von Burkhard | 06.10.2014 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Warlord Games: Judge Dredd Infanterie

Bei Warlord Games gibt es nun für das Pulp Spiel Judge Dredd neue Modelle. Genau genommen handelt es sich um blaue Infanteriesoldaten. Aber damit das nicht ganz so verwirrend ist, liefert man bei Warlord Games die Hintergrundstory direkt mit:

Another classic 2000AD story, Rogue Trooper features a titanic clash between the Southers and the Norts, on a once paradise world, Nu-Earth. Years of war and the unrestricted use of chemical and biological weapons has resulted in the landscape being turned into a blighted ruin – but still the armies fight amidst the ruins and poisoned air, each deploying more troops and secret weapons in a bid to win the strategically important planet.


Rogue is a G.I. – a Genetic Infantryman, a genetically modified, blue-skinned, manufactured elite soldier. G.I.s are unique in their ability to survive unprotected in the deadly atmosphere, however after the treacherous ambush of the Quartz Massacre, Rogue is one of only a handful of G.I.s remaining alive.

Dazu gibt es auch gleich ein weiteres Set:

Another classic 2000AD story, Rogue Trooper features a titanic clash between the Southers and the Norts, on a once paradise world, Nu-Earth. Years of war and the unrestricted use of chemical and biological weapons has resulted in the landscape being turned into a blighted ruin – but still the armies fight amidst the ruins and posioned air, each deploying more troops and secret weapons in a bid to win the strategically important planet. G.I.s are unique in their ability to survive unprotected in the deadly atmosphere, however after the treacherous ambush of the Quartz Massacre, Rogue is one of only a handful of G.I.s remaining alive.


Beide Sets enthalten jeweils drei Metallfiguren und kosten euch 12 Pfund.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Brückenkopf-Maskottchen, Todesrennen-Rennleiter und Aushilfsbespaßer. Im Zweifelsfall mit irgendeinem Diorama beschäftigt.

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