von BK - André | 28.12.2014 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Wild West Exodus: Neue Render

Auf der Facebook Seite von Wild West Exodus gibt es Renderbilder von zwei neuen Miniaturen.


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The next boss in line is someone history buffs will know. Many will wonder how this guy is still alive in the late 1800’s but you’ll have to wait for the fluff on the Golden Army to find out. Get read for a nasty bunch of bandits.

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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! We hope you guys are having a wonderful day and have received all the gifts and wishes you asked for. Over the next 4 days we will be giving you guys the first look at the finished Bosses for the Dark Nation, Watchers, Confederate Rebellion, and the Golden Army. Check back around 6 pm each day to see these great minis. The first up is the completely twisted and transformed Walks Looking. She once battled along size to her brothers and sisters on the Warrior Nation. The corruption has now taken over and she has mutated into a beast leading the evil Dark Nation. She will be a deadly opponent on the battle field in the coming months.

Link: Wild West Exodus auf Facebook

Link: Wild West Exodus

BK - André

Aquen/André, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Seit 2003 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop: Herr der Ringe Aktuelle Projekte: Infinity (Tohaa)

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