von BK-Christian | 26.08.2014 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

White Knight’s Miniatures: Neue Greens

Bei White Knight gibt es zahlreiche neue Greens zu sehen!

Mick Darpa has finished the first of the body dollies, helmet blanks and weapons for my human foot knights. The idea is to have the dollies and bits moulded and then have various different knightly orders and command sets sculpted on them. I will probably also make the body dollies available as such, for converters who want to use plastic arms and heads on them.

These are the first three. There will be more body variants (6 in all) and for those concerned about the first body not having fully armoured legs, there will be a fully armoured variant converted after moulding. The plastic head in the first picture is just there to give an idea of size and may look a bit large (though should look ok when the figure has arms).

White Knight Greens 1 White Knight Greens 2 White Knight Greens 3

The helmets are just blanks at this point. After moulding, these will be decorated with various feathers, plumes and icons to reflect different knightly orders. The first knightly orders will likely reflect the ones I created for my Dwarf knights („vanilla“ Imperial knights, White Boar, Great Bear, Raven & skulls) though others may appear.

White Knight Greens 4

These are some of the weapons that will get used in the various sets. Where possible, I will try to make the weapon hand a separate part, so you can mix and match and aren’t restricted to specific weapon options for specific knightly orders. A simple weapon sprue is also a possibility.

White Knight Greens 5

Schon etwas älter, aber definitiv einen Blick wert: Zombie-Landsknechte!

White Knight Greens 6 White Knight Greens 7 White Knight Greens 8

White Knight Greens 9 White Knight Greens 10

The full set of 5 Renaissance human zombies (3 landsknechts, 1 reiter and 1 gen d’armes) in a shocking display of my increasingly bad photography. Sculpted by the talented Mick Darpa and in the mail to Peter Brown shortly.

Quelle: White Knight’s Miniature Emporium


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Zombie-Landsknechte! Richtig gut. Ich habe mich eh immer gefragt, warum scheinbar nur das Lumpenpack zu Zombies wird 🙂

  • Sehr schöne Minis. Endlich mal wieder was für das von GW geplagte Auge. Zusammen mit Pro Gloria sind das die momentan schönsten Renaissance/Landsknecht-Minis. Um das gleich vorweg zu nehmen: die werden sicherlich kleiner ausfallen als Heroic Scale, oder? ;I)

      • WF sind auch ok, aber irgendwie gefallen mir die Güsse nicht so. Einige Minis finde ich auch echt detailarm, was eventuell an den ausgenudelten Gussformen liegen könnte.

  • Die Zombies erinnern mich angenehm an die alten Mordheim-Zombies (meines Erachtens bis heute die schönsten in der GW-Range !).

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