von BK-Christian | 27.12.2014 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Torn Armor: Update und Bilder

Bei Torn Armor gibt es mal wieder ein Update!

Hi Torn Armor Backers,

Well, I really could not let Christmas come and go without posting something, could I?

To begin with: I truly wish you, your loved ones, and your family a very happy Holiday period and an absolutely fantastic New Year.

I also have a little „miniatures news“ in:

Tim has been working with Reaper Miniatures to refine models according to their molding and production process. Earlier this year we did a test run of two 3d prints, and while they printed just fine and dandy, some adjustments were needed. Tim has applied the results of this test to all of the models shown below, which I believe puts us in good shape for a reprint and another test.

The plan is to mold them up and do a test production run … so I don’t know about you, but I think 2015 is going to start off on a lovely bounce forwards.

So without further ado, let me show you the tweaked masters (some of these may not look very different from the originals, but you’ll notice a general thickening up of pieces):

Torn Armor Miniaturen Preview 1 Torn Armor Miniaturen Preview 2 Torn Armor Miniaturen Preview 3 Torn Armor Miniaturen Preview 4

Torn Armor Miniaturen Preview 5 Torn Armor Miniaturen Preview 6 Torn Armor Miniaturen Preview 7 Torn Armor Miniaturen Preview 8

Torn Armor Miniaturen Preview 9 Torn Armor Miniaturen Preview 10 Torn Armor Miniaturen Preview 11 Torn Armor Miniaturen Preview 12

Talking of Minotaurs … 🙂 The brother is coming for this piece, as is – of course – the Javelineer and hoplite. The hoplite, by the way, has had a lot of detail added, so I think you’re going to love him.

As always, I want to thank you for your backing and patience (plus your ongoing candor and honestly), Reaper Miniatures for being so supportive, and Tim for his patience through this entire process.

We are still shipping out to some countries and backers, I have a box of terrain pieces here, and of course there’s the dragon … absolutely nothing will be forgotten about 🙂

Thank you again Torn Armor backers. Have an absolutely magnificent Holiday.

~ Natalya

QUelle: Torn Armor Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • es ist so schade das dieses Projekt (auch durch Missmanagment) so unter die Räder gekommen ist- bis jetzt ist in EU nicht mal die abgespeckte Version angekommen

    • Naja, da sind ja auch andere, vermeintlich besser gemanagte Projekte wie z.B. Kingdom Death noch mehr im Verzug. Immer blöd, aber im großen und ganzen fällt Torn Armour gar nicht so aus dem Durchschnitt.

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