft 1 in) when mature. Firs can be distinguished from other members of the pine family by the unique attachment of their needle-like leaves and by their different cones.

Identification of the different species is based on the size and arrangement of the leaves, the size and shape of the cones, and whether the bract scales of the cones are long and exserted, or short and hidden inside the cone.

Pre-orders placed before the 30th of September will be dispatched on the 1st of October.

Corner Ruins 5 – 17,00 GBP

4Ground_Corner Ruins 5 1 4Ground_Corner Ruins 5 2 4Ground_Corner Ruins 5 3

28S-FAR-154 this is a “28Standard” 4Ground model with high detail and pre-painted parts.

The glorious ancient city of ‘Daldorr’ though once so mighty with its huge stone walls, is now but acres upon acres of blasted remains. The weather here is, often as not, bleak and on such days, from the distance of the easten bank across the ‘Meltvater’, these tumbled down remains can look at first glance like rows of monestrous teeth erupting from the very earth itself.

This product comes with both 2mm and 3mm damaged paving slabs (that can be aligned with each other) to better represent the remains of an uneven, aged, flagstone floor.

Pre-order now to receive £1.00 off of the SRP of £18.00. All pre-orders received by the 30th of September will be dispatched on the 1st of October.

Corner Ruins 6 – 17,00 GBP

4Ground_Corner Ruins 6 1 4Ground_Corner Ruins 6 2 4Ground_Corner Ruins 6 3

28S-FAR-155 this is a “28Standard” 4Ground model with high detail and pre-painted parts.

The glorious ancient city of ‘Daldorr’ though once so mighty with its huge stone walls, is now but acres upon acres of blasted remains. The weather here is, often as not, bleak and on such days, from the distance of the easten bank across the ‘Meltvater’, these tumbled down remains can look at first glance like rows of monestrous teeth erupting from the very earth itself.

This product comes with both 2mm and 3mm damaged paving slabs (that can be aligned with each other) to better represent the remains of an uneven, aged, flagstone floor.

Pre-order now to receive £1.00 off of the SRP of £18.00. All pre-orders received by the 30th of September will be dispatched on the 1st of October.

Corner Ruins 7 – 17,00 GBP

4Ground_Corner Ruins 7 1 4Ground_Corner Ruins 7 2 4Ground_Corner Ruins 7 3

28S-FAR-156 this is a “28Standard” 4Ground model with high detail and pre-painted parts.

The glorious ancient city of ‘Daldorr’ though once so mighty with its huge stone walls, is now but acres upon acres of blasted remains. The weather here is, often as not, bleak and on such days, from the distance of the easten bank across the ‘Meltvater’, these tumbled down remains can look at first glance like rows of monestrous teeth erupting from the very earth itself.

This product comes with both 2mm and 3mm damaged paving slabs (that can be aligned with each other) to better represent the remains of an uneven, aged, flagstone floor.

Pre-order now to receive £1.00 off of the SRP of £18.00. All pre-orders received by the 30th of September will be dispatched on the 1st of October.

Link: 4Ground


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die Kirche gefällt mir sehr, die Corner Ruins sind auch in Ordnung, auch wenn Sie mich jetzt nicht so vom hocker hauen. Bei den Wäldern bin ich zwiegespalten. Habe den Wald mit den Young Ashes hier. Von der Qualität ok, aber ich finde den Preis, gerade für die Mature Trees, doch etwas happig, da haben Ziterdes oder GF9 bessere Wälder im Angebot (gehabt)

  • Nicht im Ansatz so schön wie die Dave Graffam Cardstock Gebäude und dann dafür immens viel teurer.

    Ist jetzt nicht wirklich eine sinnvolle neuerung für den Markt.

    Meine 2 Cent

    • Sie sind nicht ganz günstig, aber ich kann sagen, dass die sich wunderbar bauen lassen. Die 15mm Bausätze sind von der Qualität wirklich gut. 28mm liegt noch als Bausatz im Regal.

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