Pulp City: Neues Update
Ein neues Update beim Pulp City Kickstarter.
Howdy Citizens,
a week worth of work without any unplanned events, mishaps and trouble (as opposed to the last 45 weeks)? Oh yes.
We are putting address stickers on the first batch of EU & rest of the World orders, trying to get out the smaller and less complicated orders asap. The rest should follow, as promised, within 1-2 weeks. Rest of the items needed for the completion of the US & Canada pledges should be out to Devon next week. As the speed is welcomed, we use fast shipping – last time the stuff we shipped to the US arrived in 3 days door to door. It is pretty expensive as you can imagine, but who want to wait for their shinies longer?
We will keep you informed as we progress.
In the meantime, we are very excited about the results of our co-operation with Impudent Mortal.
Link: Pulp City Kickstarter