von Burkhard | 03.10.2014 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Statuesque Miniatures: Neue Modelle

Wirklich schöne Gangstermodelle gibt es nun bei Statuesque Miniatures zum vorbestellen.

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Statuesque Miniatures and Pulp Alley are pleased to announce we are taking Pre-Orders for our next Pulp Alley figures: DA Denton and Red Queen. DA Denton and Red Queen are available at a Pre-Order price of only £6 for the pair, saving 20%!
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Two new characters from Statuesque Asylum are also now available for Pre-Order: Doctor Strukov and Sister Anaesthesia. Doctor Strukov and Sister Anaesthesia are available at a Pre-Order price of only £6 for the pair, saving 20%.

Each figure is also available with a unique Pulp Alley character card for use in your Pulp Alley games. These figures are available from both Statuesque Miniatures in Europe and Pulp Alley in the USA.

All offers will run until 15th  of October 2014. Please note that any orders containing a pre-order item will not be posted before the 15th of October.

Quelle: Statuesque Miniatures


Brückenkopf-Maskottchen, Todesrennen-Rennleiter und Aushilfsbespaßer. Im Zweifelsfall mit irgendeinem Diorama beschäftigt.

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  • Sehr schick.
    Eine Miniaturenschmiede, die man auf jeden Fall immer wieder im Auge behalten sollte. Schöne Nischenprodukte (zB Frauenköpfe in Heroic Scale) und ich bin gespannt, was sie noch so in ihrer Fantasyrange rausbringen.

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