von BK-Nils | 31.05.2015 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

4Ground: City Watchtower

4Ground erweitern ihr Sortiment an Fantasygebäuden mit einem großen Wachturm.

City Watchtower – 112,50 GBP

4Ground_Fabled Realms City Watchtower 1 4Ground_Fabled Realms City Watchtower 2 4Ground_Fabled Realms City Watchtower 3 4Ground_Fabled Realms City Watchtower 4

28S-FAR-113 this is a “28Standard” 4Ground model with high detail and pre-painted parts.

Many towns and almost all the cities of the Teuden League are walled, with Mordanburg having a fine example, not only around its great and beautifully “Fortificated” citadel of Anburg but also on the opposite bank of the Langa River around the landward side of that rather stinky sprawling part of Mordanburg still locally known as the old port of ‘Mordavig’.

It is usual for cities to be divided within their walls into dozens of wards, each with their own watchtower, manned by a fine body of wardens. In those parts of the fabled realms where ‘winged worms’ fly freely across the skies, it is not uncommon to see hefty ‘Dragon Bane’ catapulta mounted a top of watchtowers and the walls of a city, from where, with good views, a loosed dragon lance will better find its mark.

As well as its wardens (professional garrison/watchmen) each ward can raise from its common folk its own militia, known in many cities as the ‘stand’ or the ‘steadfast’. In times of need, it is to their watchtower that local folk of the stand rally. Once equipped with pole-arms, crossbows and alike from their watchtower’s armoury, most of the stand will accompany many of their wardens directly to the walls, but a few will be left behind to hold secure the watchtower, and there, with those few key wardens that remain, they will keep order within the streets and allies of their ward during such times of unrest.

Each ward has its watchtower and likewise each watchtower has its Wardmaster whose task it is to govern that ward. With his powers of office invariably emanating from within the watchtower of his ward, the master has many responsibilities; to promote trade and industry, to collect taxes and revenues, and of most paramount, to keep good order. In so doing he has a call of duty within his ward to distill and administer local justice in the name and the stead of the city’s aldermen.

The original common populous of Mordavig were of lowly sea reiver stock and to this base type have come generations of cut throats and footloose adventurers. It is therefore of no great surprise to find that most city watchtowers within Mordavig have what could best be described as suitable and visibly apparent deterrents to those who need reminding of their civic responsibilities. These cover a broad spectrum of deterrents, from being chained to a set of humbling rings below the poopdeck opening of the watchtower’s ‘Garderobe’, to being incarcerated at the master’s pleasure within the gaol cells at the base of his tower. If ever more is needed, there is often to be found in some corner of the gaol a corrective ‘Oubliette’, where at least they can be out of sight of the master and, if they live through this education, eventually out of their mind they are able to rejoin their fellows of the local ward, when left of such little wits they no longer retain a problematic disposition.

Der Turm ist vorbestellbar und soll ab dem 4. Juni 2015 lieferbar sein.

Link: 4Ground


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Einfach ein fettes Teil, habe glücklciherweise kein Setting wo ich es benutzen könnte.

  • Ist zwar irgendwie zielgerade an der Historie vorbei, sieht aber ziemlich cool aus. MDF, warscheinlich. Würde ich haben wollen, wenn ich ein Fantasy-System hätte. 🙁

  • Verdammt cooles Teil, vor allem weil es voll von innen nutzbar ist. Würde es Mordheim noch geben wäre dieser Wachturm sicherlich ein Centerpiece. Auch sonst würde er sich auf einem Warhammer, Kings of War oder ähnlichem Fantasy-Schlachfeld gut machen.

  • Danke. Salz auf meine Wunde. Und das am frühen Morgen.
    Zum Glück ist schon der erste Kaffee gelandet 🙂
    Äwieder mal ein schönes Gebäude für Longfall. Daran dürfte sich selbst das Piratenkonzil die Zähne ausbeissen 🙂
    Ich muss sparen.

  • Cooles Teil. Wenn ich irgendetwas halbwegs regelmäßig spielen würde, wo der Turm zum Einsatz kommen könnte, würde ich ihn mir zulegen.

  • Ich bin schon seit der Salute am überlegen wie man das Ding zum Leuchtturm umbauen könnte. Dann würde das Ding super nach Longfall passen 😜

    @Fantasy Warehouse : Wann ist das Ding bei euch im Shop? bzw. gibt es bei euch auch einen Einführungspreis?

  • Ist das „reals scale“ oder kan man da auch „hero scale“ gut beistellen?
    Also für Warmachin z.B. .

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