von BK-Nils | 17.11.2014 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Terrain / Gelände

The Ion Age: Gebäude

Von The Ion Age kommen weitere SciFi- Gebäude im 15MM Maßstab.

The Ion Age_Habitation Complex Preview 1

Early on in the initial expansion of Humanity back to the stars within the Prydian Precinct it was noted that although large cities could be built given time in the short term a need was logged for structures which could cope with variable terrain and planetary conditions. Designing such structures was beyond the abilities of all but the core systems who turned to the pioneers who created the ubiquitous Rubbacrete and Golglass. These pioneers created materials which revolutionised construction and brought about massive improvement in lives all across the Precinct; The Seorc Compono Guild.

Seorc Compono Guild (SCG) brought their finest minds to focus on the challenge and created one of the miracles of the century the Habitation Dome Riser System (HDRS). The HDRS would be standardised and shipped aboard vessels heading off world anywhere in the Precinct where they could quickly accommodate a sizeable population. It would be more than housing though as the HDRS featured additional modules which could expand the living area and turret or assembly mounts for specialised purposes. These purposes varied but typically they included self defence, fortification, repulsar platform landing pads, spire communications, hurwent shielding and power generation. Added to this was a capacity for landing aircraft such as the Skylark and hardpoints that would act as fortifications. These allowed corrals to be planned for protecting ground vehicles such as the Adder and Mullo series. A larger and stronger built command dome was fabricated to act as a centre point in the larger HDRS settlements from where all activities could be directed. Alongside this were a series of separate spires each with a purpose such as fabrication or power generation that could be dropped easily alongside HDRS modules.

The HRDS can be found on more than fifty planets and countless vacuum environments (it is a pressurised structure system) and is utilised by everyone from the Prydian Army to the lowest of the Marcher Barons and civilian authorities too. Single Hab Domes to small groups and hard points right up a city of a hundred thousand people all in HRDS towers. These larger settlements make great use of connecting corridors which can allow easy access to each point in the settlement without having to venture outside. In some locales they never got around to replacing them before the Civil War began. Camarthan Prime was one of those places.

Quincy Portent, SGC New Glastonbury, 4330IC

IAF061 Command Dome

The Ion Age_Habitation Complex Preview 2

The Command Dome is a mighty structure which forms the centre of any Habitation Complex in your collection. Made to withstand any but the strongest of attacks the command dome highly detailed and has three pressure doors and three blank connector points as well as a standard top mount point on its roof. It measures 90mm across and is 45mm tall. It is fully integrated with the IAF015 Hab Dome and the IAF040 Block House as well as any other IAF044 codes. High quality one piece grey tone resin. Suitable for use in any 15mm scale science fiction wargaming setting.

Preis: 12,00 GBP

IAF043 Power Spire

The Ion Age_Habitation Complex Preview 3

During battle and for settlements and complexes Power Spires are left or dropped into place by military of civilian authorities. Their task is the generation of energy to run systems around them. This can be anything from buildings to vehicles to weapons and powered armour. The possession of these spires in battle is a goal for all forces as they assure the supply of energy. The Power Spire stands 30mm tall and 25mm wide and has a request console on its front for data input. It is a one piece high quality grey tone resin casting.

Preis: 2,50 GBP

IAF044A Straight Connectors (4 Pack)

The Ion Age_Habitation Complex Preview 4

The core piece of the connector set for the Habitation Complex this length of connector is highly detailed and made to fit onto the standard blank door connector plate on the IAF015 Hab Dome and the IAF040 Block House as well as any other IAF044 and IAF061 codes. It measures 30mm long and is 25mm tall with four identical pieces in the pack. High quality grey tone resin. All interchangeable and with all endless complex assembly opportunities. Suitable for use in any 15mm scale science fiction wargaming setting.

Preis: 7,00 GBP

IAF044B Double Length Straight Connectors (2 Pack)

The Ion Age_Habitation Complex Preview 5

An extended length version of the core piece of the connector set for the Habitation Complex this length of connector is highly detailed and made to fit onto the standard blank door connector plate on the IAF015 Hab Dome and the IAF040 Block House as well as any other IAF044 and IAF061 codes. It measures 60mm long and is 25mm tall with two identical pieces in the pack. High quality grey tone resin. All interchangeable and with all endless complex assembly opportunities. Suitable for use in any 15mm scale science fiction wargaming setting.

Preis: 7,00 GBP

IAF044C Corner Connectors (2 Pack)

The Ion Age_Habitation Complex Preview 6

A corner connector piece for the Habitation Complex this ninety degree bend length of connector is highly detailed and made to fit onto the standard blank door connector plate on the IAF015 Hab Dome and the IAF040 Block House as well as any other IAF044 and IAF061 codes. It measures 45mm across and is 25mm tall with two identical pieces in the pack. High quality grey tone resin. All interchangeable and with all endless complex assembly opportunities. Suitable for use in any 15mm scale science fiction wargaming setting.

Preis: 7,00 GBP

IAF044D Three Way Connectors (2 Pack)

The Ion Age_Habitation Complex Preview 7

A three way connector piece for the Habitation Complex this central axis for connectors is highly detailed and made to fit onto the standard blank door connector plate on the IAF015 Hab Dome and the IAF040 Block House as well as any other IAF044 and IAF061 codes. It measures 60mm across and is 25mm tall with two identical pieces in the pack. High quality grey tone resin. All interchangeable and with all endless complex assembly opportunities. Suitable for use in any 15mm scale science fiction wargaming setting.

Preis: 7.00 GBP

IAF044E Four Way Crossroad Connector

The Ion Age_Habitation Complex Preview 8

This is a four way crossroads connector piece for the Habitation Complex this junction piece for connectors is highly detailed and made to fit onto the standard blank door connector plate on the IAF015 Hab Dome and the IAF040 Block House as well as any other IAF044 and IAF061 codes. It measures 60mm across, 60mm deep and is 25mm tall with one piece in the pack. High quality grey tone resin. All interchangeable and with all endless complex assembly opportunities. Suitable for use in any 15mm scale science fiction wargaming setting.

Preis: 7,00 GBP

IAF044F T Junction Connectors (2 Pack)

The Ion Age_Habitation Complex Preview 9

An extended length version of the core piece with one branching tunnel of the connector set for the Habitation Complex this length of connector is highly detailed and made to fit onto the standard blank door connector plate on the IAF015 Hab Dome and the IAF040 Block House as well as any other IAF044 and IAF061 codes. It measures 60mm long, 40mm deep and is 25mm tall with two identical pieces in the pack. High quality grey tone resin. All interchangeable and with all endless complex assembly opportunities. Suitable for use in any 15mm scale science fiction wargaming setting.

Preis: 7,00 GBP

IAF044G Pressure Door End Connectors (4 Pack)


When you reach the end of your connector corridors and you want access to the outside world you use a Pressure Door End Connector. Highly detailed and made to fit onto the standard blank door connector plate on the other IAF044 codes. It measures 30mm wide and is 30mm tall with four identical pieces in the pack. High quality grey tone resin. All interchangeable and with all endless complex assembly opportunities. Can also be used on its own. Suitable for use in any 15mm scale science fiction wargaming setting.

Preis: 5,00 GBP

IAF044H Turret Connectors (2 Pack)

The Ion Age_Habitation Complex Preview 11

Give your connector corridors and Habitation Complex sets some firepower. This end piece of connector has a turret mount which will fit any of our IAF015 weapons such as the sentry gun, the missile pod and the flak cannon. Supplied with missile pod. These pieces are highly detailed and made to fit onto the standard blank door connector plate on the IAF015 Hab Dome and the IAF040 Block House as well as any other IAF044 and IAF061 codes. It measures 30mm across and is 30mm tall (without weapon added) with two four pieces in the pack (two turret connectors and two missile pods). High quality grey tone resin. All interchangeable and with all endless complex assembly opportunities. Suitable for use in any 15mm scale science fiction wargaming setting.

Preis: 7,00 GBP

IAF044I Hab Wall Connector Adaptors (6 Pack)

The Ion Age_Habitation Complex Preview 12

These great little pieces fill a very specialised roll in your Habitation Complex set ups. They have one blank side for attaching to the standard door connector plate for all IAF044, IAF015, IAF040 and IAF061 codes while the other shaped side had the indentation of an IAF015 Hab Dome wall meaning you can attach it between the supports of the Hab Dome for more corridor opportunities. It measures 25mm tall and is 3-5mm thick.

Preis: 5,00 GBP

Link: The Ion Age


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Cool.
    Aber im Moment fällt mir kein Si-Fi Tabletop auf 15mm Basis ein.

    Was für welche gibt es da?

    Gruß Kiwi

    • Ok…
      Ion Age (hätte ich mir ja denken können)
      Dachte am Anfang es währe ein reiner Gelände Hersteller.

      Gibt es aber noch andere Systeme?

      • Hersteller gibt es wohl einige für 15 mm SciFi Minis, davon auch einige 40k angehauchte. Allerdings sind die bei uns weitgehend unbekannt, was vor allem an der mangelnden Verbreitung der Regelwerke liegt. Es braucht wohl erst einen Hersteller, der richtig Geld in die Hand nimmt, um so etwas größer aufzuziehen.

        Allerdings sind ja momentan die 10 mm Sci Fi Tabletops mit Dropzone Commander und Planetfall wohl angesagter.

      • Nur in Europa,

        die Amies scheinen 15mm immer noch zu bevorzugen.

        Und soviele 10mm Systeme gibt es gar nicht mir würden nur DZC, Planet Fall und Heavy Gear einfallen, und grade mal letzteres stammt aus den US von A.

        Während es da drüben 15mm und 6mm Hersteller wie Sand am Mehr gibt und auch massig Regelwerke, von denen Gruntz das ist das mich bisher am meisten überzeugt hat, da es Spaß macht ohne an Tiefe zu verlieren und mich jede Mini spielen läßt die passt vom Not Me bis Gozilla geht a alles.

      • Das Problem bei 15mm allerdings ist oft, dass Regelwerk und Minis nicht aus einer Hand sind, was immer mal wieder zu Lücken im Miniangebot führt. Weiterhin sind die meisten 15mm-Anbieter eher Garagenfirmen, was den ständigen Nachschub an Material regelmäßig zum Stocken bringt.

      • Der Vorteil von 15mm ist aber, das Regelwerk und Figuren oft nicht aus einer Hand sind. Das bedeutet man kann die Figuren nehmen die einem gefallen. Weiterhin sind viele 15mm-Anbieter eher Garagenfirmen die noch mit Herzblut dabei sind und nicht nur das große Geld sehen

  • Schickes 15 mm SciFi Gelände. Allerdings erscheint es mir persönlich etwas teuer. Eventuell fehlt auch nur ein vernünftiger Größenvergleich und die Dinger sind größer als von mir gedacht.

  • Gibt da noch Tomorrow’s War von Osprey / Slitherine, quasi die Sci-Fi Variante von Force on Force.

    Bei IonAge wollte ich eigentlich schon länger was bestellt haben, aber deren leicht gehobene Preise + Porto haben mich bisher geblockt.

  • Die sehen toll aus. Von der Grösse her erinnert mich 15 mm immer an so klassische Aufbaustrategie-Computerspiele.

  • Die Gebäude von denen sind im Gegensatz zu den (meisten) Figuren und Fahrzeugen ziemlich gut gelungen. Nachdem Critical Mass keine Gebäude mehr verkauft, sind die sicherlich eine lohnende Alternative.

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