von BK - André | 08.09.2014 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Shieldwolf Miniatures: Diverse Neuheiten

Shieldwolf Miniatures hat eine große Menge an neuen Bildern parat, die wir Euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten wollen.

Den Anfang machen die neuen Echsenmodelle:

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Dracantropii Kingdoms: We have already made new bases available. Their Light Dracantropii Infantry regiment is practically ready -but same goes here as for the Infernal Assaulters regiment, we have frozen this in order to favor full plastic sprue tooling via Renedra (our UK manufacturer for our plastics)-. If things do not work out and we pot these in production, these guys will be packaged in our orange plastic boxes once cast in resin (for those who are not familiar we at Shieldwolf refuse to work with metal since we consider it a worse and outdated material to work with, penalising the details of a sculpt).

The Light Dracantropii Infantry regiment can be ready and in stock via our website in about 1 month time should we decide to go via resin production. They come with 25 mm square bases and (as all our regiments) in packs of 20 with full command options and tons of convertibility.

Bei den Elfen sind die Arbeiten noch nicht soweit vorgestoßen. Allerdings gibt es auch hier Bilder:

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Elves: We have them long now in the pipeline, we have plenty of superb artwork and 3D sculpts but nothing to be produced in the very near future. 2015 is more probable/doable. This is a sample of what our first regiment will look like, the Elven Oak Order. Some characteristics will be slightly altered in order to fit our 28mm „bulky“ scale but that’s relatively easy since the sculpts are in 3D.
Also, we noticed that there are extremely few products available that have Elves with bare heads (without hoods/helmets), and we find this a shame for the „pointy ears“ of our World, we love those ears! We will try (and it shows from our initial efforts at least) to leave the most basic characteristic of this race more… evident.

Hope you like them as much as we do!

Auch bei Menschen und Untoten geht es voran:


The 7th of September has arrived and (as promised) we are releasing today a rather pic-heavy report on our plans and work so far. So let’s not waste any time and get started!

Undead: We are sculpting a couple of heroes to enrich their ranks since these guys don’t have any (yet), if the final results should turn up as we like, these should hit our store before X-mas 2014.

Kingdom of Talliareum (Humans): We are preparing something really nasty, once it hits you can tell us yourselves whether you like it or not. In the meanwhile all pieces for their dual regiment are finished and tested, but Shieldwolf has decided to try launching full plastic for all our future regiments, so they are on hold for now. 

Am weitesten dürften wohl das neue Modell der Araves sein:

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Araves: We have already showed some sculpts ready for regiment tooling, should we decide to abbandon plastic sprue-tooling (which is not our intention at the moment, quite the opposite) we have 3 regiments and a couple of Characters ready for immediate production. Two of our regiments come supplied with 20mm square bases and one regiment comes in 25x50mm bases.

In the meanwhile we are preparing something else too for the Lords of the Sand Lands. 

Bei der Northern Alliance reicht es aktuell leider nur für eine Konzeptskizze:


Northern Alliance: We’ve been messaged before from people wanting to field an entire barbarian army at this scale (and us being the only ones producing one), so we are currently working on releasing even more stuff to enrich their ranks.
As always innovation is something we are constantly working on, imagining these miniatures and bringing them to life! This is the Grand Yeti one of the „Greater Monsters“ categories we have, should be carrying 4 light barbarian infantry atop once completed.

Den Abschluss bilden die Modelle für das Kingdom of Hell:

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Kingdom of Hell: We finished working on their first regiment (Infernal Assaulters Infantry) and have designed the concept artwork for 2 more heroes, one on a 25mm base and one on a 50mm base. As with all regiments this too may be destined for plastic sprue tooling (should our plans work out), so is on hold. If it does go for plastic production, it will need some re-sculpting as pieces are not eligible for the tooling process it needs. Final miniatures will stay very close to what we are revealing today however.
If our plan for going full plastic sprues fail us, these twisted guys will be massed produced in our -notorious by now- orange utility boxes and can easily hit our store in less than 1 month time! They come with 25 mm square bases and (as all our regiments) come with huge choice of convertibility and in packs of 20 with full command options.

Wer noch weitere Bilder sehen möchte, dem sei die Facebook Seite von Shieldwolf Miniatures ans Herz gelegt (siehe Link unten).

Link: Shieldwolf Miniatures auf Facebook

BK - André

Aquen/André, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Seit 2003 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop: Herr der Ringe Aktuelle Projekte: Infinity (Tohaa)

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  • ist euch da vielleicht etwas bei der beschriftung durcheinander gegangen? die untoten scheinen mir teil des imperiums der menschen zu sein… 🙂

    eher durchmischte gefühle bei dem was man gezeigt bekommt. die qualität scheint weiter hinter den zuvorveröffentlichten dingen, die ich mal noch im mittelfeld sehen würde, angesiedelt zu sein… schade.

  • Ach ich find das gezeigte bisher gar nicht übel. Hege große Hoffnungen für Elfen und Menschen, nur die Echsen find ich ein wenig gruselig – ist aber auch eine sehr statische Pose, das mag in der fertigen Einheit noch anders aussehen.

  • Das einzig brauchbare sind für mich die Render. Das wirklich modellierte überzeugt mich alles nicht. Die Anatomie der Echsen ist furchtbar.

  • Wenn die Preis-Leistung wie bei den Orks ist bin ich schon zufrieden. Menschen und Elfen gefallen mir soweit ganz gut, aber bei den Echsen bin ich auch skeptisch, vllt. sieht das mit Bemalung anders aus, aber die wirken doch sehr ‚einfach‘.

  • Mir persönlich gefällt die Entwicklung von Shieldwolf Miniatures sehr gut. Die Minis find ich zum Großteil stimmig und die Qualität ist gut. Wenn es gut läuft könnten sie vielleicht eine gute Konkurrenz zu Mantic und Games Workshop werden, da sich ihre Miniaturen ja auch im Stil unterscheiden.

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