von BK-Christian | 01.07.2014 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Wrath of Kings: Shael Han Lotus School

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Wrath of Kings Shael Han Lotus School 1 Wrath of Kings Shael Han Lotus School 2 Wrath of Kings Shael Han Lotus School 3 Wrath of Kings Shael Han Lotus School 4

Following the usual Shael Han doctrine, the Iron Lotus Warriors have a minimal amount of abilities, which is offset by their use of Enlightenment. What sets these lovely ladies apart from the rest of the army is their use of mobility tactics (which we’ll see expanded on when we look at the Black Lotus). They have the standard attack rating of 1 and Follow-Through, giving them a nice push against Nasier and the other Parry-heavy factions, as well as having the [Reaction] Sidestep (Dodge) ability. What this does for them is if an enemy attacks them and generates a Dodge result the girls will get to make a Sprint action (ignoring disengage).

This means that, unless killed, the ladies will usually be able to get where you want them to go, and seldom will they be tied down by the enemy.

Of course, like most Shael Han troops, they heavily rely on their leader to make really make them shine, and for the Iron Lotus Warriors the leader is the deadly Black Lotus:

Wrath of Kings Shael Han Lotus School 5 Wrath of Kings Shael Han Lotus School 6

Looking over this deadly lady we first see her War Fan attack, which, following the mobility theme of the ladies, allows her to kill an enemy then immediately move into contact with another enemy within 2″, following that up with another War Fan attack. Note that this ability allows her to be placed anywhere in contactwith an enemy within 2″, meaning against larger-sized models she could actually clear quite the bit of distance. Combine this with the fact she also has [Reaction] Sidestep (Dodge) and she can get where she needs to be fairly easily!

Wrath of Kings Shael Han Lotus School 7 Wrath of Kings Shael Han Lotus School 8

Madam Mui, the Rank 2 Character Leader of the Iron Lotus Warriors… and my my, is she deadly.

Let’s begin by looking at her attack, the Dance of Scything Death. On first glance, it doesn’t look that impressive, as it’s only 1 attack die. If that’s what you think then shame on you for not reading card text!! Looking over her text we see she gets to make this 1 die attack a staggering six times during her one attack action. Not only that, but she gets to move a full 2″ every time she does it… Damn, this girl can get where she needs to go… And that place is usually enemy leaders! Granted, she won’t pose much of a threat to anything with high Resilience, but you have workarounds for that. I mean, volume of attacks will eventually cause an OVER result, right? And she’s throwing plenty of dice!

Speaking of Over results, however, we see that her Insight, Unleashing the Soul Storm, triggers specifically on Over results, forcing Will Checks to all enemies within 2″ of the target, least they suffer a hit. Tactics wise? Madam Mui dancing straight into the center of a large group of enemies and goes for the Over result, looking to kick her Insight on and killing a whole bunch of guys. Sadly, most models only have 1 Over, so you’re looking at a mere 10% chance of triggering this insane destruction.

Ha ha, just kidding, she has an Inspire that gives her Critical Blow(+1), so she’s going to double her chance of scoring that much-sought-after Over result! As you’ve seen by now, the Lotus Warriors are all about getting where they need to go and hitting just what they need to hit, so giving them all an extra 10% Over chance isn’t something to take lightly! Enemies will learn to fear you… Or they’ll be dead… One of the two.

The icing on the Madam Mui cake is her Training, which once again is targeting those tasty tasty Over results by now allowing an additional melee attack to be performed should you score an Over on a target (which, again, her Inspire doubles the chances of in most cases). Combine this with Unleashing the Soul Storm and you can literally have a whirling hurricane of death in the form the ladies of the Lotus School!

Quelle: Wrath of Kings Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Es ist ein Privatvideo von CMON Derek. Unter anderen zeigt der das die WoK Figuren mit Plastik Cement geklebt werden können. So das meine Befürchtungen über das Material nicht eingetroffen sind.
    Auch bemalte Figuren sind zu sehen (Teknes) und er geht auf die Waffen noch einmal ein.
    Ebenfalls zu sehen sind Seite an Seite eine Resin- und Plastik-Figur.

    Ich wünschte es ist September, wobei eher wohl Oktober.

    • Ich kann mich irren, nach einer schnellen Recherche bin ich aber sehr sicher, dass Rubber Cement kein normaler Plastikkleber ist. Das ist im Grunde noch einmal eine Sonderform, die beispielsweise auch bei Zaubertricks eingesetzt wird.

      „Rubber cement is an adhesive made from elastic polymers (typically latex) mixed in a solvent such as acetone, hexane, heptane or toluene to keep them fluid enough to be used. Water-based formulas, often stabilised by ammonia, are also available. This makes it part of the class of drying adhesives: as the solvents quickly evaporate, the „rubber“ portion remains behind, forming a strong, yet flexible bond. “

      Wir reden hier also nicht von normalen Hartplastik, sondern einmal mehr von Restic, was auch die Form der Bauteile absolut deutlich macht. Mit etwas Glück ähneln die Modelle den Warmachine-Restics. Die Details sehen in der Tat besser aus als bei den frühen Mantic-Restics oder gar Sedition Wars, Hartplastik darf mana ber nicht erwarten.

      • Gut zu wissen. Ob man den Rubber Cement auch im Baumarkt bekommt? Funktioniert der auch bei PVC?

        Ich muß aber auch sagen, das mir die Restic-Minis von Mantic gut gefallen haben. Hatte gerade ein paar von Dreadball bekommen.

      • Jopp, aber es ist ein Kleber, der zwar zusammenklebt, aber nicht verschweißt, wie es beispielsweise der Revell-Plastikkleber tut.

        Ich weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht, warum er unbedingt diesen Plastic Cement nutzen will, Sekundenkleber funktioniert bei Restic aller Art genauso gut und wenn man ggf noch irgendwelche Zwischenräume versiegeln möchte, kann man einfach zusätzlich etwas Plastic Putty in die Klebestelle geben.

      • Er will das auch nicht. Ich wollte unter anderen wissen ob es geht.

        So lange es keine kleinen Teile sind habe ich bei Sekundenkleber auch kein Problem. Bei kleineren doch schon mal. Da bricht es leichter weg, als wenn es ‚verschweißt‘ ist.

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